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    Front seat head rest removal?

    So, I bought a set of seat covers yesterday and I'm trying to install them this morning. Surprise, surprise!! The head rests won't come out. I tried pushing the little button and pulling up hard, No good. I look for a little clip or some other retaining device. Nothing. I did a Google search...
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    Wiring and electrical help.

    A couple years ago I removed the bed from my truck and replaced it with a wooden one. As this was only supposed to be temporary, I wired in some cheap trailer lights (1157 bulbs). Unfortunately this modification has become permanent. Wanting a better set up, I recently re-wired everything...
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    6 spd clutch question?

    Looks like I'll be replacing my clutch. Anyone have any experience with New Generation clutches? Amazon has one for $334 but I've never heard of them before.:dunno New Generation 07-113-SR300 Premium Clutch Kit: Automotive What do you think?
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    Anyone know where I can get one of these...?

    'Bout a year and a half ago I had the body shop at the local tech school remove the bed from my truck for rust repairs. Long story short, they didn't do what I asked them to do and when I called them on it, they pretty much refused to finish the job to my specs. Rather than put a rusty bed...
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    Oil gurus - a question

    As some of you may or may not have read in my thread on manual hubs, I found the pinion nut on my rear axle (Dana 80) was loose and had ruined the seal. After repairs were completed I put in the appropriate friction modifier and topped up the diff. with 75W-140 syn. gear lube (took over a qt.)...
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    HELP - Need a little hub advice

    Took my factory hubs apart today for cleaning and lubrication. What I found was bits and pieces of broken gears. I can't get new hubs (Milemarker) for several days and I need to drive my truck to work. Can I put the hub body back in place minus the internals and drive my truck without causing...
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    Help Needed Steering wander

    Lately I've been getting some weird wandering problems in the front end of my truck, but nothing like this morning. It's all over the road!:eek: Nearly impossible to keep in a straight line. I can feel resistance in the steering wheel and when I try to correct it the truck goes flying off in the...
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    Question: Truck lost power

    I had a strange thing happen yesterday. I was headed for town around 9 am, about 10 miles from home and the truck was fully warmed up. Temp was in the 20's and sunny. I came to a small incline when I just lost power. Engine was still running and I was in 6th gear. I stomped my foot to the floor...
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    Blue smoke on start up

    Hey all, It's getting cold here in the northeast and lately I've noticed blue smoke when I start up. The colder it is the more the smoke. A couple days ago it was in the low teens. I'm surprised the fire dept. didn't show up thinking the house was on fire. Strange thing is, I checked the oil...
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    Rotella T 5W-40 price?

    :rantJust went to Wally World today for some Rotella 5W-40 Syn. $22.00 A GALLON!!! WTF!!! $ 7.00 increase since the last time I bought some. What possible justification would they have for that?:rant Howard
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    2008 F150 mirros on a super duty

    Anybody know whether or not mirrors from a 2008 F-150 will fit a 2000 Super Duty?:dunno Howard
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    Vacuum pump ???

    I had my truck in to the local Ford garage the other day for brake work. The service manager called when it was done and told me I needed a new "vacuum pump". He explained to me that was the reason my steering wheel was so hard to turn when the engine was at low RPM's and/or I had my foot on the...
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    HELP!! 7.3l running rough/no power

    Drove my truck to work this morning and everything was good. Started truck 12 hours later and it started fine but then began running rough, like it was missing on one cylinder. Tried to drive it and it stalled. When I restarted it, the check engine light came on and it ran rough with...
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    Aluminium Diff Cover

    Last summer I bought one of those finned aluminium covers from Ford for my rear differential and installed it with Allen head bolts. On December 3rd I wrecked my truck. It's totaled.:( I'm currently looking to replace it with another 2000 F-350, but this one's a duelly. Will the aluminium cover...
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    Turning off back up lights

    One night about a week ago, I was trying to back up my camper in the dark. Needless to say, as soon as the back up lights on my truck came on, I couldn't see spit because of the glare. I'm sure I'm not the only one that's experienced this problem. Anyone have any suggestions on the best way to...
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    Hi, from the noob

    Just wanted to say "HI" and introduce myself. My names Howard and I've been lurking around here for awhile. I've been a member for some time on a couple of the other diesel sites, so I decided to register here and join in on the fun

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