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  1. B

    Still smokin'

    So i did head studs, egr and oil cooler and I still have white smoke. Here is the deal. When the engine is cold there is no smoke at all. Once the engine has some time to warm up, usually a couple minutes, it will puff some white smoke. This only happens when I start from a dead stop. The...
  2. B

    Shucks! It wont start.

    Well the head gaskets, studs, oil cooler, EGR cooler, coolant filter and coolant filter are in. Finally! But it won't start. I know there is a ton of cranking that must be done to get the high pressure oil system all charged up but it looks like the batteries are too low. It cranks at about...
  3. B

    Bullet Proofing my 6.0!!!

    It's been a few years since I have posted to the forum and I have been lurking off and on for a while but I felt like posting about what's going on around here. So after a few years of light smoke and now a big ol' puff when I start moving from a dead start I decided it was time to do...
  4. B

    '08 6.4 no start

    Change oil, filters and fuel filters in an '08 f450. We have the wrench and the oil symbol flashing. It will start after three tries but will quit in 10 seconds. We purged the fuel from the schrader valve and got the air out but still not staying running. There was quite a large amount of...
  5. B

    ScanTool question

    Can you run diagnostic tests with this or just monitor stuff? Just wondering if I will have the same abilities as the dealer when it comes to troubleshooting things just in case I got it and wanted to follow some procedures in TSBs.
  6. B

    I don't want to believe it yet!

    So here is another 6.0 going to crap. I've done alot of digging but haven't found anything that matched what I've got to the T. So here it is. I pay way to much attention to my engine at all times. So naturally, I noticed that it didn't really want to stay at a constant idle about two...
  7. B

    mystery oil smoke

    I know its been a while since I've been around but this new hotness is driving me for some suggestions. I've had some oil seepage from somewhere at the back of the engine for most of the time I've had the truck. It flows down around the bell housing. It's not enough to drip into the...
  8. B

    If you are stupid...

    this could happen. Well, you're at least smarter than this guy for not driving a Dodge. How Not To Use The Drive Through ATM Video
  9. B

    Guess what...

    Its been a while since I've been here so I thought I'd let you in on a little secret. Here is a little background. I bought a 1993 Saturn SL1 for $700 the other day and did a little work to it to get it in tip top shape. This thing is going to save me some cash for sure. Anyway, I pulled the...
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    I found out why my diesel source went from $3.75 to $4.68 two weeks ago. Yeah, I was luck for a while but, as I feared, it ran out. The reason boils my blood even more. I found out from a friend that the diesel I was buying on the navy base was from a local guy who was buying his vegi oil...
  11. B

    My trip.

    So the ride to Texas was pretty good. Nothing much to speak of there. Did some fishing there, caught up with a few friends and saw my sister get married. And before long it was time to put the stock wheels back on and head back to Charleston. I was getting 16.5 mpg hauling the boat so I...
  12. B

    Help Needed Broken wheel studs

    HELP! I cant get four old, messed up wheel studs out of the hub and the new ones in. There isn't enough clearance from the hub and the e-brake. I took the bolts off of the e-brake assembly but there isn't anyway to move it around because I can't pull it out enough to get the bolts from the...
  13. B

    Heading to Texas

    Well I'll be starting my trip to Texas Thursday morning. Not a minute too soon, oil prices decided to get higher. At least I've saved up for this. And just an update, I did get the hub on my boat trailer repaired from a different shop. One of those mom and pop places for probably $200 less...
  14. B

    Wasted fuel!

    I just spent the last two days running around trying to run errands and it seemed that everywhere I went, they didn't have what I needed or couldn't get to me that day. I left the house at 8:00 in the AM and by noon I had accomplished nothing. I don't have the money to be spending on fuel to...
  15. B

    Oaths of Enlistment

    Oaths of Enlistment US AIR FORCE OATH OF ENLISTMENT "I, (State your name), swear to sign away 4 years of my life to the UNITED STATES AIR FORCE because I know I couldn't hack it in the Army, because the Marines frighten me, and because I am afraid of water over waist-deep. I swear to sit...
  16. B

    Hey Bushpilot...

    You don't know how many times I saw those birds flying around in your signature and thought I had bugs walking around on my screen. I was about to grab a towel and whack it the first time I saw it. :hunter:guns::boxing
  17. B

    Check this out!

    I'm about 2 months late posting these links but here you go. I mentioned my band had a gig but never came back and posted the links for the videos. Well here they are. I only posted four of the songs because it was kind of a pain in the but. This isn't easy listening. You have been warned...
  18. B

    Need some help

    Can anyone help me find a new emblem for my grille? There isn't a whole lot out there. I couldn't find any that lit up which is what I'm kind of looking for. If anyone knows of a website, let me know.
  19. B

    Just finished the Zoodad

    Doesn't take a rocket scientist to get this one done. Looks just like Bama's except I put epoxy around the edge of the screen just to make sure it stays on there. Of course I put the grille back on before I remembered to get some pics.
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    What to watch?

    Finish the race at Bristol or watch the Rockets beat the Lakers and win 22 in a row. T-mac for MVP!
  21. B

    In an effort to keep the PSD...

    Yes, I too have been tossing around the idea of this sort of thing. As of right now, I am getting insanely cheap diesel on the navy base but I don't know how long that is going to last. Doing the math, if I pay the truck off I can afford to drive all over the place but I need to come up with...
  22. B

    Something funny

    Here is a funny video where they swapped the original words to some popular songs with kids song words. The last one is the best. (hint: At McDonald's, welcome to McDonald's, would you like a happy ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma meal, meal...):lmao:band:HB:rocko Kids Songs Sung By Rock...
  23. B

    Almost forgot

    This is what she looks like as a result of my efforts and a few months of looking at aftermarket parts. Waiting proved to work out in my favor and I couldn't be more pleased. Seven hours after the first jack stand went under, I ended up with this.
  24. B

    Check out the results of my Super Bowl Sunday.

    My pre-game consisted of a little fishing on my favorite flat. The reds took a while to get there but they finally showed up. This pics might make you jealous.
  25. B

    Differential work quote

    I have never had to get much work done on any vehicle so I don't know how much things cost. I need to get 4.10 gears installed because of the 35" tires. The mileage is all goofed up and the truck has to work harder. I want to get the strain off of the tranny and get the boost pressure back...

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