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    You can stack a programer with a 10k type mod, or a chip with a 10k type mod... You can not stack a programer with a chip... With a well tuned chip you will see little if any change adding a stack to a chip... just a SES light more often. FYI the banks 6 gun is nothing more then a $400 10k...

    Best intake?

    AFE stage 2 WITHOUT the proguard 7... I have 2, one in each rig... 110,000 miles on mine and 30k on hers.... Best avalable...

    4.5" lift with 36"s?

    I run 37's on a 4" lift with no rubbing... All in the wheel offset.


    Start looking for a boost leak... You have a few boots that might need tightened. Also look at the up pipes from the turbo to the exhaust manifolds.

    Speedometer not operating/Overdrive button light flashing

    The only thing that worries me is getting "pulled" home... You should NOT flat tow a auto without putting the Tcase in N...


    20#'s with the stock or with the chip? 20#'s is good on a OBS with no wastegate... With the tuner you should see about 25 or so...


    Yes and no... Big oil makes the truck run right, makes it pull like it should. If your looking for all out max numbers then yes that combo will take a rod out, but if you tune it right, you will have a truck you can run all day at 400hp and have NO issues, NO ICP codes, and no surge issues...

    Diablosport Predator vs TS 6 pos chip

    With my DI chip and a ATS housing, no water... 326...

    single gauge A-pillar pod

    Easy, ya just remove the A pillar and tuck the wires up in there. I have installed 4 overhead pods in the last few months...
  10. CSIPSD


    Good tunes (live, with CP testing equitment) is the key. Big oil, true 530's and a Gt-42 would be a safe set-up
  11. CSIPSD

    intercooler pipes ?

    Geoff... well... nevermind...LOL
  12. CSIPSD

    single gauge A-pillar pod

    Did you get anywhere with this? There is a Steering column pod that is quite nice too, or you could just go wild and get the overhead... The overhead fits fine with the factory overhead too. I need to get some pic's of the wifes pod...:sorry
  13. CSIPSD

    Anti-surge wheels

    Where ever you can find it, cheapest is the same as the BANK's...
  14. CSIPSD

    MAP-Maximizer Ford 7.3L

    I bet it just plugs into the MAP sensor, look at the pic here. Look at the White arrow, this is the MAP sensor, does your widget have a plug that looks like that?
  15. CSIPSD


    You should be fine with any chip or tuner, just keep an eye on the temps. Keep in mind, with your "big power" that you have PMR rods and 400-430 is about the limit before needing a bottom end. You will be no where near that with a chip intake and exhaust but just a FYI
  16. CSIPSD

    Super chip

    You can put the programer on the truck so long as the other one is set to stock. I would bet the reason your "chip" didnt work is the contacts are not clean on the access port. Might try cleaning them again, as you will anyway once you get a new chip.
  17. CSIPSD


    Look at the Tymar type intake, about $50 worth of parts. Also there is the 10k mod, very easy. Get rid of the cat and muffler and get some gauges. As far as the low MPG and such, check the boots from the turbo to the IC and back, also look at the up pipes from the exhust manifolds to the...
  18. CSIPSD

    Exhaust enhancement

    WOW... nice they copied Aero... I hope they are paying some fee's...
  19. CSIPSD

    Exhaust enhancement

    I didnt click the link but I bet its a copy of the aeroturbine. The Aeroturbine goes as far forward as you can get it to the turbo and on my truck it dropped EGT's about 75 degrees.
  20. CSIPSD

    Trans temp question.

    225-235 is about the limit for any kind of time. If you start to creap up that way going over a pass or such thats fine so long as they start back down...
  21. CSIPSD

    toyo open country tires

    FYI, I have toyo MT's with over 65k on them, still about 10% left. Then installed a set of Toyo AT's and they were gone with less then 25k!!! On another set of MT's now and will never put a differant tire on my rigs...
  22. CSIPSD

    I want more power

    Stock AD's are 140cc but most flow somewhat less. There is no "HP" rating for them. Stock injectored truck, no drugs, stock turbo... Top HP will be about 325. TQ about 675.
  23. CSIPSD

    4 or 5 inch exhaust???

    There is NO performance gain from 5"... None. 5" gives a deeper sound and nothing else. Doesnt matter the HP level, the highest HP 7.3's in the country are running 4" systems. Nothing to gain with a dual system eather, just looks.
  24. CSIPSD

    Programmer for 7.3 2002

    Try his injectors next
  25. CSIPSD

    I want more power

    Most times TQ is twice what HP is... so 300 hp is most times about 600-650 tq. I bet the 750 guy had a nice shift spike in his dyno graph.

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