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  1. kwazyca

    I'm chained up now....

    Has she got a sister??? :D ;) :cool:
  2. kwazyca

    Issue after headlight harness install

    PM Martha Stew........I mean Ford_Forgotten. He is the wiring guru here. If it's Thursday night when you read this you might check the Flashchat room. Link is above.
  3. kwazyca

    IDM mod???

    :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao How about I achieve? :thumbs
  4. kwazyca

    IDM mod???

    Scott, I (respectfully) disagree with you. If I am new to a forum I do not immediately start posting in such a manner as to be insulting to someone else. Especially when I have no idea what the other person might or might not know about the topic. I think it would kinda make me look like...
  5. kwazyca

    IDM mod???

    My money's on Daryl (Ford_Forgotten). I know a little bit about his qualifications and his accomplishments (truck related) Please don't talk down to people you do not know, or have any idea of their background/qualifications. Believe me. It will not earn you any respect here. My $.02...
  6. kwazyca

    IDM mod???

    Hey Daryl, When you say surface mount. Do you mean that it is a circuit board and you just un-plug and re-plug? Or is there a bunch of soldering to do? Tom
  7. kwazyca

    Wicked Wheel

    Just to give you another option. I have had great customer service from Bob at Dieselsite He is very knowledgeable about the WW. Tom
  8. kwazyca

    max a/c question

    Post some pics of your truck. It sounds nice. :thumbs
  9. kwazyca

    max a/c question

    I believe Ford fixed this problem after 03.
  10. kwazyca

    AutoStart identification and diagnosis.

    Glad your back Tony. I have been doing a really lousy job trying to cover for you. :o Tom
  11. kwazyca

    AutoStart identification and diagnosis.

    According to their (Astrostart) website. Here are their model numbers. Models RS-10x 4104 Série 1000 3106 DE-1003 803 LC-1001 3100M LC-1004 4200_5204 RS-10xD 803M RS-1060 803U RS-113 5204U RS-113 4LED 2205U-4204U-5204U 2006 3006A LC-2005 2503 RS-120A RS-213 502...
  12. kwazyca

    AutoStart identification and diagnosis.

    Slip your key in the ignition without turning it. Try to remote start. Does that do anything? Tom
  13. kwazyca


    Mike, I love my Tipton chip. Valet/stock/high idle/econo/daily/kill :D I hear good things about Bean as well. Tom
  14. kwazyca

    Lets Talk Alarms and Remote Starters

    Odds are worse on the second one than on the first. :eek: :o :sorry OOPS....I mean congratulations Mike! .
  15. kwazyca

    Lets Talk Alarms and Remote Starters

    :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao
  16. kwazyca

    Lets Talk Alarms and Remote Starters

    Sorry Tony, I did not know you sold alarm systems. I would have kept my mouth shut. :sorry Tom
  17. kwazyca

    Updating Profile Question.

    There's secret groups here you don't want to know about. :D
  18. kwazyca

    max a/c question

    Kinda makes it chilly in the winter don't it??? :confused:
  19. kwazyca

    max a/c question

    No that is the only hookup as far as vacuum lines. If I remember right you splice it into a heater hose right by your fuel filter. Believe me, it is really easy if I can do it. Fill out your sig line so everyone knows what year truck and motor you have. Helps others help you when you...
  20. kwazyca

    max a/c question

    Inside the cab on the passenger side up under the dash.
  21. kwazyca

    max a/c question

    Max AC takes it's air from the inside of the cab. Regular AC takes it from the outside. There is a mod for Ford PSD trucks made before 2003 (I think that is the year) that helps get you cooler air when you select max AC. Made a noticeable difference with mine. Look here . Bob is a...
  22. kwazyca

    Lets Talk Alarms and Remote Starters

    I think d.welch and I have the same model Crimestopper. I too bought mine off E-Bay. I have mine wired to the glow plug circuit so it starts without excessive cranking. I also like the pager remote. Lets you know your alarm is sounding if you are too far away to hear it. Very happy with...
  23. kwazyca

    New passenger for the PSD!

    Congratulations Scott.......To the little missus too.
  24. kwazyca

    Turbo Imput Please

    Well Partner, Where I live we have 15-20 days a year where the outside temp exceeds 110*. :dunno I can hit 1400* if I want to, but not on a normal dyno run or on basic pulling (flat land/mild grades). Steep hill pulling is another story. But hey, What do I know. :rolleyes:
  25. kwazyca

    Surging Sound

    List your truck specifics and any mods please. Thanks, Tom

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