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  1. bartman

    DFW mod party 9-2-06

    that's quite the list John. Tranny stuff doesn't take too much time, but the WW will.
  2. bartman

    DFW mod party 9-2-06

    I will find out and let you know.
  3. bartman

    DFW mod party 9-2-06

    I'll know more this weekend....stay tuned...
  4. bartman

    Truck Parts

    I don't know about this site, but I lean towards agreeing with CHPMustang. I buy from our sponsors because of their quality products and top notch service. I've read too many nightmare stories about dealing with super discount products and their dealers to take a chance.
  5. bartman

    Needs to be LOUDER

    I don't believe that we have a factory BOV on our 7.3's.
  6. bartman

    Tranny Problems

    I had a clean filter put in when we did my sonnax, and I flushed it a month later and didn't change it again.
  7. bartman

    Tranny Problems

    I bought generic stuff. If I had a fresh rebuild, I'd go syn. I did mine like this:
  8. bartman

    Tranny Problems

    8 in the pan, another 10 in the TC and lines.
  9. bartman

    Glow Plug Relay/Glow Plug Replacement

    Will do, John. Hopefully you can avoid a "have to" situation.
  10. bartman

    Tranny Problems

    IIRC, 18 qts.
  11. bartman

    Glow Plug Relay/Glow Plug Replacement

    We need another wrench day for sure. I'm considering a Friday off one of these weeks so I can get some stuff done.
  12. bartman

    Glow Plug Relay/Glow Plug Replacement

    Come check my stuff out, too. I've got hard starts now as well. You know where I live and the truck will be in front. Call ahead and I'll have the keys waiting. :thumbs :thumbs :thumbs :thumbs
  13. bartman

    good truck pt 2....

    My brother bought his first one the same way. It had 270k on it and was used to tote horses around for most of the miles. He let it go at 380k still running after he towed with it for a few years. If it has been taken care of, there is plenty of life in it. As far as things to look for...
  14. bartman

    ATS turbo housing and WW

    Blane, reading your sig, you've got a killer toybox :thumbs Make sure you keep all that stuff shiny side up.
  15. bartman

    7.3 fuel mileage question

    LOL! As far as mods go, I still have the stupid WW that needs to go on. I was thinking of doing another mod day at my house within the next month to 6 weeks. The weather today is gorgeous. Perfect, acually.
  16. bartman

    Lets see those SuperDuty Trucks!! (OFFICIAL PICTURE THREAD)

    Mine still at the dealership where I bought it.
  17. bartman

    7.3 fuel mileage question

    I'm not washing the motor. That gunk is what keeps my junk together. I'm not gonna take a chance on moisture making my IDM act funny. I don't want to walk home from Oklahoma :roflmao Maybe, but I keep a spreadsheet of consumption and it hasn't changed since day one. I was hoping to see...
  18. bartman

    Pimped mama's ride

    Wow, they don't look that wide on the Explorer. Awesome!
  19. bartman

    Pimped mama's ride

    They look like '98 Cobras to me.
  20. bartman

    7.3 fuel mileage question

    Cool, thanks. Also, let me know about the map sensor results.
  21. bartman

    Best chip or tuner for mileage gain? Imput please

    I experienced zero gain with mine. It's not matter of a heavier foot, either. I keep a log, and this is my result after 6 months.
  22. bartman

    Personalized License Plate

    I like ANSWRD PRVT MSGS j/k Brett Let me know about them running boards so I can make my wife happy before I tell her that I want to lift my truck 4" more :D
  23. bartman

    dale's number??

    no prob :thumbs don't be afraid :burnit
  24. bartman

    dale's number??

    Isley? 509 922 8785
  25. bartman

    Get Together for Big K - Saturday Sept. 16, 2006

    Crap! I will not be able to make this one :(

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