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  1. drchris1024

    What do you have as a Screen Saver/Wallpaper???

    I thought it would be fun to see what everone has a screensaver..This is what I have on mine until we play them again November 10. Go Dawgs!!
  2. drchris1024

    I need help finding a taillight for a Jaguar...

    It is my Dad's wife and he can't find left taillight for a '96 Jag. XJS, any help, advise or leads/links would be appriecated.:pray He said he has exhausted all his options, I told him I might know how to broaden our search area....:thanks
  3. drchris1024

    I got the wifey a new toy....

    Couldn't pass this one up..:cool: I'm sure she'll let me drive it.;)
  4. drchris1024

    Windows XP gurus..I need alittle help

    I am looking at buying a vehicle right now and when I go to I can't see any of the photos. I can go to Ebay and the pix/photos work fine..:dunno ..I know someone on here can help me out:hail , Thanks, Chris
  5. drchris1024

    The Perfect Gift for your Girl

    :santa2 I got the perfect Christmas gift for my wife. You might want to give this to yours. PM me for details.
  6. drchris1024

    Can you put V / B code springs..

    on a 2wd X. I am thinking of getting an '05 X and it is a 2wd model??? thanks,
  7. drchris1024

    Some of my favorite Steven Wright quotes...

    Steven Wright classics............:D 1 - I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize. 2 - Borrow money from pessimists -- They don't expect it back. 3 - Half the people you know are below average. 4 - 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name. 5 - 82.7% of all statistics are made up on...
  8. drchris1024

    Alright..which one on you Texasans..

    is this.... link :D
  9. drchris1024

    PAYPAL scam/fraud Warning!!

    Got an e-mail from Paypal ( supposedly) this morning. It was a payment notification that I hadn't done. Oh no. I thought someone accessed my Paypal account. It said to go here to Dispute Claim Only the button said DISPUTE CLAIM... had to...
  10. drchris1024

    How can you put a Power Point Slide show...

    on here got a good one it only has about 7 or 8 pix. If it is easy let me know, if not someone give me there e-mail and I'll send it to you and maybe you could post for me,, thanks
  11. drchris1024

    Anyone like baseball???

    I can't stand the boring sport !!!! Unfortunately I have identical twin 7yo boys who luv the Braves. Therefore I'm going to another game this year :propeller and lucky for me I can sit where I want.....Where do I want to sit?? Club level?? Dugout?? high or low?? Can't wait for SEC football:( :( :(
  12. drchris1024

    This speaks volumes...

    One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the > express purpose of showing him how poor people live. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family. On their return from their trip, the...
  13. drchris1024

    Cyber Speed Hyper Voltage system???

    anyone know about these?? what does it do ? looking at putting it on my '94 Land Cruiser...
  14. drchris1024

    I won Saturday night !!!!!

    I race 3/8th high bank dirt track, used to race alot before the kids. This was the first time I've raced in 2 years..I think I've got this picture thing down now....:burnit
  15. drchris1024


    test pix
  16. drchris1024

    How do I tighten the bolt that holds....

    my rear bench seat. I can get to the front one it accepts a star type wrench, but I can't see how I can get to the rear one. My seat flips down but does not slide forward..I'm lost:dunno
  17. drchris1024

    HELP !! Armadillos have arrived....

    we now have armadillos in GA.-mad and they are making my pinestraw beds look like a small war little bitty land mines have gone off everywhere.:cussing: . I put out some DECON but I have two cats and once the Decon got wet the cats are trying to eat it, soooooooo the cats are at the...
  18. drchris1024

    Hump Day Funny...

    >Three Italian nuns die and go to heaven. At the Pearly Gates, they are met >by St. Peter, He says, "Sisters, you all led such exemplary lives that the >Lord is granting you six months to go back to earth and be anyone you wish >to be." > > The first nun says, "I want to be Sophia...
  19. drchris1024

    Evolution of Dance

    i thought this was pretty funny... have a good weekend.. ....
  20. drchris1024

    I heard a rumor..

    that dodge was going to a mercedes diesel and that cummins was going to ford....anyone else heard this??? any truth to it???
  21. drchris1024

    Free Aeroturbine!!!

    Yep, I had two on my X and I replaced exhaust system only need one now, buuuuuut you gotta win my NASCAR fantasy League...:sweet Don't know what an AEROTURBINE is go here For anyone interested I started a SUPERDUTYDIESEL.COM Nascar...
  22. drchris1024

    Aneone heard of Titan Industrial equipment?

    A fella has a truckload of Titan Industrial equipment for sale..brand new 8000w gas gen. ,, 5500w diesel gen. ,,,,5.5hp dual tank compressor. 2400psi. press. washer. ,,, 3x3 trash water pump.... He wants $4K for it . That sounds to good to be it??:dunno
  23. drchris1024 NASCAR pool.... NASCAR Fantasy League... For anyone interested I started a SUPERDUTYDIESEL.COM Nascar league...I'm in a few and usually do fairly well..I figured I'd start one for the members here, it is a free league and I'd to try and keep it members only.. if you want your friends(...
  24. drchris1024

    Just Happy to be here...

    Howdy, my name is Chris Miller. I'm from Columbus, Ga. Way down 'yonder on the Chattahoochee. ( 1 Hr. south of Atl. on the border of Ga. and Ala.) I am a 39 yo dentist, married 8 yrs to an Ala. gal. I have 3 kids. 16 yo daughter ( actually step, but only on paper) and identical twin 6 yo boys...

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