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  1. bartman

    Torque Converter Questions

    lol, Wes, I understand.
  2. bartman

    Torque Converter Questions

    We have to get together and do those things as well as the WW. As far the TC goes, there are far better versed members than I.
  3. bartman

    Rude awakening

    Yeah, that's a seemingly quiet place. We are in far north Dallas on the Richardson border. My battles have been with overnight vandalism. The truck has been hit with two eggs (seperate occasions) a cupcake and a string of fire crackers was deployed on my hood. We've been lucky and haven't...
  4. bartman

    Rude awakening

    Where abouts do you live? My family and I live in Dallas as well, and I am curious how far away you are.
  5. bartman

    dash lights

    That's what I try to do.
  6. bartman

    Answering Your Private Messages

    I wasn't implying that about you, but I do work with a guy...sheesh, he can wear you out in under 5 minutes. I know what you mean about family, once you break from the norm they begin to wonder what's wrong.
  7. bartman

    Answering Your Private Messages

    LMBO! :roflmao :roflmao Thanks!
  8. bartman

    dash lights

    Yep, the increased load of the GP's does it. If you look for it, you can see the headlights brighten up, too.
  9. bartman

    Answering Your Private Messages

    At least you are aware of this. I work with a guy that has no clue that he talks alot. He probably thinks I'm a butt for walking away from him. On a side note, I haven't gotten any PM's in a while and that makes me feel unloved.
  10. bartman

    Merry X-Mas Everyone. Now Look Out!

    Good kill Hoss!
  11. bartman

    Merry X-Mas Everyone. Now Look Out!

    That would be Trae... :silly :silly
  12. bartman

    Grand Rock Stacks

    Slick Rick on here has the Grand Rock stacks on his truck and Budro helped him with the install. PM either one, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to share their opinions.
  13. bartman

    Happy B-Day Scarlet_Nape!

    Happy B-Day John!
  14. bartman

    Truck broken in I need to replace the door?

    I guess I should look into this for future protection now that the truck is mine and has my crap in it.
  15. bartman

    Truck broken in I need to replace the door?

    I left it. I believe that someone also broke something off in the lock cylinder on that side as it's screwed all around. I may take the time one of these days and touch it up/bend it back, but it hasn't been high up on the list.
  16. bartman

    Fuel drip with engine off.

    If it drains in a place other than it leaks, then I would think it is leaking from somewhere else. The only way that I know of chasing something like this down is to degrease and clean the top of the motor and keep a close eye on where it starts to get dirty.
  17. bartman

    Truck broken in I need to replace the door?

    I have one of those on my passenger side door. It came that way when I bought it. I'm sorry to hear of the incident, Fernando.
  18. bartman

    Coolant leak & advice

    I'm glad your warranty covered it. My brother and I just swapped out his water pump last week. He was out of warranty and he was quoted $600 or so over the phone by a local dealer. On a side note, I was under my truck this weekend and I noticed I have the same spot on my crank pulley as you...
  19. bartman

    Only on Mondays

    Starter would not throw a code. It does sound like the starter is dying/dead.
  20. bartman

    Glow Plug Wiki

    If I can set up an activity for my little one, then it'll be on. I have family dinner plans Saturday evening, so will have to wrap in time for me to make that. No worries, Bryan. Take care of your wife, she needs the help. We certainly do understand. You've always been a great help...
  21. bartman

    Glow Plug Wiki

    The two things you guys need to do are very similar, with Bill going a step further and pulling the injectors to do the o-rings. I think it would be good to be together. As far as a mod party at my house, I am still not sure if I can pull it off. I have my kiddo this weekend, and my wife is...
  22. bartman

    fuel dripping out of fuel bowl drain

    Yeah, I rubbed a little diesel on them. It's not an easy spot to work, but I may pull the thing off again and put it back on. I have had great luck sealing stuff up without changing anything. I love doing things twice because I get real good at stuff, lol.
  23. bartman

    fuel dripping out of fuel bowl drain

    I replaced my orings yesterday, as it started pouring out the drain in the morning. It still drips a little, and I don't think I can get it any tighter. I made sure everything was clean and dirt free and I tightened the screws in a criss-cross pattern to make sure that it went down evenly...
  24. bartman

    DFW mod party 9-2-06

    Cool deal. I would really like to have the WW marked off of the to-do list.

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