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  1. treyloco

    Door Ajar Light Problem?

    I'm not sure if I have the same problem or not. But my dome lights do not always come on when I open my door.
  2. treyloco

    Fuel Mileage............

    The AIH is your air intake heater, it is a heating element in your intake that helps heat incoming air while you crank your truck on cold days. And its also obstructs air going into your engine. There is a wiki article and pics on this site. The only thing you may encounter when doing this is...
  3. treyloco

    Fuel Mileage............

    You might want to put 4" exhaust, zoodad mod and delete your AIH. This will help to lower your egt's a little and let your engine breath better, which in turn you may see a small benefit in mpg's.
  4. treyloco

    Engine ticking

    I had a '99 f250 w/ a ticking noise and started using Lucas injector cleaner. After a while it started to go away until it drowned in 10' of water.
  5. treyloco

    X codes

    Does anyone have the part# for the "x" codes? I had it written down and misplaced it.
  6. treyloco

    Lope Idle

    I figured there was no point in it, just making sure. Thanks
  7. treyloco

    Lope Idle

    What is the point of a lope idle?
  8. treyloco

    Tranny problem after installing chip

    Diesel Innovations, Pure diesel power or just about any other website will usually sell them. The shop that rebuilt my trans provided mine. I know some www. sell different sizes depending on how hard you want your trans to shift. Mine has a large port valve and it will chirp second gear on my...
  9. treyloco

    Checked out an edge with attitude today

    Also if you go w/ a hot chip it is a good idea to up grade your trans. and install a boost relief.
  10. treyloco

    Checked out an edge with attitude today

    Your best bet is to go with a 6 pos. chip because they are usually programed to get the most out your truck by people who know 7.3s. My friend has the edge evo. and he can barely keep up w/ me.
  11. treyloco

    Fpr shim mpg #'s

    I'm trying to see mpg gains after shimming the fpr.
  12. treyloco

    Question HPX Mod

    has anyone tried using the stainless crossover line over the hose?
  13. treyloco

    7.3 Engine ID question

    Try and call Diesel Innovations in Houston. If you have a question about a 7.3 they should be able to answer it or direct you to someone who can. (713) 984-9441
  14. treyloco

    replacement tires: questions!

    I've ran cooper s/t on my f150 and got around 70k on them w/ regular rotations. Now I have them on my dually w/ close to 50k and have at least 10 to 15k left on them. they are very good on street and moderate mud and ride extremely smooth. Never had a problem w/ any cooper tire I have ever...
  15. treyloco

    What supplies needed 4 fuel pressure gauge

    Go to ITP and order the fuel bowl adapter it is much easier than trying to find an adapter around town.
  16. treyloco

    This could get ugly!!!

    Thinking about doing the hx mod I saw on one site a stainless steel line and now can't seem to find it. Does anyone one know where to find and is the stainless line better than the hose?
  17. treyloco

    Any clubs in the New Orleans Area?

    Trying to see if there is any clubs in my area?
  18. treyloco

    Was told to upgrade chip

    I have a ts performance 6 pos chip and it has made me regret buying the superchip in the first place. But, you really will not feel the difference in the 75 and 100 hp setting until you shim your fpr.
  19. treyloco

    Idiot Light ( battery )Flickers

    At idle you should be reading 13+ at the back of the alt.
  20. treyloco

    Idiot Light ( battery )Flickers

    WHere did you buy the att. at? If it was only load tested on the truck you will never find a problem w/ the voltage regulator because it is being forced to work. take it somewhere and have it bench tested.
  21. treyloco

    01 7.3 Trans issues?

    What type of mod do you have and does your o/d light flash when the problem happens?
  22. treyloco

    gauge readings??

    My dash gauge is usually reading opp temp while my autometer is reading 100*. On your pod if your gauges are not clamped on the back you can just grasp them and slowly twist them back and fourth and they usually come right out. Where do you have your trans probe?
  23. treyloco

    smaller turbo housing with stage 1 injectors?

    a stock 7.3 w/ head studs will handle about 45psi. Before you loose your head gaskets. But, it is recommended that once you go over 30-35 psi. you want to install studs.
  24. treyloco

    gauge readings??

    W/o a trailer your trans. should be 120-150 and w/ a trailer at the most 180. You need to check your connections on the gauge. I had the same problem because my ground loosened on the back of the gauge. At 250 degrees your trans. would pop. Your other two gauges sound normal for a stock engine.
  25. treyloco

    battery light/spike ?

    I had the same problem w/ the original alt. I was in a bind and had to buy one from auto zone and 2 months later went to start my truck 10 min. after killing it and it was dead. Brought it back and the alt was dead. So, I'd get an alt. from napa or ford.

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