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  1. Dockboy

    2nd Annual MDTDC Diesel Drag&Dyno Day July 19 @ Cecil County Dragway

    The Mason Dixon Turbo Diesel Club Mason Dixon Turbo Diesel Club will be holding our 2nd Annual Diesel Drag & Dyno Day at Cecil County Dragway, Rising Sun, Maryland :: CECIL COUNTY DRAGWAY :: on July 19, 2008. Like last year, this will be a fun filled day of relaxing Test & Tune style racing...
  2. Dockboy

    Mason-Dixon TDC Diesel Drag & Dyno Day Aug. 11, 2007

    A few of the great pictures!! TRS Photo - Event Gallery TRS Photo - Event Gallery TRS Photo - Event Gallery TRS Photo - Event Gallery TRS Photo - Event Gallery TRS Photo - Event Gallery TRS Photo - Event Gallery TRS Photo - Event Gallery TRS Photo - Event Gallery...
  3. Dockboy

    Mason-Dixon TDC Diesel Drag & Dyno Day Aug. 11, 2007

    Some video here. Video - Mason Dixon Turbo Diesel Club Track Day Ccil County Dragway Aug. 11 2007
  4. Dockboy

    Mason-Dixon TDC Diesel Drag & Dyno Day Aug. 11, 2007

    Thanks to all who attended!! For the Mason Dixon Turbo Diesel Clubs first attempt at a drag race event, it wasn’t too bad. But of course, there was some “Murphy’s Law” that came into play  For those that showed up to dyno, I and Diesel Performance Motorsports apologize for the dyno...
  5. Dockboy

    Mason-Dixon TDC Diesel Drag & Dyno Day Aug. 11, 2007

    A little over 2 weeks to go!! Time to get excited!! Get your tickets now so you are not left on the sidelines!!!
  6. Dockboy

    Mason-Dixon TDC Diesel Drag & Dyno Day Aug. 11, 2007

    OK Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:evil 1 month to go. Time to start getting pumped up!!!:rockwoot: Tickets are still available and this is shaping up to be one of the best events of the year!! The track owners are even excited about this event!! Mark your calanders!!!!
  7. Dockboy

    Mason-Dixon TDC Spring Fling

    Here are the numbers from today.They will be listed by Diesel Board User name(if given)or first name last initial,Truck and Hp/Tq..... Dockboy....Y2K F250.....TDS/TDR/M-D TDC......553.52/1020.82 (#2 Only) DockBoy....Y2K F250.....TDS/TDR/M-D TDC......636.41/1143.54 (Drugs) Hammer....98...
  8. Dockboy

    Mason-Dixon TDC Spring Fling

    Here are the numbers from the first day.I got home and cleaned up laid on the bed and just woke up,maybe I was a tad amped up this time and didn't sleep last nite,.So here are the numbers made by each respective truck listed by Diesel Board User name(IF known),Truck make and model,Diesel...
  9. Dockboy

    Mason-Dixon TDC Spring Fling

    The MD-TDC and myself would like to thank all those that attended and participated!! :biggrin: A special thanks goes out to the crew at SGS Automotive!!! Their efforts go above and beyond and they are a large part of why these events are such a big hit! Spring Fling 07 was again another...
  10. Dockboy

    Mason-Dixon TDC Diesel Drag & Dyno Day Aug. 11, 2007

    Time is approaching quickly!! :D You won’t want to miss what will be one of the most fun and relaxing diesel get-togethers of the year. Racer Tickets are still available, but going fast!! Remember, there are only a limited number available. So if you plan on running down the strip, you...
  11. Dockboy

    Mason-Dixon TDC Diesel Drag & Dyno Day Aug. 11, 2007

    Update!!! 51 Tickets gone and spoken for..................... Get yours before they are all gone!!! :D
  12. Dockboy

    friends 2005 duramax runs sluggish after 2,000rpm

    LOL!! Don't I wish!!:thumbs :sly But seriously, I have run 11.8's @ 114+ @ 7800 lbs. and have dynoed 758 hp.;)
  13. Dockboy

    Mason-Dixon TDC Diesel Drag & Dyno Day Aug. 11, 2007

    There seems to be a problem with my club email account Please send any Ticket inquiries to me at [email protected] I apologize for any emails I have not returned! It may be because I never got them. Thanks, Greg
  14. Dockboy

    Mason-Dixon TDC Diesel Drag & Dyno Day Aug. 11, 2007

    RACER TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE!! Cost: $55.00 ea. Payment by PayPal, Check, or Money Order. Email me at [email protected] for payment info. “Racer Tickets” are NON-REFUNDABLE There are ONLY 180 “Racer Tickets” available for this event, so don’t be left out!! Remember...
  15. Dockboy

    Mason-Dixon TDC Diesel Drag & Dyno Day Aug. 11, 2007

    The Mason-Dixon Turbo Diesel Club ( ), host’s of the infamous Spring Fling and Fall Brawl, invites everyone to join us at our first, and hopefully annual, "The 1st rule is NOT to lose. The 2nd rule is NOT to forget the 1st rule" Drag and Dyno Day at Cecil County...
  16. Dockboy

    Fall Brawl 2006...“War is simple, direct, and ruthless.”

    JUST A FEW MORE DAYS!!!!! We need to get the food situation nailed down! For those undecided, some suggestions that Nancy gave were: Veggie platter, Fruit platter, Ring Bologna and cheese (she can cut it at the show). Also, some cheese slices for the cheeseburgers. She thinks we could also...
  17. Dockboy

    Fall Brawl 2006...“War is simple, direct, and ruthless.”

    Ok UPDATE TIME.... 1st.... Remember Show-N-Shine classes sponsored by "Old Chickies Hill Auto Transport" are as follows.... Best Dodge Best Ford Best Chevy/GMC Best Work Truck Ernie and Nancy's Pick(this will be the best of show as they will choose from all trucks) Doug has gotten...
  18. Dockboy

    Fall Brawl 2006...“War is simple, direct, and ruthless.”

    Please look over this list and make sure your info is correct. If you are still undecided on what to bring, we could use some Paper plates, utensils, napkins, coolers and of coarse…….more food!! Remember, there will be 150+ people eating each day...
  19. Dockboy

    Fall Brawl 2006...“War is simple, direct, and ruthless.”

    OK............................. 2 1/2 weeks to go! Time to get fired up!!!! Please look over the list. If you are coming and not on the list, let me know. If your info is incomplete, or wrong, let me know. Looking...
  20. Dockboy

    Fall Brawl 2006...“War is simple, direct, and ruthless.”

    Updated list.............Keep the info coming guy's! I need day/days you are coming, number of trucks, day dynoing, Show&Shine participation, and the food/supplies you will be bringing. ;)
  21. Dockboy

    Fall Brawl 2006...“War is simple, direct, and ruthless.”

    A note from Andy on the Show & Shine :) Show-N-Shine Participants... This will be a SATURDAY ONLY event and is sponsored by "Old Chickies Hill Auto Transport".I have chatted with Cliff in depth the last couple of weeks on this and here is how it will be run.Show-N-Shine will be open to all...
  22. Dockboy

    Fall Brawl 2006...“War is simple, direct, and ruthless.”

    Just a couple videos to help get you in the mood :D Fall Brawl 2005 video Another Fall Brawl 2005 video Spring Fling 2006 video
  23. Dockboy

    Fall Brawl 2006...“War is simple, direct, and ruthless.”

    OK guy's.......time to start the list :) Please look over the list below and help me fill it in. Let me know the days attending and number of trucks, Dynoing and what day, Show& Shine (Sat. only), and Food/Supplys. Thanks, Greg :)
  24. Dockboy

    Fall Brawl 2006...“War is simple, direct, and ruthless.”

    Here are the classes for Fall Brawl 2006........ STOCK- This class is limited as in the years past to the following mods,air intakes and aftermarket exhausts.NOTHING ELSE!.Those caught with other unapproved mods in this class will forfeit any chance of winning anything.Please be honest...
  25. Dockboy

    Fall Brawl 2006...“War is simple, direct, and ruthless.”

    Thats right its time for the games to begin again..... Fall Brawl 2006...“War is simple, direct, and ruthless.” The Mason-Dixon TDC would like to extend our invitation to all who desire to participate in this great end of the year show.This is our annual 2 day dyno competition which hosts...

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