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  1. cstewart

    switch for chip

    alright so i got my ts performance chip about 3 months ago and the selecter knob for it became broken somehow (after i let a friend borrow the truck) it would just keep spinning didnt have the only 6 selections. so i went to radioshak and got a new one and the knob was really long didnt have...
  2. cstewart


    what is this green line for? i bought an intake for the truck but there is no connection on the tube for it?also ive seen alot of other trucks only have one red line does anyone know why i have two?and is that wire with the eye on it for the aih?
  3. cstewart

    wicked wheel?

    i bought my truck about 6 months ago with just a lift and a k&n filter and dfuser 18k mod, well now ive done some more mods to "fix" what was previously done. while installing my ts chip i noticed there used to be a chip on there previously. what i want to know is ive read alot about turbo surge...
  4. cstewart

    almost entire front end

    front end i jacked up the truck the other night and realized i had a bad ball joint so i went to advanced auto and got a new one they had the moog ones but also had a heavy duty one without a grease zerk, i know everyone here gets moogs but y? wouldnt the other be better? and also the axle...
  5. cstewart

    warn hubs

    looking to buy warn hubs but not sure if i should go with the standard ones or the premiums. . whats the major difference? and alot of sites that i look at the hubs on mention a spindle nut kit? will i need this? i have manual transfer shifter with the manual hubs? thanks to everyone here who...
  6. cstewart

    i have no idea?

    so i really love this truck but it seems to be one thing after another with it. last night i was at a friends house and when i left i went to start the truck it turned over but didnt start.. . might have been cause it was a little chilly out and i only had one battery in it so glowplugs didnt...
  7. cstewart

    worried all day

    well last night the wife said she hadnt drove the truck in a while and she wanted to drive it today so i drove the old dodge to work :( a little bit after lunch today my wife calls and says the truck wont start:eek: i dont know about ya'll significant others but mine knows nothing about...
  8. cstewart

    another project gone bad

    my left front hub has been making some horrible noises and grinding real bad here the past few days and my four wheel drive didnt work so i just automatically assumed it was the locking hub.i pulled it all apart this morning but when i pulled the hub assembly off the axle came out with it, ive...
  9. cstewart

    Help Needed No brakes!!!

    SO we were playin in the mud and when we were leavin as i was pullin onto the road i noticed i had no power steering. . when i went to slow down to make the turn, no brakes!!! any help at all would be appreciated . .i looked and there doesnt appear to be any lines disconnected or major leaks :dunno

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