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  1. N

    tinted windows

    well I tinted my front and sides.. still need to redo my rear with 2 layers.. but i love it.. till i get pulled over again... heres some pics.. if their small just hit refresh. should be big pics - Hosting - 3234178.jpg - Hosting - dsc_0002658.jpg
  2. N

    i want my turbo louder

    yeah.. i always love hearing an 03 straight piped.. but most ppl around here who have 6.0s dont do any modding.. but an 03 will bring smile to anyones face..:)
  3. N

    Project Performance Street Truck

    some black 22s would set that off i bet.. got any wheels in mind.. looks sweet man
  4. N

    rear brake

    srw.. i got it off.. just needed pry bar.. but couldnt get the hub off.. will rotor just slide off? im sure its rusted on good..
  5. N

    rear brake

    how do you remove brake caliper.. i un did the 2 big bolts this is for rear.. but do i have to compress the brake so it will slide off rotor? and whats best way to do that, for some reason my parking brake is locked on right rear tire.. cant hardly turn wheel by hand... so im trying to take it...
  6. N

    Donahoe 4.5

    yeah.. my brother has 9inches 38s with 24wheels and it fits in 8ft, think im gonna go for the dr kit, guess i just need to do lil griding on the tranny crossmember.. not big deal im told
  7. N

    Donahoe 4.5

    i have 2 inch spacers on front, and i measured truck under door, i had 3 1/4 inches, we have alot of slope on driveway.. but if it was flat i think it would be tighter.
  8. N

    Donahoe 4.5

    Ok, well i decided to go with a 4inch kit, thinking about thiat dr 4.5 kit. well i found out today it doesnt work with manual transmission. i guess the radius arm drop brakets dont work cuz theirs a cross member for the 6spd there. i was all excited too... so now im thinking about that 4inch...
  9. N

    coolant temps?

    my water temp hasnt gone over 200 and i only hit that cuz i was pulling 16ft inclosed 75 with winter cover on and it was like 50 out.. that was about a 50mile trip. but most times it just sits at 190 though
  10. N

    need some help

    does this look like a good buy.. i want it so i can play my ipod... and i want a 2 din setup what do you guys think? kenwood DPX502, Car Electronics, Parts Accessories items on sorry bout that
  11. N

    4wheel drive

    i have 05 350 4x4, when i turn in 4 high, hubs locked in auto i cant hardly make normal turns, is this normal, seems worse then other 4x4s i had in past, its fine in snow but dry pavement i have to put in 2wd to make turns, or will it help to lock in hubs ? thanks guys
  12. N

    Dash Question

    yeah it just pulls off, and you dont have to take out radio
  13. N


    great.. except his shocks suck lol but tires handle great.. looks sweet too heres pic
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    my brother has 24s with those in a 38,their quiet, but tread isnt that deep, and rubber feels real soft, not sure bout tread life.. since he just got them, i know they were alot cheaper then the toyos mt
  15. N

    Quick gauge wiring question..

    whats best way to take off that switch cover.. its been awhile
  16. N

    water temp gauge

    thanks.. here's another way.. i love diesel manor... heres link Install Pictures
  17. N

    water temp gauge

    just bought c2 auto meter water temp gauge, is thier easy way to hook up on 6.0L for best reading, thanks
  18. N

    shifter knob

    thank man, i might go with bm t handle.. i just like the looks of the chrome shifter handle.. kinda cool, guess ill try and see how bad it is
  19. N

    shifter knob

    i want to get a new shifter knob .. but not sure how to remove it.. or what style i need to attach new one.. i have 6spd btw
  20. N

    So what's the verdict on the 6.0L?

    yeah, i love my 6.0 05' it has 60+ thousand and no probs yet.. those 03' 7.3 psd's werent they alot different then say a 02'? could be why they had some problems
  21. N

    Cold Weather Grill Cover

    that would be cool is that 08 cover would fit the 05 grill... i might go measure the 08 grill and see how close it is size wise compared to the 05 6 7 fords looks kinda close.. here some better shots of my cover .. just made it outa some vinyl , made some metal hooks.. and rapped in vinyl, then...
  22. N

    Is this where I ask about tires?

    yeah dually's are bad ass with big fat tires on them..if i could handle somthing that big i wouldve got one.. but went with the single rear tire 350....
  23. N

    dash light

    yeah.. when i would mash the gas pedal it would flicker on... was only matter of time before truck died.. alternator that as 99 250 with 5.4... but prob same thing
  24. N

    I messed up!

    i was just lookin at mbrp's web site.. they sell the y-pipe.. might give them a call, i know they sold me the pipe that goes from y-pipe back... i just had to make y-pipe.. now they sell y.. so i bet you could get what you need
  25. N

    Cold Weather Grill Cover

    cool thanks novy... i made this grill cover this summer.. just pop hood slide bottom and side hooks behind grill.. then put top hook on last, shut hood and ur set.. couldnt bring myself to put snap buttons on my grill..

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