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    Tranmission temp guage

    Not arguing, just looking at his sig, looks like a stock truck:sorry ... The factory sender wire is in the main loom... I dont know what color or anything. Just saying, I dont think its an aftermarket gauge:sweet . Here is a shot of the aftermarket gauge port...

    Tranmission temp guage

    Sounds like you are talking about the factory tranny temp? If so that is buried in the tranny...

    electric fans

    If you tow with your truck DO NOT DO IT... the small gain in HP (in limited times) is not worth the overheating issues you will run into! Every person I know that has tried one has removed it later due to issues when towing.


    YOU CAN NOT STACK A PROGRAMER AND A CHIP... The chip overrides the programer...

    horse power?

    Most of the time, the most extream program will give you the best milage... But you have to keep your foot out of it.

    What do ya'll think

    Look at the up pipes... See pic's... They should be clean and not covered in soot.

    What do ya'll think

    I have the regular cap, but then I drilled and tapped it... I would say you have a boost leak or a kink in your boost line..

    What do ya'll think

    The problem with the map fooler is its making the computer see 22#s boost at all times, not good for fuel milage and a real PIA if your doing any kind of live tuning/data loging.

    What do ya'll think

    I run a IAH delte plug, but I dont see any differance in boost readings... Dont get the plug or the blow off, get the boost regulator from ITP... Why would you install a boost leak when your trying so hard to remove them? I had a boost blow off and switched to the regulator because at high...
  10. CSIPSD

    Traction bar snubbers wasted!

    You should see mine... and she is running modded B code's...:doh: But the add-a-leaf in back might be keeping hers ok...:sweet
  11. CSIPSD

    Garret GTP-38r rant

    OK Guys... You all know my feelings on the Garret turbo, and after thinking more and more about it I figured I would make one long post about it and let it be. I bought a Garret GTP-38r about 16 months ago, took about 2 months to have the time to install it. We installed it at the Tech day at...
  12. CSIPSD

    Strobe lite guys. . .

    I have two in the back, one set in the reverse lights and one set in the brake lights, then the other set are in the front turn signals... Video - Strobes from the back And from the front... Video - Strobes from the front
  13. CSIPSD

    Gauge mounts, Lets see em

    Small blind spot with the A pillar, but Isspro is working on a new one that will all but eleminate the blind spot. Here are a few shots of mine. And the wifes... Love the overhead the best, I am adding the underdash pod soon for a total of 15 then the steering column pod for a special...
  14. CSIPSD

    Show off your Excursion/s here!

    LOL Too many forums not enough day time...LOL She's getting injectors in a week!!!
  15. CSIPSD

    Strobe lite guys. . .

    Here is where I got mine... SIRENNET.COM - Strobe Kits
  16. CSIPSD

    Show off your Excursion/s here!

    Here is a few of the wifes... FYI, She has done the turbo install, exhaust install, most of the other installs...
  17. CSIPSD

    Traction bar snubbers wasted!

    Holy crap!!! I have never seen any like that... The wifes look like new... I ever post a pic of the wifes X here???
  18. CSIPSD


    Read back again... Most are saying just what you did, No need to stack with a well tuned chip, be it from DP Tuner, or Tony...
  19. CSIPSD

    Normal Pyro Temps????

    I see 100 differance from right to left side cruising...
  20. CSIPSD

    Electric or mechanical gauges

    Electric, Isspro to be exact...
  21. CSIPSD

    question about my gauges

    Should hook up fine, same parts and pieces...
  22. CSIPSD

    map sensor/boost fooler?

    I have had both and I prefer the ITP boost regulator... Why would you want to install a boost leak? They tell you right in the discruption... "release excess boost"
  23. CSIPSD

    question about my gauges

    Should be the same, what is it connecting to?
  24. CSIPSD

    Any Experience With City Diesel Intercoolers?

    A few "vendors" are selling them for about $1100, I wont name names but... From what I read there good but... You can be the ginnypig...
  25. CSIPSD


    I put down 351 with a BB turbo and a 120hp setting in CO last year... Good stuff!!!

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