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  1. Zookie400

    Announcement New Jersey Xtreme Off-Road Racing

    here is some in truck footage of my first time out in the #128 Gagnon Electric v8 ford baja truck. YouTube - NJXOR #128 race truck - take a ride with us! the final round of NJXOR will be september 26+27 (trucks saturday, quads running sunday) at new egypt speedway in NJ. this is a great...
  2. Zookie400

    i had a productive sick day

    YouTube - f-250 351W rev there is still a lot of wiring left to be done in the cab. also the exhaust is 3/4 done just needs a few finishing touches. then its just brake lines and alignment...........and i suppose the dreaded "work out the bugs" stage begins. lets hope there arent any/many. :D
  3. Zookie400

    Hey dogman

    i tried to reply to your PM but it said i cant send to you. im not worthy :hail:notworthy :lmao
  4. Zookie400

    hey speeder, what you know about this???

    YouTube - Union Pacific Big Boy Collection where can i see one of these today?
  5. Zookie400

    holiday gathering of diesel enthusiasts...

    -popcorn:hmm:bbq:hungry any ideas? derby boys have anything going on that we could supplement?
  6. Zookie400

    Powder coating!!!!!!

    my brother and i got our powdercoating oven, gun, and an assortment of other required bs today! the oven is roughly 3' x 3' x 6' , big enough to do the quad frames :D im very excited, cant wait to experiment with colors and make some cool combos. this will save us a lot of money on our own...
  7. Zookie400

    APPLE SCRATTER (grinder)

    so i started to build my hydrogen generator, but i only had 3 metal blades for the saw and stainless steel made short work of smoking them. so......i moved onto project number II............... the apple scratter, so i can make some cider, hard cider, and apple jack. this project is also...
  8. Zookie400

    Announcement my wife.....

    PASSED THE BAR EXAM!!!!! she passed it on the first try! :clap: this is a huge relief for her (and me!) as she took it back in May, its been a long wait to hear if she passed. now her arm needs to heal up so she can apply/get in to the FBI and recoup some of this law school tuition :doh:
  9. Zookie400

    take this job and shove it! im looking for a new career!

    i am getting more annoyed, sick 'n' tired, p-o'd, at the whole commercial diesel world, and my job is no longer fun for me. the pay isnt enough to cover the headaches and high blood pressure caused by the f-word a-word new boss. also, the new emmision standards, and extremely complex multiplexed...
  10. Zookie400

    for all you pitbull lovers in CT

    POSSIBLE BAN OF PITBULLS i know a few people who are going, im not sure if i will be able to make it but im going to try.
  11. Zookie400

    Nice job!!!

    i have noticed a few times the site was down, and i have been seeing the imporvements, added features, and now i see my home page is back!!!!!! this site rocks, thanks for all your hard work! :clap:
  12. Zookie400

    Help Needed need guage connector pin assignments/wiring diag.

    trying to get my brothers truck finished, but i need the pin outs for the guage cluster - 1988 f250 gasser, no tach. in the cluster.
  13. Zookie400

    Help Needed power door locks went crazy today...

    i walked out to the truck this morning, hit the unlock button on the fob, and the locks just went crazy. they kept locking repeatedly, and it sounded like they were locking with half power, because it wasnt the normal *SLAM* but more of a slow half speed *clunk*, that just kept clunking...
  14. Zookie400


    will be making a road trip this sunday from CT to Ohio. we are just jumping into OH from PA, not really going into the state very far. is there any good places to eat, or anything else i should know about? never traveled in that direction before. we are going out to pick up a new race machine...
  15. Zookie400


    i will be amazed if i dont get struck by lightning tonight....whats up with all these nasty storms this summer? i reeeealy need a shower, but i dont dare get anywhere near the plumbing the way the sky is flashing out there! smelly i remain :D i didnt get a cover for my bike, so i went out...
  16. Zookie400

    SMART CAR's are pretty tough...

    at work we were talking about how a smart car (and other cars too) would be suicide to drive on any highway in CT (for those who have never been, CT is a 24-7 formula 1 race) after seeing a bunch of trucks towed in after a pileup. then i found this, and a few other pics on the web..... SMART...
  17. Zookie400

    hey KEITH...

    Let us all know whats going on with the ex, maybe some of us can help you swap trannies one day if you need. how does it feel to be back in the bronco? :D
  18. Zookie400


    well boys, the rain made my camera :dizzyFREAK:dizzy so the last smoke filled portion of the day i was unable to capture (:censored:f'ing electronics and water....). i did manage to get a few chunks of it, shane put on a nice show for the camera that i was able to get MOST of. here is the...
  19. Zookie400


    will we see a triple crown winner??? i dont think he is anything special, by any stretch of the imagination, but the rest of the field is nothing to write home about so i think Big Brown might pull it off. I dont enjoy that they are running 3 year olds(at all) in 3 big races only a few weeks...
  20. Zookie400

    Club Event what did i miss???

    sorry, couldnt make it out to the meet today. had to go to the wifes UCONN LAW graduation :sweet we have a race next weekend, not sure whats in the plans after that.....
  21. Zookie400

    USA residents: should we switch? (survey, just for fun)

    do you prefer metric system, or SAE? this is for everything, not just nuts and bolts. this was sparked by a lunchroom conversation with an english gent, making fun of our "MPG's". he had a prius and we had asked him what he was getting for mileage. he said some number of km/liter....had us all...
  22. Zookie400

    MY NEW BIKE....

    i have this disease that doesnt allow me to leave well enough alone. its becoming a huge problem. that beaing said, my new bike is going to be a bobber. i already chopped the rear springs down 2", threw out a barrel full of plastic BS parts, have harley sportser pipes coming, as well as pod...
  23. Zookie400

    somebody tell john.....

    the wife found a mustang for him, if he is still looking. i know he isnt on the puter so if one of you hamden guys could tell him... its a black '89 GT 5 speed, charcoal gray interior, with 40k miles and is supposedly in GREAT condition. they hadnt named a price yet. like i said, if...
  24. Zookie400


    here is just a few poorly focused "teaser" pics of my quad. just finished it tonight. tomorrow we put the plastics back on my brothers machine, and saturday/sunday is race time! ill get some much better pics of the new graphics up at the races and post them.
  25. Zookie400



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