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    Gauge kits

    A pillar top to bottom Exhaust Back Pressure 0-60 Boost Pressure 0-60 Left EGT 0-2000 Right EGT 0-2000 Dash Top Water Injection Pressure 0-180psi Overhead Pod left to right Tranny temp 100-280 Rear diif temp 100-280 Oil temp 100-280 Coolant temp 100-280 Dash Suround...

    Sensor locations for gauge install

    I would check your up pipes and intercooler boots.

    Sensor locations for gauge install

    Agreed. You have to have a load on to build boost. Will not happen just free reving the motor, unless you have a supercharger!:sly

    Sensor locations for gauge install

    Where did you install the boost line at? Almost sounds like you cut into the Green or red lines that are for the wastegate...

    Gauge kits

    Who makes it? I have never seen one, be curious to see it.

    Gauge kits

    They dont, but you can run two senders to one gauge and then run a switch and switch back and forth as you want... And just for fun, a pic of the cockpit...

    New Parts on the way!!

    Could also be up pipes!

    Sensor locations for gauge install

    Hell its been so long I cant remember... IIRC it was a 4an fitting. Basically drive down to a fitting shop with a set of allen wrenches, remove the plug and walk in. They will have it.

    Modded H2e in...

    Guess I never did throw a video up on this huh... Two years later and alot of work... YouTube - Modded H2e, Hybrids, passing a Dodge.
  10. CSIPSD

    I'm excited!!

    I want another... Of my own, not grand baby... But at least your way you can send them back when you want to sleep!
  11. CSIPSD

    Gauge kits

    I am partial to Isspro... EV or EV2 if your on a budget, or Performax if you really want to have it easy. I only have 17 in the cab
  12. CSIPSD

    Sensor locations for gauge install

    Oil Pressure... Or you can install oil temp there as well. Oil temp... Or you can install pressure there as well... Water temp... If you have any questions feel free... I test for Isspro and have 17 gauges in the cab!!! LOL
  13. CSIPSD

    HP Crossover hose

    It does nothing... Helps nothing. nothing on the #8 is "underpowered"
  14. CSIPSD


    Just watch for the ball.. they like to fall out when your not looking, or they will not fall out and you think you have lost them...LOL
  15. CSIPSD

    Intercooler question

    Dont waste your time on the 6.0 IC... I saw little if any change going with a 6.0 IC.
  16. CSIPSD

    Goal: Insane dyno number

    LOL... 1000hp on HEUI... Not going to happen. Sorry. cost wise just to get you to the $800 area... about 20k for the motor.
  17. CSIPSD

    exhuast swap from 07 to a 00? possible

    You will need the down pipe from a 7.3 kit, but the rest would drop right in.
  18. CSIPSD

    CFM+ Intake Manifold

    Yup... Save your money and put it to something that will make a differance.
  19. CSIPSD

    Banks Wastegate

    Turbomaster from Dieselsite... Cheaper then the bank crap, works better, and easy to ajust...
  20. CSIPSD

    Help after intake install

    Compressor side, not the exhaust side. ATS housing is also a sure fix, the WW sometimes works, sometimes does not. A 1.00 exhaust housing will fix most surge too, and lower EGT's and get more HP...
  21. CSIPSD


    I have a few of the EV2 gauges for tests... they work great!
  22. CSIPSD

    7.3 Power or Going to 6.0 or the "C" word

    Water injection... Which would have been fine if I had not had issues with the motor from day one... He kept telling me its just breaking in, its normal, its a built motor... anything but there might be an issue with it... Then after I got the Compression test done he Voided it...:rolleyes:
  23. CSIPSD

    7.3 Power or Going to 6.0 or the "C" word

    DO NOT GET A BLOCK FROM DAVID AT DI... Unless you know for FACT HE is building it... I have one of his "short" blocks... Good thing he sells it with no core because 40k later I am having to build my core to replace my short block less then a year later. He voided my warranty on the motor.
  24. CSIPSD


    A 4" down pipe will help as well, its not NECESSARY but it does help.
  25. CSIPSD


    They will fit any make or model. Make sure you get the correct pod is all.

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