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    What do you guys think about Hypertec Hyperpac?

    The guy down the street has one and seems very impressed. He is coming from nothing and it was his first upgrade to his truck. I liked the gauges and all the stuff you can look at. Somewhat like the Auto Enginuity. Hypertech is known for very conservative power gains.


    or you cleared the codes...

    propane injection????

    I have a 8 gal tank and go for about 300 miles if I just leave it on... I can go 1300 or so if I use it sparingly

    propane injection????

    Its not a drop persay... If you peaked at 1200 before you will peak about 100-150 lower then before, but its not like the pyro drops or anything, just stops moving up. If I am playing with it and pulling, turn it off and the EGT's will start to climb, turn it back on and there is not enought...

    HELP!! Which programmer offers the best results???

    I would go with a SCT tuner myself if you dont want to do a chip. Many vendors can hook you up with a SCT X cal2... its more then just a programer, you can read and clear codes, live data logging, you can have as many programs as you want saved on your home computer and upload the ones you want...

    propane injection????

    I run water for cooling, water and WWF in the winter to keep the tank thawd, and 40% meth for power when I want it!!!

    dtc code problem '02 powerstroke

    I set the 1211 code daily and never blown a hose... Just drive it, maybe get a better tune on there. Tadd writes my stuff a little differant and in all but the insanity file I dont get the light... But the insanity is where I live...LOL... Infact I just stacked a stage 1 kit from SP diesel on...

    propane injection????

    Agreed... Water/meth is the way to go...HEHEHEHHE

    propane injection????

    Go with the best tuner for the 6.0... SCT Xcal 2...
  10. CSIPSD

    propane injection????

    propane is great if you use it for mild power increeses and with a tune writin for it. It will spike your Cylinder pressures...
  11. CSIPSD

    7.3 tune

    All chip tuners mentioned do there own programing... DP Tuner,TS performance
  12. CSIPSD

    7.3 tune

    Your SES light was from one of two things, overboost and or ICP pressure. Anything over 4" exhaust is just for looks, there is no performance gain from over 4" Joe
  13. CSIPSD

    Lost horsepower with intake and exhaust

    If he disconnected the batterys and then did the install, the tranny was running on DUMB... You cant work on these things and then throw them right back on the rollers. You have to let the tranny relearn how to shift to get good numbers. Take it back and try it again... Bet your numbers will be...
  14. CSIPSD

    Shimming the FPR 99-03 7.3

    Or its a sign that you need a second fuel pump with your big arse injectors... I have mine shimmed to 70psi but can suck it down to about 60 at WOT...
  15. CSIPSD

    Turbo timer?

    Dont waste your cash... The wifes tale of waiting to turn off until 300 was with older oils and different trucks. Driving around town I turn mine off at... when ever I feel like it... Only time a watch the temps is after a long pull or something like that. Then by the time you have pulled into a...
  16. CSIPSD

    Hypertech programmer stacked with TS?

    You can not stack a programmer on a chip, the chip will override the programer... Are you sure the Hypertech will recal the tire size, a few say they will and then you try and "feature not supported"
  17. CSIPSD


    Thats what I have in both PSD's I have... Best filter set up on market.
  18. CSIPSD

    SCT Tune Installed!!!!!

    Tadd is the man... He is the only one on my two 7.3's! And any 6.0s I get near!!! LOL
  19. CSIPSD

    Western Diesel Gauges

    Hummmm I dont have any pic's here... LOL
  20. CSIPSD

    Western Diesel Gauges

    Isspro gauges... Look almost factory... Check out my pictures for a few good shots.
  21. CSIPSD

    Anyone seen this turbo?

    Its a very good turbo, I have been running one for quite a while now. Works good, DOES NOT surge.
  22. CSIPSD

    Fuel pump, no pressure

    Yes thats my question, sounds like gelled fuel. That Fuel pump price, what is that about in US dollars? should be able to get a SD pump for about $240-$250 us
  23. CSIPSD

    Bully dog Power Pup

    Look at the drivers side manifold, is there a probe in it like this? If so then you have a pre turbo pyro (good) if not check the down pipe (exhaust) If there is a probe there (bad) you need to move it when you can and until then use 950-1000 as your red line.
  24. CSIPSD

    Overhead adjustment

    No ajustment nessasary. Change the filters, Fuel, Oil, Air... drive the hell out of it.

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