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  1. J

    New gears?

    Right that's power at the flywheel.
  2. J

    Intake backfire?????

    intake backfire Since you just had new heads put on, and it didn't happen before, you might want to check that the valve clearances are correct - might have an intake valve set too tight?
  3. J

    New gears?

    Peak torque Peak torque on the 6.0 is 570 ftlbs at 2000 RPM. Peak HP is 325 at 3300 RPM
  4. J

    AFE Filters........

    Oops my fault, I thought I was in the 6.0 forum, I see your sig.
  5. J

    AFE Filters........

    The stock filter will protect the engine the best - bar none. It wil reliably support airflow well over stock also. The aftermarket air filter game is about spending money for some wide open performance gains, at the expense of protecting your engine for the other 99.9% of the time. I doubt...
  6. J

    coolent lose

    I run an Edge insight multigauge (it plugs right into the OBDII) and two of the parameters I monitor are Coolant Temp and Diesel Engine oil temp. If you get more than a 25 degree split - then you have oil cooler problems, and EGR cooler problems will be on the way. I'm going to get two more...
  7. J

    Question BG Products - Oil Additive

    Sounds like snake oil, if you didn't ask for it, you shouldn't be paying for it. I'd make them change the oil and put what you asked for back in.
  8. J

    Question Bad EGR Cooler -vs - Bad Head Gasket

    The blown hg would not necessarily produce white smoke, as what is happening is the cylinder compression is being forced into the coolant system, causing the degas to overflow, so it is hard for coolant to get into the cylinder unless it is not running - then the coolant pressure would be...
  9. J

    coolent lose

    Pss I understand International replaces the oil cooler when any egr cooler is replaced as a normal on the 6.0, but ford decided not to follow that practice. So there are certainly going to be cases where the EGR is replaced, but the main culprit is a clogged oil cooler.
  10. J

    coolent lose

    Ps If it is a clogged oil cooler - that is the main reason so many people use coolant filters on the 6.0
  11. J

    coolent lose

    Certainly could be the head gasket, but 4x4 points out an important point also, check the coolant temp and the oil temp (scanner) when warm, if there is more than 25 degree split (I heard rumour ford changed it to 15 degrees), that is the oil temp is more than 25 than the coolant temp, then the...
  12. J

    Glow Plugs

    yeah, you access the glowplugs from outside the valve cover, early 6.0's have a bus bar, later ones have a harness. You can see the bus bar or harness just above the exhaust manifolds. Some guys remove the inner fender well to get better access.
  13. J

    Antifreeze for 6.0

    X3 get the motorcraft gold only, no tap water also. How come you need to add? Unless it is leaking somewhere it should not go down much if any.
  14. J

    Question Bad EGR Cooler -vs - Bad Head Gasket

    If it is a head gasket problem, the amount of leakage from the degas bottle depends on how bad the h/g leak is. The leak from the degas bottle will be worse the more power you pull from the engine. That is, if you are towing, there will be more leakage from the degas bottle, than if you were...
  15. J

    Question Bad EGR Cooler -vs - Bad Head Gasket

    It would most likely be a bad EGR cooler, especially if the truck is stock. Pull the EGR valve and look inside the manifold and see if there is any moisture. Do this after it has sat overnight and is cold. If the head gasket fails, you tend to get alot of fluid coming out of the degas...
  16. J

    7yr. 200k warranty

    The HPOP needs to build a certain pressure before the computer will allow the injectors to work. Sometimes there is a leak in the high pressure oil system that prevents the hpop from building the required oil pressure for a start. Cold starts can be better with this kind of leak because the...
  17. J

    I don't need no stinkin' gauges!

    Check out the internet, I see the gauge for around $100, and the EGT probe for about the same.
  18. J

    Question 6.0 Stuff, Ideas, problems

    snicklas The blue smoke on cold startup is more likely due to inefficient injector operation when cold with 15W weight oil. The injectors suffer from sticktion, when cold and don't operate as intended. As the oil and the injectors warm (as well as the engine), the smoke clears and things...
  19. J

    Cold Wheather

    Cold Weather I live where it regularly gets to -40, so I guess I can give you some info. If you run clean fuel formulated for winter, you shouldn't need any additives, least not in Canada (maybe our fuel is better!!!). Without a doubt the best thing you can do for the cold weather is...
  20. J

    I don't need no stinkin' gauges!

    Gauges If you don't mind plugging into the engine computer via the OBDII, then I would recommend the Edge multigauge. I bought the EGR probe with it. I have it showing EGR, Coolant Temp, Oil Temp, Trans temp, Intake air temp, and voltage. I can display other parameters, and check codes. It...
  21. J

    Question 6.0 Stuff, Ideas, problems

    white smoke White smoke is usually due to water. If you have so much that you are pushing it through your injectors, you probably have damaged the injectors. Check out the HFCM to rule that out. More likely is a coolant leak from the egr cooler. Is the white smoke continious or just on...
  22. J

    Bad mileage in my 04 excursion.

    Water through the injectors will kill them very quickly. If you are having fuel mileage issues you may want to have that checked out.
  23. J

    New head bolts and egr delete

    Too bad about the heads. With both of them cracked, I would expect that they have been overheated. I limit my EGT to 1250, some of the programmers don't limit EGT, and you risk this type of damage. Check out the turbo, if it is heat damage, the exhaust side of the turbo may be damaged also...
  24. J

    Oil Question Again....

    cold weather oil Do yourself a favour and go with the synthetic 5w-40. I use Amsoil, but whatever brand ok. Your injectors are electrically controlled but hydraulically powered by High pressure engine oil. When it gets really cold, the oil will get very viscous and the injectors will not...
  25. J

    Why'd they dump it?

    The same reason they dumped the 7.3, the 6.0, the 6.4 - upcoming emissions regulations. The new 6.7 will use EGR technology combined with urea injection to reduce emissions, along with other technology enhancements.

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