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  1. drmjf

    Question 6.0 glowplug harness?

    My nephews 05 f250 went to the dealer to check out a check engine light on. They found the following codes: p0261, p0611,& p0674. Has anyone run into this problem?:dunno
  2. drmjf

    Question 4X4 low won't engage.

    I have a problem when I turn the selector switch to 4x4 low, no light and no engagement. Any ideas where to start?? :dunno The truck is an early 99.
  3. drmjf

    Help Needed Rattle under light load & idle

    My truck is making a rattling noise... Yes I know it's a diesel. It seems to be getting louder now that cold weather has hit in CA. OK not COLD but cold for here. It goes away under heavy acceleration and very light throttle. Any Ideas?? Thanks for the help in advance. Mike :dunno
  4. drmjf

    Question Are there any ham radio buffs on SDD?

    I just received my general ham licence about a month ago. I am still looking for a good radio. I was wondering if anyone here is also a ham? :tech
  5. drmjf

    Question Any one used or heard of sniper tuning special forces?

    Has any one heard of or used the sniper tuning special forces interface?:confused:
  6. drmjf

    Dynatrac Free spin wheel bearing kit

    Just finished replacing my 99's front wheel bearing hubs with Dynatrac free spin hub kit. To soon to tell if milage is better, but the truck rolls faster down hill. :sweet Dynatrac
  7. drmjf

    Hooking up brake controler

    I have a 99 f250 crew cab I want to hookup a brake controler the wires run to the back of the truck for the 7 pin setup. they are tagged as trailer wire. I don't have the plug under the dash that everyone talks about. I just have bare wire coming from the harness. Any one ...... help?
  8. drmjf

    Anyone ever use a "kats" magnetic block heater??

    I opened my e-mail today and found in the CSKproshop winter catalog, a kats magnetic block heater. It 300 watts and suposed to stick to the block. :dunno Has anyone heard of this? It's cold here in the San Francisco bay area. My truck came from Florida so no block heater. Thanks for the...
  9. drmjf

    Sniper program? anyone tried it?

    I have seen the sniper program. It sound good. It allows for user changes by laptop or desktop on an OBDII plug-in. Anyone tried it yet?

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