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  1. N

    6.0 turbo

    well i was looking through new diesel world mag, and i see add from bdperformance, saying they have turbo that will run on stock 6.0l and produce up to 550 rwhp, sounds awsome i went to there site and cant find anything. anyone heard of this turbo, cause it sounds like somthing i might get down...
  2. N

    2008 F250 on Extreme 4x4

    heres good sound clip of a 6.4
  3. N

    Found this elsewhere....

    yeah.. i would like that navigation/radio too, or maybe thoses mirrors, since the cab is same as a 99
  4. N

    new pics

    thanks guys..... i love it, lil easier to park then a extend or crew cab... 28 was ricky rudd... hes making come back this season i believe
  5. N

    new pics

    heres some recent pictures i took this dark pic is of the y pipe we made, just took a 2 90s and cut , then welded together, then cut hold with cut wheel
  6. N

    bilstein shocks?

    this sucks.. called them up, and they said i have to buy them through auto zone... which wouldnt be bad.. except i go to autozone and they cant find ones for me.. only have 04 and lower... and dont have clue who to call or how to order... lady from bilstein even gave me part number.. didnt help...
  7. N

    bilstein shocks?

    thanks alot guys.. ill give them a call :thumbs
  8. N

    bilstein shocks?

    anyone know.. do they make some for front of 05 superduty? i went their web site and says auto zone is place to buy... autozone only goes up to 2004.... so not sure what i need, also have 2inch lift on front.. so guess need extended shocks, any advise, cuz the fabtech ones i have are pieces of...
  9. N

    Good Riddance!!!

    im pretty sure the engine doesnt start just crapping out at 120,*** some trucks have probs and some dont, my engine had couple small oil leaks with less then 10***, been dry ever since not one drop, runs awsome no sign of changing, i love my truck :thumbs
  10. N

    dpf setup

    in the new diesel power magezine... theres good reading on the new diesels... also shows off the fabtech 10 inch lifted truck, it has aftermarket exhaust, and says in there particle filter is still there, so not sure what it really helps, guess looks, but either way pick it up
  11. N

    new disel fuel

    thanks, wasnt sure if chging fuels would cause them to get build up on them
  12. N

    new disel fuel

    should a person be concerned about the fuel filters.. i just started running ulsd and ive run about 6k of the old diesel should i change out the fuel filters, or can i just run till its time to change?
  13. N

    Tire's for those with 18" rims.....

    my 285/18 bfg all terrains have about 35xxx and still lil less then 1/4 tread left, i dont pull anything just high way use, prob gonna go with this tire again since its one of the cheaper all terrains for 18 inch wheel
  14. N

    parking brake

    thanks.. ill look it over this weekend, then tell ya what i find
  15. N

    parking brake

    anyone know how to adjust it? i have 2005 f350, parking brake goes to the floor.. once and awhile it catches and is hard to push like it was before... but when it goes to floor with ease.. truck isnt being held.. it will still roll, any idea, thanks guys
  16. N

    High Idle

    how much rpms u get with that? mine goes up to 1000 on its own, i have 6sd too does it help your warm up times? or is it just good for someone that lets truck sit and idle alot? im sure i missed this discussion sorry
  17. N

    GM-Ford wars

    thats one thing i dont like bout my 6.0 is its pretty noisey engine wise.. i have straight pipe now so it shuts it up lil bit, but i feel theirs less noise inside the interior of the ford, over the gm trucks, i havent been in too many new dodges but, just wind noise and rattling, just my...
  18. N

    GM-Ford wars

    i dont think the 7.3 would work too well with the new emission standards..everyone was gonna have to make changes to there engines sooner or later.. btw i love my 6.0 gonna keep it long time
  19. N

    EGR Removal Help!!

    cool, well when my truck is outa warranty and i need to replace it, i know, thanks
  20. N

    Oil and Fuel pressures

    i bought an oilgaurd oil filter cap, then just hooked oil sender up to it.. works great doesnt look bad
  21. N

    pics, by someone else

    so is that dual tip exhaust for the 6.4, the pipe going into the tip looks to be 3.5 or 4 inch not sure? and is there any tags for the 6.4 or any oof the other engines
  22. N

    more new pics

    yeah.. i love that black 450.. 19.5 wheels make it look sweet.. also the front fenders are cool, grill looks lil better on the 450 550 imo
  23. N

    more new pics

    look at this grill...
  24. N


    well any shots of the 6.4, cool shots so far
  25. N

    Engine hours

    mine has 42,000 and bout 1000 hours

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