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    Bully Dog 6 pos chip

    What is next to nothing? Call Tony up... He might cut you a deal... Bully puppy is just TS programs... Generic... Really no need for a 6 pos chip on the OBS... You are just wasteing your money on anything higher then a 100 setting anyway...

    Are K&N Performance filters any good?

    Go with the AFE pro-dri. No oil to worry about! I have installed two now! Hope to get one for myself soon!

    ATF as additive in 6.0??

    DO NOT USE ATF in your fuel... it will ruin your very expensive injectors...

    Which injector?

    Do you like to DO IT YOURSELF... LOL:roflmao

    Trans Temp 170+

    Dont waste your cash on a oversized pan... More fluid just means more to cool and heat to operating temp... Stock 4x4 pans are what leave the shop at BTS and Suncoast and thats what is still on mine... Never had a tranny temp issue...

    Which injector?

    I tow with stage 2's up and above 12-14k... Its all in the supporting mods!

    Gauge readings

    Spikes to 1100??? LOL You need more fuel...1600 is where the peg is on the gauge... I think I need a 2000...

    Need help with chip ID/info

    I think that is a vanaken chip... But I am sure Tony knows for sure, I have only seen TS and DP blanks.

    to gear or not to gear???

    I would never change out my gears... LOVE the 3.73's.... Tows fine up to 12-14k, and there is nothing better then setting the cruise at 80 and be sitting at 2000-2100 rpms...
  10. CSIPSD

    Tinted my windows!!!

    Here are a few pic's of the wifes with 5% on everything... FYI, if you go too dark, just remember when you get pulled over to roll down your windows in front!!!
  11. CSIPSD

    Chip Reprogramed????

    Depends on how old it is... It could be a old ATS three pos... Could be a TS 4 pos too but its hard to tell without a pic... Hey Tony!!! Nice to see you over here!
  12. CSIPSD

    99 chip

    Here are some of the best tuners Dp Tuner Jody & Tony
  13. CSIPSD

    To chip or not chip...that is my ????????

    Chip it... I have 2 PSD's in the garage (so to speak...LOL) both are chipped and would not have it any other way. Nothing agaist CHP, but if your going to go the programer way go for the SCT Xcal 2, better tunes, upgradable, more options, live data streaming and logging. New tunes can be...
  14. CSIPSD

    DI Performance, Houston, TX

    David and Nate are good guys! Cant go wrong if there in your back yard!
  15. CSIPSD

    got my gauges

    :sweet Works too... :sweet
  16. CSIPSD

    Computer chip for 2008 Ford 6.4L diesel

    Go to Elite Diesel.  Welcome to the Elite I just talked to Tadd yesterday, they are shipping the SCT livewire now.... Very nice!!!
  17. CSIPSD

    got my gauges

    Just drill and tap... them little shavings will blow right thru the exhaust side and not hurt a thing...
  18. CSIPSD

    Fuel pressure sending unit.

    It will run at 30#'s... Might be a plugged fuel filter... Might be a pluged pick up, might be a bad pump...
  19. CSIPSD

    GAUGES!! TEE HEE!!!!

    Drill and tap the Manifold, easy... Drill and tap the Air Horn, easy... Install temp sender in tranny port... easy!
  20. CSIPSD

    Fault codes

    What lead you to believe that you had a bad injector? What other tests have you run? Your jumping big leaps to start replacing hard parts now...
  21. CSIPSD

    Head stud help

    Easiest way is to pull the cab... About 40 minutes of work to pull the cab. Check out the pic's at Elite Diesel.  Welcome to the Elite. There not bad to install...
  22. CSIPSD

    Fuel pressure sending unit.

    This is the place you should install the sender...
  23. CSIPSD

    Fuel Pressure Gauge

    I have Isspro gauges... But your right, they dont have a electric gauge yet. I am running a proto type gauge right now and it works great. If you have to have a mech gauge then yes use the iso...
  24. CSIPSD

    Head studs and gaskets

    You will not need headstuds... with that set up you will be close to 38-40#'s but the drive pressures will be low so you will be fine. If you feel you need studs then do it with factory gaskets... But its a very hard deal to do, two options, pull the motor or jack the cab up...
  25. CSIPSD

    Head studs and gaskets

    A few questions... 1. Why? you are no where near the level that 7.3s pop heads... Waste of money unless you have something else planned 2. If you have something else planned the what? That will tell us what kind of studs and if fire ringing it might be better. Stock Heads hold to about...

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