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    Banks Techni-Cooler??

    Your not going to see any HP gains with just a IC upgrade (very small 5-10hp at most) but your EGT's will drop which will allow you to add more fuel for more HP!!! If your wanting to upgrade your IC, go with the Sperco, or DI unit, much better and about the same cost, if not cheaper...

    4 inch turbo back exhaust change

    You don't need to remove it, just drill it with the motor running, any small shavings that might fall UP!!! will blow right out the tail pipe. The turbo is not as fragile as some believe! Really, I have seen some suck bolts right thru with NO damage!!! Drill tap and be done, or drill and clamp...

    New to the site, and diesels'

    It does not have a Banks "turbo", thats a salesman not knowing crap... Banks makes no turbo upgrade for the 6.0... It might have a banks tuner or exhaust or something but no turbo.

    Gauges or monitor w/ SCT

    Gauges... Hummmm I like an anolog gauge, you learn where it is with out having to read a number, they are easier to read due to size, one issue is alot of them tap factory sensors...IE boost and tranny pressures. Boost will be off if you use a blow-off or a regulater. Tranny temps are going...

    got my brothers 99... performance questons

    Did someone say gauges??? I like Isspro myself... Have both Isspro and Autometer, no issues with ether. But I like the looks of the Isspro better...


    It will over speed(over boost) the stock turbo. Its not rated for over 25#... Fine for track use and such but I would get a better acuator... Turbomaster or Banks Big head.

    Fuel pump shim with Superchips?

    You can stack a 10k mod with the superchips, for a small gain... But a well tuned chip will not need a 10k. But as posted, the fuel pressure is all mech...

    which turbo?

    WHAT??? The 38r has been in many 450-500hp trucks, It works great with injectors... Rated for 40+ lbs of boost...Loved the spool of mine and the sound... That is true about the TN turbo (which I am running right now). The TN spools slower then the BB, but I had issues with the BB surging...

    Electric fuel gauge

    I'm not sure where the port is on a 6.0 but where ever you tap for the mech gauge is the same spot you put sender for the electric...
  10. CSIPSD

    another guage question

    I would say ultralites... With LED bulbs...
  11. CSIPSD

    Build Date

    on the valve cover drivers side...
  12. CSIPSD

    another guage question

    Isspro...LOL But the only differance is the face and lighting... Same internals... Get the 60# for a 6.0, once you start mod's you will run out of gauge with a 35# Ya got some Isspro pic's and some Autometer ultralites... GET THE LED's :hail
  13. CSIPSD

    something funny with the fuel gauge

    Yup, done it a few times...
  14. CSIPSD

    Build Date 12/99

    2000, but it really doesnt matter at that point, NVK is the program. If your pushing that combo thru a stock replacement then yes there are issues... You need atleast a valve body...
  15. CSIPSD

    Bully Dog Power Pup

    You pull that bully dog and install a chip and you will be at about 350 with that set up... I am at 363 with mine and water-meth
  16. CSIPSD

    exhaust question

    They check for stuff on diesels but they will still pass with the cat gone, I have had a 6.0 pass a test in CO with a 90hp tow tune installed and no cat...
  17. CSIPSD

    exhaust question

    Some 7.3's had them, its hit and miss but about 30-40% did...
  18. CSIPSD

    Trans temp sending unit

    The tranny sender should be a single wire one right? as long as the gauge is the same calabration it should work. The Pyro, as long as its a type K will work fine. Might have to call them for a replacement Bulb socket...
  19. CSIPSD

    exhaust question

    My 01 didnt have one, but I think all the 6.0's did... Not sure... Oregon doesnt test anything above 7900#'s... You can go turbo back and delete it or just gut it, your choise...LOL
  20. CSIPSD

    Adjustable Regulator Kit, or Regulated Return Kit

    Bobs is just a pressure regulater, and Dennis's (ITP) is a full fuel system to eleminate the dead head. Bob has a full kit too. but they are two differant things
  21. CSIPSD

    I gotta problem boys

    But that would not cause a no/ hard start condition...
  22. CSIPSD

    exhaust question

    Yes, but thats just one more thing to do before a test... What if you get a visual inspection on the side of the road? Just gut it and be done... There is no restriction with is gutted and gives a nice expansion area to stop any drone...
  23. CSIPSD

    Bully Dog Power Pup

    Nope, trust me I have seen the software and the readings the equt can find...
  24. CSIPSD

    exhaust question

    4" turbo back, gut the cat and never look back. It will still pass emissions, still pass a visual and sound sweet! I have done this same thing to two 03's and one 06...
  25. CSIPSD

    Bully Dog Power Pup

    Its not bad, I would go with a SCT if it were me... Best Tranny controls in the bussness and everything you could want. Code reading, data logging, data streaming. If you need new tunes they can be e-mailed to you and you can load them into the tuner.

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