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  1. hammer450r

    Headlights pulsing

    Hey everyone last night i had my truck out and i noticed when putting around town my lights were dimming. Almost at the speed of a blinker. Im guessing voltage regulator but arent they inside the alt? Thanks guys Happy Holidays
  2. hammer450r

    XTREME TRUCKING!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Come join its free its Trukz - A Trucking Simulation Game once in the game join our company XTREME TRUCKING we need good steady people that have 5 min a day to get addicted to a cool sim type game
  3. hammer450r

    Very cool game

    "FLIP MY RIG " in effect if you join our company - Free Forum Hosting Join XTREME trucking in the game This game is only 9 months old and growing like crazy. SIGN UP TO THE FORUM AND ILL GET YOU IN A NEW TRUCK QUIK. When you sign up give a shout to...
  4. hammer450r

    got my report on my oil

    It says high on Iron. Average is 17 mine was at 40. Is it something to be concerned about?
  5. hammer450r

    Flashing OD light, no AC, no Turn signals AHHH

    I checked every fuse on the truck, #24 fuse is for AC clutch, turn signals but the fuse is fine and there is power to the fuse. Any ideas where to go to next? thanks
  6. hammer450r

    truck not running right help

    Seems that when im entering a highway, just about when shes going to overdrive the truck kinda shudders and the turbo squeels. The almost all loss of power for the second is accompanied by a squeel from the turbo.
  7. hammer450r

    Fifth wheel trailer with lift kit

    Can i tow a fifth wheel with 6.5 inch lift with 38"? And can i tow a 13,000 pound fifth wheel?
  8. hammer450r

    Cruise control dont work, air bag light on

    Been this way since i bought it, Is there something in the steering wheel?
  9. hammer450r

    Very rough idle help please!!!!!!!!!!

    Started my truck up and it started fine then just died. Wouldnt restart so i turned key off and back on again and it started but sounds horrible, much louder diesel sound and it doesnt react much to giving it gas. Help please:wave
  10. hammer450r

    Amp and Sub install??

    Looking for ideas on where to mount and run everything. All ideas welcome
  11. hammer450r

    Fresh wash pics

    I hope it works
  12. hammer450r

    front license plate??

    I bought a truck in a state where there is no plate on the front and i Live in a two plate state. Does anybody know of a bracket that bolts to the underside of the bumper? Does anybody have any pics of where the plate is located and maybe i could make it? Thanks
  13. hammer450r

    Just bought 2000 7.3 how do i drain water

    What are some things i should do maintenance wise, Thanks

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