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    Early '99 VS. Late '99... some questions

    Old Body Style. Not 10% maybe 5-6% not much...

    Need input...on tuner

    Jody at DP is into the 6.0 too.

    Yes or NO on the Muffler

    I noticed you were running B-99... I just started too, I love it! Runs quieter and I think I have more power???

    front license plate??

    Never run one ether, I like the look better!!!

    Need input...on tuner

    SCT is the only way to go, best programing, best tranny controls, best updates... You can store as many tunes on your laptop as you want and just upload them to the tuner thru a USB port... Try that with any of the others! Edge has taken enough head gaskets that I would not put it on my truck...

    Yes or NO on the Muffler

    I run no muf/no cat, and a Aeroturbine... Love the sound!

    Stacking Edge with Attitude

    Different rigs, but your doing the same thing. One is a programmer, changes the factory parameters, the other is a box, that tricks the computer into thinking there is less fuel, more boost, more demand then there is... You can not stack something that changes the programing on the truck with...

    Stacking Edge with Attitude

    You cant stack a programer on a programer, one over rides the other... You could stack an edge ez or a banks sixgun with a chip or programer, but why? If your chip tuner is doing his job, he is getting the max out of your truck...

    here we go...

    That would be a good bet! David will do good for ya!
  10. CSIPSD

    Preditor tuner vs. SCT tuner?? need some imput

    Got a quad A-pillar waiting on some new Isspro gauges I get to test!!! WOOHOO!!! More gauges!!! LOL
  11. CSIPSD

    Preditor tuner vs. SCT tuner?? need some imput

    You can not change programs on the fly with a programer, but as said with a chip you can. But SCT can have Jodys files loaded on to it, rather then the stock SCT files. You would like a chip better then a tuner I garotee:D it. As far as gauges, Dennis at ITP, and Jeremy at LIPD have both...
  12. CSIPSD

    What to buy?

    As far as a tuner, SCT gets most votes hands down, best control over the tranny, best tunes, best code reading, live data streaming... Intake, AFE, they just came out with a stage 3 kit that is very nice, but the stock system on the 6.0 is a very good system to begin with! Exhaust, MBRP...
  13. CSIPSD

    here we go...

    Did you put another stock turbo in there? I have seen under some conditions a filter getting sucked in, never seen one come apart... There is very little chance something got "sucked" into your filter hard enough to make a hole, too much surface area to create that effect. But let us know!
  14. CSIPSD

    Preditor tuner vs. SCT tuner?? need some imput

    I would go with the SCT, a few vendors can install custom tunes onto it. DP tuner is one, With the predator, you get what they give you, not that its bad. Might give Jody a call! I love the chip, switch on the fly! You could find a used superchip or similar programmer cheap for the code...
  15. CSIPSD

    Factory tech valve body... Good tranny mod?

    Get some gauges in that thing before you go wild! Have fun!
  16. CSIPSD

    bouncing on the freeway

    Welcome to concrete freeways... No real way to stop it, your wheel base is just right to be at the top of every one. Concrete curls at every joint and so you get the nice bounce... Its nice once you get your wifes boobs done... The bounce is rather distracting, but she will laugh at you...
  17. CSIPSD

    running ag diesel

    Nice! I am in corvallis right now building a new Home Depot, just finished the one in Salem off cherry 9 months ago...
  18. CSIPSD

    Picture of EBP - Exhaust Back Pressure

    That looks like the sensor location...
  19. CSIPSD

    running ag diesel

    Where in Oregon are you? I live in Bend, and travel all over the NW building Wal marts and Home Depots...
  20. CSIPSD

    I have ?s w/fathers 00, 7.3

    DI, ATS, TS, DP tuner... they are all great!!! You can get a 6 pos chip for about 350-400, or a three, four, five... what ever you want for less. Install requires removeing the computer, and cleaning some contacts. Then the chip just slids on. Install the switch somewhere and your done.
  21. CSIPSD

    Garett Turbo Question

    Stocker on the SD is a GT-38, ball bearing is a GTP-38r
  22. CSIPSD

    running ag diesel

    Watch at the horse shows... They dip regularly there, is it really worth it? Its not that much cheaper and if you get hit, it will kill your pocket book!
  23. CSIPSD

    Methanol Injection?

    No, you will be fine, I ran RainX WWF for a whole winter... No issues. It's just something I dont think the motor needs...
  24. CSIPSD

    lift kits....?

    4" with 35's works fine if you get the right off set on the wheels. Hell I am running 37's on a 4" lift with just a little rub on the springs at full lock.
  25. CSIPSD

    running ag diesel

    No harm in running it! None!!! Other then your Pocket book!

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