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  1. chadjones99

    puling the RV across the country

    puling the RV across the country
  2. chadjones99

    oil dipstick ... 6.7

    I agree, last time I changed my oil I felt as if I was guessing. I basically make sure I put in what the spec calls for . Then drive it for a day and add if needed. Last time I did had to add oil after driving it but being a qt or 2 low on these truck wont hurt in my option if you're going to...
  3. chadjones99

    weird relay noise under dash

    update sorry i cant give a good answer , just wanted people to know that on my 2003 it seems that the clicking came from the blinker relay that i replaced for 20$ did not fix it so i went to the blinker switch , which did fix the weird clicking noise, and at the same time the truck was running...
  4. chadjones99

    weird relay noise under dash

    Blinker switch just a update if anyone cares or may having the same problem. IT turned out to be the muti function switch ( blinker switch on steering wheel ) I replaced it, I guess sometimes when they wear out they get a loose ground inside. It may have also cause my truck to have Injector...
  5. chadjones99

    weird relay noise under dash

    ok the relay was the blinker relay so i replaced it ( looked ust like a 5 pin relay but guess its not the same ) at a cost of 19$ and the new one clicks like the old one so it must be something that feeds the blinkers note blinkers work when its in , but i here a lot of clicking (like blinker...
  6. chadjones99

    weird relay noise under dash

    ok i was wrong i found where the clicking is coming from under the dash but just below the radio area and a/c area there is a wide black box i could feel it clicking... it now does it even when the truck is off now and key is out with door open ( all power to cab should be off ) i will try to...
  7. chadjones99

    Question Mexico bound what to pack

    Pack extra 20$ bills to pay off the people at the road blocks and make sure you DO NOT HAVE A GUN OR AMMO WITH YOU! unless you want trouble oh and get the darn mexican car insurance at the boarder
  8. chadjones99

    6.oh no!

    First of all you let you wife drive it...that is were the problems started right ????
  9. chadjones99

    weird relay noise under dash

    well it sounds like a relay and i cant say for sure were it is coming from other than under the dash i took my fuse box cover off to see if i could feel them for a clicking . and no luck \I did on the other hand take the fuse out a few weeks back that feeds the passager side seat ( got tired of...
  10. chadjones99

    weird relay noise under dash

    Hello , I have a 03 6L Ford F350 and for the most part trouble free anyway lately I have been getting a clicking noise that sounds like a relay clicking under my dash when my truck is running even when its just idling I don't always get it but it has become more common that last few weeks. So...
  11. chadjones99

    bored at work

    your boss Hello, This is your boss , i was also bored at work and seen this posting .. I am not paying you to video your truck, not get you butt back in and goto work or hit the road ! (HAHAHAHA)
  12. chadjones99

    03 TURBO

    dont forget if you do buy it .. i pretty sure you have to also have a 03 turbo pedistal ( mount ) is not the same ?

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