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  1. bartman

    New pretties for the old girl

    Now she feels all nice and pretty. They are ProComp polished forged alloys in 17 X 9 with ProComp Xtreme All-Terrains in 35 X 12.50 X 17.
  2. bartman

    Anyone seen pics of the new 6 door F150 mule?

    reminds me of the show "The Fall Guy." He kept his bail jumpers in one of those compartments.
  3. bartman

    Fuel Mileage............

    What is your truck Pritch272, 2WD or 4wd?
  4. bartman

    Fuel Mileage............

    If I ever find an answer, I'll gladly post up. It's been a year, and I am still stumped.
  5. bartman

    Fuel Mileage............

    I didn't make it, but I sure liked it when I saw it. :thumbs
  6. bartman

    Swimming with the Grim Reaper

    At which point was that a good idea?
  7. bartman

    Aux input for sound into radio?

    I see Bill, you have some fancy stuff in your ride that I don't.
  8. bartman

    Fuel Mileage............

    Sure thing Brett. PM on the way.
  9. bartman

    Aux input for sound into radio?

    So you just can't play the AUX input and cd 6 at the same time?
  10. bartman

    Aux input for sound into radio?

    Will it keep his changer?
  11. bartman

    Fuel Mileage............

    I don't drive aggressively and I don't idle a lot. I'm not sure why the mileage is so low. I sure would like to fix that though.
  12. bartman

    Fuel Mileage............

    I wish, i have never seen that.
  13. bartman

    Fuel Mileage............

    I like the shock factor of the fancy setup. :)
  14. bartman

    Aux input for sound into radio?

    I just added RCA aux inputs to my stereo for MP3 using the PIE adapter. I don't have a changer, but I know they also sell adapters that allow you to keep the changer as well.
  15. bartman

    Fuel Mileage............

    LOL, no. I didn't create it. I found it on the internet somewhere and kept it.
  16. bartman

    Fuel Mileage............

    I'm your huckleberry.
  17. bartman

    Replacing compressor wheel?

    I believe so because that's what I've been told. I haven't personally seen an early 99 wheel so I can't say definitively, but if you were to pull the intake ducting off and look at the compressor wheel you should be able to see if the fins are uniform or if they alternate one short and one...
  18. bartman

    Replacing compressor wheel?

    The Wicked Wheel does not add any power, it has the cut fins so that compressed air can escape when the turbo stalls. Ford changed the wheel out because of complaints that turbo noise was too high.
  19. bartman

    Replacing compressor wheel?

    I believe that the early 99 wheel is the same as the wicked wheel. I may be wrong.
  20. bartman

    Texas Region Area Members Check In Here!

    Dustin' things with soot in north D-Town!
  21. bartman

    coolant leak behind engine fan?

    How you do keep the pulley from slipping in the belt?
  22. bartman

    coolant leak behind engine fan?

    What is the right tool? I removed my brother's WP with the fan on and removed the fan when I could get the whole thing in a vise. In case I need to do my own, I would like to know what I was missing. Thanks Bart
  23. bartman

    North Texas Nissan has and '08

    Yes they do. Rob Celedonia, the owner, is a great guy and a pleasure to deal with. He has a ton of big block Fords from the late 60's and early 70's. They are all cherry. He has more money is his car collection than I will make in the next 15 years.

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