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  1. hheynow

    Help Needed Heater control dial restriction

    The heat control dial moves freely from the very cold to warm settings but if I try to turn the dial to the hottest setting I feel a restriction in the dial. I think a pen may have fallen through a long duct by the windshield above the glove box causing a cable restriction. I removed the glove...
  2. hheynow

    Question Converting a Calif to Federal? (fuel damper delete)

    A friend who has a '97 F250 Super Cab California truck has a fuel leak by his banjo bolt. Unfortunately his fuel damper is in the way and there is no way to tighten the banjo bolt unless the turbo pedestal is removed. Then he saw my truck, a Federal which makes getting to the banjo bolt a whole...
  3. hheynow

    comment let me down

    Just want to share with you my most recent dealings with This thread is by no means meant to bash them as they do offer great prices way below the local dealerships, but to let you know the poor customer service I just received. I placed an order last Friday over the phone...
  4. hheynow

    Question Do I need an AIC?

    My issue is that since I upgraded to a 200 amp alternator four years ago the charge needle falls way to the left every time I stop at a red light especially with my headlights and vegoil heaters on. Once I start moving it goes far to the right again. Never had a problem with it but it doesn't...
  5. hheynow

    Question Leaking oil cooler o-rings

    If my oil cooler o-rings are leaking where will I see it? What will it damage? I was told to change them since I'm well over 300K even though I don't think they're leaking. Is this wise preventative maintenance or fixing something that ain't broke? :dunno BTW, I don't even know where it's...
  6. hheynow

    comment El Niño is here

    El Niño is here. Looks like we're in for a solid week of much needed rain. They say there are three or four separate storms coming through one after another. Perhaps this will lessen the drought. :sly Get ready for small stream flooding and mud slides. It was the winter of '97-'98 when El Niño...
  7. hheynow

    rant Biodiesel producers lose $1 a gallon tax credit

    Biodiesel bummer after bad 2009 - Oil & energy- Sure looks like two steps forward and three steps backwards. Bet big oil has a huge grin on its face. :rolleyes:
  8. hheynow

    Article Why does OPEC lie about its oil reserves?

    Why does OPEC lie about its oil reserves? It's all about the quick buck today with no regard for the future.
  9. hheynow

    note HB Big Joe

    Happy birthday Big Joe. Got a cool day for a change to enjoy your day.
  10. hheynow

    Question Heat stress on both batteries

    Just got back from a long road trip through the Mojave desert where it was way over 100*F. Seems that my charging system was stressed because the charging needle never got as far to the right as it does where I live. I was so concerned that I would have a charging failure in the middle of...
  11. hheynow

    It never rains in California in May

    What an unusual and unseasonal downpour we're having. It never rains in California in May. Well that's what "they" say but obviously they're wrong. Not enough to make a difference with our drought but definitely enough to put a damper on the next few days.
  12. hheynow

    rant Turbo leaking oil

    There is a fresh oil stain on the EBPV rod coming from the pedestal as well as on two pedestal feet. The rod has been disconnected and wired open. Turbo spools just fine and boost maximum is 15 psi. I'm thinking of doing nothing more than spraying some brake cleaner to clean up the stain. Truck...
  13. hheynow

    Question What did you do to your truck today?

    This is the kind of thread that goes on forever. Whether as small as changing a light bulb to reading fault codes to getting new tires to modding your PSD, please keep this thread going. A side benefit for those that post here regularly will be a log of what you've done that you can reference in...
  14. hheynow

    Help Needed Jumping tach at startup? Not the CPS!

    Recently when I start it the tach jumps from 500 to 1000 rpms and back down and up and the truck shakes. When I press the go pedal the idle smooths out at just over 500 rpm. I just changed my CPS five minutes ago but still have the jumpy tach at idle ONLY AT START UP. My fuel filter was just...
  15. hheynow

    My truck got broken in...

    ...on Tuesday. It just rolled over 300,000 miles. :clap: :lmao Original injectors :hail 25K miles on WVO :drive Delo 15W40 every 3K ;tu Drives like a bat outta hades :cool:
  16. hheynow

    rant Olympics to be held in a polluted city...Beijing

    The US cyclists wore face masks as they de-planed in Beijing and apologized to the Chinese for wearing them. :D Beijing has closed industries and prohibited vehicular traffic to try to clean up the air but to no benefit. :lmao The air is as smoggy as before. :eek: :rant If I were an Olympic...
  17. hheynow

    comment The T Boone Pickens Plan

    PickensPlan: The Plan At least one individual is putting his money where his mouth is. ;tu
  18. hheynow

    Announcement MyGallon$.com

    Fuel cost$ going up daily getting you down? How would you like to pre-pay for fuel and get locked in at that price (annual member$hip required)? It'$ $et up like a debit card and u$able at >95% of $ervice $tation$ nationwide for any grade or type of fuel (aviation fuel excluded). The guy who...
  19. hheynow

    Announcement Make ethanol at home!

    Say a story about this on the local news: EFuel100, Earth's First Home Ethanol System, a Product of E-Fuel Corporation All you need is: ~$10,000 for the processor water sugar yeast 120v or 220v
  20. hheynow

    Question hhey BIG JOE

    Hot enough for you? :dunno :D 103 yesterday 98 today :rant I'm sure it was hotter :eek: down by you.
  21. hheynow

    Getting Logged Off

    I'm still having to enter my password every time I access this site. I'm still getting logged off in the middle of posting. This upgrade did absolutely nothing to make surfing at SDD a pleasure. It's still a nightmare as compared to every other forum I frequent. :rant Why SDD can't keep me...
  22. hheynow

    Why am I running cold?

    Today I drove all day and the coolant never rose above 185*F. I have the 203*F T-stat and a real water gauge. The ambient temps were in the high forties. This low reading of 180-185*F occurred last week also. Usually and always once warm I see 200-205*F. First I though of the t-stat sticking...
  23. hheynow

    Beverage Containment System

    aka cup holder on steroids ;tu from Cabelas
  24. hheynow

    BlueMule broken down in Albuquerque, New Mexico

    Rodney asked me to post this for anyone in the Albuquerque area who could possibly help him locate a PCM. He's only running on four cylinders. Passenger side is dead. It's a 96 Powerstroke. Call him 24/7 on his cell 602-284-0170. He's in a parking lot.
  25. hheynow

    Great score on OBS trim pieces

    What a great score I had today on interior trim pieces from a parting out 96 F-250 PSD. You guys are gonna cry. :tounge driver's door panel with the switch black cover dash bezel orange turbo boot soft cushion above glove box glove box ash tray driver's door handle gas cap two dash trim...

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