Search results

  1. BJS

    Torque Converter Nuts

    So In replacing my cracked flex plate this weekend I managed to let the socket slip off of a couple nuts :innocent leaving them partially stripped enough that I could get them off but I'm not willing to put them back on. I need to figure out what the spec is on the nuts to get a replacement...
  2. BJS

    My Stancor GPR Died :(

    Just a post to simply say that my Stancor GPR died. When energized there is no current across the large lugs. A bit more research and diagnosing led me to discover that the coil has failed for some reason. I'm semi-patiently awaiting the brown truck to bring me a replacement. So since I'm...
  3. BJS

    Oil Cooler O-ring replacement

    I am in the middle of replacing the oil cooler o-rings on my truck and figured since I decided that I needed to replace the rear head on the oil cooler due to some slight pitting corrosion on the o-ring seating surface I would see if there was anything else that I should replace while I had it...
  4. BJS

    Enclosed trailer rental?

    Does anyone know of a company or someplace or someone (preferably in NE FL or reasonably close) that would rent an enclosed trailer? I'm trying to figure out cost effective means of moving my GF from the Keys up here and not sure I'm willing to fork over $500 for a uhaul/penske truck and I...
  5. BJS

    Early '95 radiator cap pressure

    Of you guys with '94s & early '95 trucks with a radiator cap actually on the radiator what pressure is your radiator cap? Mine's leaking and once again the parts houses try to give me the one to fit on a degas bottle which I don't have. When I bought my truck it had a 16psi motorcraft cap on...
  6. BJS

    search suggestion

    Would it be possible to have the search function on the web page also return articles in the wiki or otherwise link the information in the wiki to the main fourm. while the wiki is a great resource many new members and visitors do not realize that it is there so they may not find the answer...
  7. BJS

    ANWR a tour of the "beautiful" oil field

    FIRST… do you know what ANWR is? ANWR = Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. …. Now… A comparison And some perspective… NOTE WHERE THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREA IS… (it’s in the “ANWR Coastal Plain”) THIS IS WHAT THE TV People and others “GREENS” SHOW YOU WHEN THEY...
  8. BJS

    Rear Brake Oddity

    For the past year or so my rear brakes have had problems, they seem to not be working very good and will catch when you stop but will not release until you start rolling again. I know this because I hear the clunk of the brakes releasing. So in good logical process I figured that they needed...
  9. BJS

    Has it been chipped?

    What kind of tell tale signs are left on a 6.0 after a programmer has been added? Does it store a code that can be retrieved by a code scanner?? etc.?
  10. BJS

    Common Cents

    Old but interesting... How many can identify which penny is the correct one from the ones on this site.
  11. BJS

    Interesting Road signs

    Post up the interesting road signs you've seen. This one is on a side road outside Opelika Alabama near the Uniroyal plant.
  12. BJS

    Last Post

    I have officially reached the end of my posting on SDD. My post count has reached the ideal number and therefore must not be further altered. JK I'll have to add some more to that # just not today. :thumbs
  13. BJS

    Good search engine

    have a good laugh while you read :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao
  14. BJS

    Injector ? No oil squirting

    Pulled the injectors out and sent them out to bean to get modded and hopefully cure a problem w/ the EGT's being too low found some bad o-rings, scored plungers & broken springs. So I'd say I had a few w/ that were problematic to begin with now I'm back to putting the truck back together...
  15. BJS

    EGT Problems (too low)

    I noticed that my pyro was reading lower than normal. I would cool down to 200° After idling up the driveway to park. This struck me as ood so I went driving and couldn't manage to get the pyro up to 1000 even with a hot chip & stock injectors, I've hit 1300+ with them so I knew something was...
  16. BJS

    OBS 94-97 section

    I think it would be benficial to have a section for the 94-97 trucks for the technical aspects that are unique to these year trucks. For topics such as retrofitting intercoolers, and the poor puny pitiful E4OD we all love to hate.

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