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  1. iracemine

    Missing/no power

    right. sorry. still little early for me. :D
  2. iracemine

    Missing/no power

    congrats on the new family member!! sounds like I need to invest in a auto integrity scan tool soon.
  3. iracemine

    Question Injectors

    X3. if everything was good before the work and 30 min after the work id put money that its one of the connections.
  4. iracemine

    Question Injectors

    oh, sorry its hard to read your writing. you said your steering wheel was shaking bad at 50 mph. had no idea that you meant it was from your motor. next time use proper english and ill be able to help you out better. ;tu
  5. iracemine

    Question Injectors

    rotate your tires. start there for the steering wheel shimmy, it prob packed snow.
  6. iracemine

    Enclosed trailer towing

    when towing.... plan for the worst. sway bars are awesome.
  7. iracemine

    Oil consumption Big Time!

    yeah. I see no indexing out off the exhaust. check the turbo first. when you hammer hard on load what does the smoke look like then???
  8. iracemine

    Help Needed Slip Joint Greasing

    glad to hear it man!!!!;tu;tu;tu
  9. iracemine

    Help Needed Slip Joint Greasing

    doesn't matter jr. just as long as you can take the drive shaft down enough for the slip yoke to slide apart. and yeah the u-joint will be stuck in the cradle, I got mine apart with that 3 foot pry bar and a little love tap.
  10. iracemine

    Oil consumption Big Time!

    TikiWiki : 94 through 97 Injector R&R
  11. iracemine

    Question EBPV Terminator?

    heres your terminator. POST 500!!!!! no. j/k. here is the post and part
  12. iracemine

    puffin like a chiminy

    <--- obs noob. how would oil get into the fuel bowl. does the obs have a fuel return line??
  13. iracemine

    Wierd noise

    EBPV. its normal. it will go away more when it gets warm out again. want to learn more??? put EBPV in the search feature of this forum.
  14. iracemine

    bad mileage?

    I dont know. maybe you never get summer blend up there so your always running the same mpgs. because I get your mpgs in the winter.
  15. iracemine

    bad mileage?

    also winter fuel gives you terrible mpg numbers as well. JL you have a chip?!?! which one????
  16. iracemine

    Headlight change for 2001 F-350

    im not sure its used on startup. only on high idle on cold day/night like chicago is having now. It helps bring the operating temp up quicker and keeps it up here in chicago when its 1deg or less out here.
  17. iracemine

    Engine miss

    meh..... prob injectors.
  18. iracemine

    Help Needed 7.3 wont start

    yup. thats what were all thinking. waiting to see what his local parts guys have to say.....
  19. iracemine

    Engine miss

    did this happen all a suddn??? like bad fuel??
  20. iracemine

    Missing/no power

    have you had any bad rain/ice storms lately??
  21. iracemine

    Missing/no power

    WOW. at this point anyone new needs a recap to filter out all the failed attempts (parts swapped), and exact info like fuel psi, oil psi, outside temp, "plugged in/or not", how much time till the baby is due..... loving the how to on the voltage drop test.

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