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  1. nevrnf

    starting to get my knickers in a knot.....

    Is it possible you are checking/changing the WRONG relay??????? One is for the GP and one is for the Air heater in the elbo. If you are checking the air heater it will not go active above 40 degrees.
  2. nevrnf

    Amp and Sub install??

    I mounted my 2 amps, satellite receiver,GPS, and my radio control box under the seat. 3 JL subs behind the seat with my capacitor. The rear seat is raised up and foreword 1 inch. I am thinking of moving it another inch up just for a little more air space around the components.
  3. nevrnf

    Tires dangerous for F350?

    Not all C load tires are bad. I have seen C load range with more weight capacity than the factory steeltex E's. They might be a little soft in the side wall but if they are rated for 3500# then what is the problem???
  4. nevrnf

    Fuel Pressure gauges install?

    this is what you need.
  5. nevrnf

    Stacking Edge with Attitude

    The EZ is a pressure box. It changes the ICP signal to raise injector oil pressure. This is a good mod for an easy 20 hp.
  6. nevrnf

    lift kits....?

    THe only difference in a diesel of gas body lift is the inlet and outlet tubes for the intercooler and the hoses for the hydroboost setup. You would have to have them custom made to fit the body moved up. You would not have to move the intercooler at all ;)
  7. nevrnf

    Optima Commercial Batteries

    Might be true about the Blue tops. It is just what i was told by a Optima dealer:sorry
  8. nevrnf

    Optima Commercial Batteries

    The only difference between the Blue and the Yellow are the terminal setup. As far as moving the battery back it will not clear the hood as the wheel liner is in the way. As it is in my setup. I would like to lower the drivers battery on the fender side 1/2 -3/4 of an inch but it will require...
  9. nevrnf

    Optima Commercial Batteries

  10. nevrnf

    Bullydog disappointment

    MBRP all the way. Never had a install issue with thier stuff.
  11. nevrnf

    Optima Commercial Batteries

    I recently purchased 2 group 31T for my truck. I wanted the larger capacity compared to the automotive version. I spent the afternoon fabbing up 2 new trays to put them in the stock location. I got them to fit and the hood closes. The only contact i have is the Neg terminal on both touches the...
  12. nevrnf

    Pictures finally

    No mud for me. Lost interest in cleaning up the mess. I do enjoy the trips to the sand. Hope to make it out west next year. I hear ther is some killer sand out there ;) :D
  13. nevrnf

    Pictures finally

    Had some time to kill so i updated some pictures to my Webshots album. It only took me 3 years to get around to it.
  14. nevrnf


    The acual date for change over to PMR is October 16 2000 at serial # 1498320 on the engine tag. That being said my truck with an October 7th build date on the tag had PMR's. So the best and only way to be sure is to physically check the rods.
  15. nevrnf

    2005-2006 F-250 Headlamps
  16. nevrnf

    mileage sucks

    If the truck is a 4x4 it is not going to be cost effective to change the gears. By the time you do this it will take you like 5 years to recoup the expense with the 1-2 mpg improvement you get. Just wait till the new ULSD diesel gets here later this year and watch your mileage drop again:eek:
  17. nevrnf

    After market guages???

    Are you going to add a programmer/power box of some sort? Some of the electronic gauges will not work with some programers/power box's.
  18. nevrnf

    mileage sucks

    1st off you have 4.11 rear, Right? What rpm were you running? What mph? Best MPG is obtained at or under 2000 rpm. On a 3.73 gear that is right around 67mph. I bet you were humming along at 75-80 mph and the tack was around 2600-2800. Not a good combo for fuel mileage.
  19. nevrnf

    lighting up front

    I have tried a couple of different PIAA's and was not impressed for the cost. I finally setteled on the Hella 500 fog's. They have a very bright sharp beam pattern and light up the road almost enough to drive without headlights. I have used both of these light bars on customers trucks with...
  20. nevrnf

    8" with 38's?

    4.5" back space so it does not rub on the spring. Wheel bearing failure is going to happen no matter what combo you go with. 10 or 12" wide wheel with a tire that weight 100# is going to kill the factory bearing.The only way to avoid it is to do a Dynatrack kit on the front.
  21. nevrnf


    do you have the part # of the harness? I tried my local dealer by phone and he could only find replacemet ends for the harness.
  22. nevrnf

    Lift kit swap?

    I believe the pitman arms and the track bars are different between an early 99 and a 01. So you are both going to have to buy parts to make it work. If you have a dial caliper avaliable measure the bolts for the traack bar and the shaft size above the arm to see.
  23. nevrnf

    OffRoad Lights?

    I have the Lightforce 240 blitz and love them. I agree HID is nice but the regular bulb works much better than the KC's. I had 4 KC's before the 240's and the 240's blow them away. I opted for the wide angle combo filter on mine.
  24. nevrnf

    AIC, where is a good.....

    I still have the AIC if you are interested? Never got around to listing it again.
  25. nevrnf

    6.4 liter?????????????

    The 6.4 has been on the Dyno at IH for over a year and a half. I have seen some camera phone pictures from a friend who works at IH. These were taken over 2 years ago. IH is putting a ton of R&D into this to get it righ the 1st time. I was told in stock form the engine is capeable of some...

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