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  1. architect-builder

    Injectors, Oil Cooler, EGR Cooler. Need parts help fast.

    Ok, yes, I know I have not been on here for a while. Busy pursuing my 3rd volunteer job, almost have my Paramedic Cert. Here is the problem, Truck started (overnight) a little while ago having a rough idle, seems to run fine and then when the trans shifts into overdrive, it runs rough, or...
  2. architect-builder

    Oil Pressure Sender Going Out???

    Well, new one, changed oil last weekend, and of course, it also got very cold. Start truck first in the am, runs just fine, let it warm up, leave for work. What I noticed is when I get to a light/stop sign, oil pressure guage dies, check guage light comes on. Take off from light/sign, guage...
  3. architect-builder

    EATC Stuck on Defrost????

    Wifes 05 Excursion. The eatc does not seem to be working. Stuck on defrost, will not change to any of the other vents. Anyone seen this problem? 4x4 works, so I am assuming not a leak. checked fuses, etc.... At a loss. Barrett
  4. architect-builder

    Power Steering

    Ok, so yesterday, I started hearing noise while steering but its sporatic, I checked the fluid, its full and still the right color. anyone else have this happen, I'm about at 170,000. It appears to be lower, so I'm guessing (hoping not, but guessing) steering gear might be going out??????? B
  5. architect-builder

    Now the dreaded P2285

    Well, tonight I got the dreaded P2285 code. Not a good vehicle year for Barrett. :( Does anyone know the part number for the ICP sensor, and also the "pigtail" that has been talked about being oil soaked, also being a requirement? This is for a february built 2003 6.0. Thanks in advance...
  6. architect-builder

    RIP Carroll Shelby

    Carroll Shelby died yesterday. Man, what a legend, and a loss. RIP Sir. Legendary car designer, racer Caroll Shelby dies at age 89 - Motor News | FOX Sports on MSN B
  7. architect-builder

    New Batteries, Now no start????

    Well, new one, replaced both batteries last night. All day, no go-go power, push accel., would barely get out of its own way. Disconnected cables again, checked them, re connected, now, it won't start at all, turns over and over, but no fire. Any ideas what I did???? Thanks, Barrett
  8. architect-builder

    RIP Colonel Potter

    R.I.P. Colonel Potter! 'M*A*S*H' star Harry Morgan dies at 96 - MSN TV News Still love that show. B
  9. architect-builder

    New Fluid Ok?

    So, bought a case of ATF from the Ford man. Told that they changed it to Mercon LV. Is this still what we use for the power steering fluid according to the manual???????? (I know, probably dumb question, just felt I should ask before, in case of after....) Thanks, Barrett
  10. architect-builder

    Trans. Pan Bolt Size?

    Recently noticed a missing bolt from my trans. pan. Anyone know what size the bolts are? I'm sure it's a arm and a leg from Ford..... Barrett
  11. architect-builder

    Why No Codes????

    In the days of everything in our trucks being controlled by computer, why in the HE double tooth picks is my truck running like it is, and throws absolutely no codes to let me know what the He double tooth picks is wrong???? Everything points to injectors, but why no codes? How in the heck...
  12. architect-builder

    4" Lift kit?

    Correct me if I'm wrong. Wont a 4" lift kit basically just replace my front springs since I already have the 3.5" blocks in the rear? Is there a lift kit that will replace all (4) spring packs and get rid of the blocks? Finally in the market for a lift, and can't find Donahoe Racing...
  13. architect-builder

    Question Throttle Postition Sensor Codes

    Anyone else ever got these codes? P2137 Throttle Pedal Position Sensor Switch B/C Circuit Low Input P2138 Throttle Pedal Position Sensor Switch D/E Volt Correlation P2140 Throttle Pedal Position Sensor Switch E/F Volt Correlation I got it quite a few months ago, now it's back and is...
  14. architect-builder

    Just Drove One!

    My local Ford Dealer just took delivery of a 2011 and he called me this morning for a test drive. (There are perks for designing his buildings...). All I can say is it is pretty sweet! You cannot hear it, you would swear it is not a Diesel. (Larger fuel filler door is a dead give away)...
  15. architect-builder

    Sway Bar & Endlink Bushing Replacement????

    Can anyone tell me if the front sway bar has load on it, i.e. do you need to have the front end off the ground to replace the sway bar and endlink bushings. Also, does anyone know the torque requirements for replacement? Tired of the clunking so I ordered some new ones from Energy...
  16. architect-builder

    Aftermarket Injectors???

    Ok, i know some have followed my confusion with issues I have been having lately, and the fact I am not getting any codes indicating injectors. However, I know if I take mine to the F dealership, it will be injectors.... So, if it was the case, would I not be an idiot at this time to upgrade...
  17. architect-builder

    P006A and P0401????

    Been having diffuculties with the hard cold starts if I do not plug mine in, (will kick over, then die, kick over , die, then finally start, but run rough). Not only overnight, but when my truck sits at the office throughout the day. When it warms up enough (the motor that is), it has no...
  18. architect-builder

    Trickle Charger and Block Heater ?

    Ok, all the equipment I have on my truck (mainly the emergency equipment) definitely has taxed my alternator, so I ordered a high output one, (they lost the order, so It wont get here until tuesday :rant , so I'm limping throught the weekend). Question thought; I have a marinco inlet that...
  19. architect-builder

    Another Alternator

    Well, looks like my Alternator is going out again. Yipee! Looking into upgrading to a High Output unit this time. Seems that ours are prone to fail. Anyone familiar with these guys products at all: 1999 & up Ford 7.3L & 6.0 PowerStroke Diesel, Ford Heavy Duty 200 Amp Alternator...
  20. architect-builder

    Question Isspro Oil Temp. Sender Location???

    Anyone installed a oil temperature guage on their 6.0? Where did you install the sensor? Mine are Isspro. Thanks in advance, this is the last piece I need for my new guages to be fully operational. :sweet Barrett
  21. architect-builder

    ESOF Hubs

    Anyone replace their own ESOF hubs? What kind of a job is it? I think I have a problem with the left front. Better off to leave it to the Pros???? Any Help invited. Barrett
  22. architect-builder

    Wire Labels

    Hey, I need to clean up my wiring under the hood, got too many fuses, relays etc...., Also, found out this am (early am) that the right bank of my flood lights does not work, needed them to light the LZ for Air ST Lukes and only had two, could not remember which, where, the fuse for that...
  23. architect-builder

    You have a rotten day, then this comes over the Radio.

    Was having one of those days when I about fell out of my chair when I heard this from Dispatch..... Just had to share. Barrett
  24. architect-builder

    Prayers for Rachel

    Rachels's little brother was killed on Friday morning in a semi-truck accident. He was hauling propane up to a mine in Elko Nevada when he went off the road. He was carrying duals up to the mine and apperently the rear started swaying and drug him off the side of the road and rolled down the...
  25. architect-builder

    Excursion Console/Rear Cup Holders

    If anyone has been thinking about this addition. This could be one heck of a deal. eBay Motors: Ford Excursion console (item 330298224206 end time Jan-09-09 12:26:53 PST) FWIW, This was one of the best mods I have done for the kids in back. Barrett

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