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  1. bartman

    my 2007 6.4 twin turbo

    How big? I want to see it.
  2. bartman

    Staff additions!

    Congrats fellas!
  3. bartman

    hard cold starting

    I say running on 4 because it shakes violently side to side for a while, then it evens out, and then it runs fine. I can drive it around and it will restart without probelms all the time after that, but the initial start is horrible.
  4. bartman

    hard cold starting

    Yeah, duh, maybe that's the problem ;) I knew I was going to get a response on Freudian slip. Old habit, I will try to keep it from happening again.
  5. bartman

    hard cold starting

    Subscribing....I had a tough time getting mine going ysterday morning. Seemed to be running on 4 cyl. and dying. No good. I had to give it gas to keep it idling. I figure that I have a bank of GP's not getting juice, but I am not sure how to see this. Anywho, I'll sit back and and see what...
  6. bartman

    Texas Mods II & III - Results

    I was hoping we could get one together as well, but the weather isn't cooperating. Man, I wish my truck would fit in my garage :( :(
  7. bartman

    Texas Mods II & III - Results

    LOL, yeah, to create job security.
  8. bartman

    Notes from my CCV mod

    That would have helped. I only had some clear silicone. I know that if I will be repairing a leak, gasket sealer will be used.
  9. bartman

    CCV Mod on Ebay

    Too expensive, I have <$25 in mine.
  10. bartman

    Notes from my CCV mod

    I will take pictures and post them up when I get the chance.
  11. bartman

    Notes from my CCV mod

    Parts list The CCV parts that I bought are as follows: 1 - 3/4" X 10' clear tubing from Home Depot 1 - 3/4" X 3/4" hosebarb X hosebarb from Home Depot 1 - 3/4" hosebarb X hosebarb X npt T from Home Depot (this is for the drip catch) 1 - 3/4" X 3" nipple 1 - 3/4" Threaded cap handful of...
  12. bartman

    Notes from my CCV mod

    Well, I got ambitious and did my CCV mod today. I didn't take pictures since it was dark out. I learned that if you plan on turning the CCV around on the VC, you will need some pookie to hold O-rings in place while you put it back on, and that if you are lucky like me, one will be crushed from...
  13. bartman

    Texas Mods II & III - Results

    Well, I got ambitious and did my CCV mod today. I didn't take pictures since it was dark out. I learned that if you plan on turning the CCV around on the VC, you will need some pookie to hold O-rings in place while you put it back on, and that if you are lucky like me, one will be crushed from...
  14. bartman

    AIH mod? Is it worth it for me?

    Do it, there's really no reason that I see not to.
  15. bartman

    Texas Mods II & III - Results

    Maybe one day I will be able to say the same :hail :hail :hail for now, I am still the apprentice.
  16. bartman

    Texas Mods II & III - Results

    Bummer :( I guess I'll need to get out there tonight (and some tomorrow) and play trucks for a little while or wait till the weather changes back.
  17. bartman

    Texas Mods II & III - Results

    I understand, I haven't looked at the forecast. I don't plan on doing anything in the cold wet weather. I just know I can't do it tomorrow because of a morning meeting that I cannot miss. It can wait. I do appreciate the willingness to help, again. I will give the WIKI a good, close look...
  18. bartman

    Texas Mods II & III - Results

    I ordered it yesterday around lunch. I guess it may have shipped yesterday, I got the "it's shipped" email this morning. I may have it on my porch right now. Would you be busy Friday morning?
  19. bartman

    Texas Mods II & III - Results

    I hoping for it to be on my porch Thursday afternoon. I think it shipped today.
  20. bartman

    Texas Mods II & III - Results

    FWIW, I should have the Sonnax and the WW in my hands by Friday.
  21. bartman

    4 inch exhaust for 255$????

    I wish I got a bonus :( :( :(
  22. bartman

    Texas Mods II & III - Results

    There may be one around your computer as well.....:roflmao :roflmao :roflmao The CCV parts that I bought are as follows: 1 - 3/4" X 10' clear tubing from Home Depot 1 - 3/4" X 3/4" hosebarb X hosebarb from Home Depot 1 - 3/4" hosebarb X hosebarb X npt T from Home Depot (this is for the...
  23. bartman

    Texas Mods II & III - Results

    I'm not picky and I am flexible, so most dates will work for me. Wow, CISSP, that's pretty impressive. I would go after that if my company was intersted in my being CISSP certified. We need to talk computers one of these days. Bart
  24. bartman

    Texas Mods II & III - Results

    Let's do it Trey! I need the WW and Sonnax as well. :thumbs
  25. bartman

    Dead X - Questions

    LMBO!! My wife has to deal with me 24x7!! We need to do those soon, but I'm not sure I would be ready to forray into the tranny or the turbo by myself just yet, but I would be willing to try if I have support. I have yet to pick up those parts, but I may just do that tomorrow and have them...

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