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  1. B

    filter bowl pitting

    I found out about mine the hard way when it ate all the way through. Went from a little trickle on Friday to a leak so bad you could track me around town on Sunday. Wasn't cheap to replace either. Now I drain my bowl all the time just in case.
  2. B

    help! turbocharger removal

    Mine is leaking from the same place. I hope it's just a loose bolt, I didn't think of that. Hopefully I won't have to change out the whole pump.
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    Leaking Fuel

    I had to replace the fuel bowl on mine. Water had allowed corrosion to eat a hole in it. Once it started leaking, it went bad fast and was pouring out by the time I got to the dealer. You could track everywhere I went in town !
  4. B

    6.4l TT PICTURE......

    Well I'm lucky enough to have the new 450 here at our fair for the next 8 days. It's a real beast !! To answer the above question, I believe it does have an EGR cooler. Rep. told me that it will recirculate 5,10,15% of the exhaust gas. Said that in larger cities your exhaust would be...
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    Bullydog disappointment

    uh pay attention man, it's a done deal already installed. And why would you want a stainless sys. on a diesel? not like it's gonna rust out ?!! Thanks anyways
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    Trans leak

    Thanks for all the tips guys. I hadn't thought about going with the braided hoses, that's a good idea since it would allow me to route the line away from the down pipe and keep it cooler. I have it stopped for now with a piece of rubber fuel line and two clamps. It was kinda tough since the...
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    Trans leak

    Anyone know where I could order a new line? I just need the metal part not the whole run. Been trying several "patches" but nothing will hold. Surely someone has one in a parts bin somewhere. I don't see how Ford can just stop making something like that. What the hell does the dealership...
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    Trans leak

    Ok tried the patch thing...not working. Maybe because the hole is right on a bend and can't get a good clamp on it. Dealership says that part has been discontinued. Any sources on getting a new line ??
  9. B

    Voltage problem

    I've had the same problem. Did you just splice new connectors on or did you replace the whole wire ? Did you get the parts from a dealer or parts store?
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    Trans leak

    I thout about just patching it but I got to looking at it and it seems like a rather simple fix. So I will probably just replace it. I just had a the trans serviced last week so I was curious how much fluid I should expect to have to catch or if I should just drain the whole system...
  11. B

    Trans leak

    Any tips or suggestions when replacing the trans cooler line (s) ? 96 F250 bleeding trans fluid from one of the cooling lines as I just pulled in. Does anyone know if I will need to drain the whole system when I replace the line? Looks like I have a project for the week now !
  12. B

    Bullydog disappointment

    uhhh...too late dude !! Thanks anyways !
  13. B

    larger rear fuel tank

    What year model bronco tanks should I look for? Is install a real PIA ?
  14. B

    Bullydog disappointment

    Well with a lot of hammer and a little welding, I got my exhaust on today. Sounds really smooth. Nice little rumble when you get on it but not too obnoxious.
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    Bullydog disappointment

    Thanks for the input ugys. Tommorrow I'm scheduled witha guy to have it all put in and have a cat delete pipe fabbed up. We'll see how it goes !
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    Bullydog disappointment

    What about any performance gains? If it's not going to give me any, then I won't mess with removing it.
  17. B

    Bullydog disappointment

    Anyone have any input on deleting the cat. conv. ? Trouble getting inspection passed etc? Is it worth messing with?
  18. B

    Bullydog disappointment

    Bullydog said they are in the process of re writing the instructions and the kit was meant to keep my stock cat. Despite the distributor telling me it was a "totally bolt on cat delete kit"/ So now I'm looking at have a muffler shop fab up a cat delete pipe and install it all for another 150...
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    Bullydog disappointment

    I looked at them Dave but it doesn't show systems for a 96 model. Only goes back to 99 models. Still looking......
  20. B

    Bullydog disappointment

    Well it seems I need to look at the MBPR set up. But I'll have to wait and get my money back for my Bullydog stuff. I'm sure I'll have to butt heads with the dealer!!! Thanks for the input guys, this is a great site. Any sugestions on the best dealer for the MBPR?
  21. B

    Bullydog disappointment

    After having to wait several weeks, I finally had time to tear into installing my Bullydog turbo back 4" exhaust. First off, I thought to myself what a bunch of pipes !! Began reading the instructions and luckily I didn't jump right in and blindly follow them step by step. First two things it...
  22. B

    New exhaust sys

    Now I've learned that I don't have a AIH on my 96 model. Oh well ! Still looking for the CCV mod
  23. B

    New exhaust sys

    yea ! I'm sitting here at work wearing out the keyboard looking or the how to. Thanks for telling me about the sys being down. I'll keep looking because I'm looking to see what the AIH delete is about too.
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    New exhaust sys

    CSIPSD thanks for the tip on spraying the clamp. I will look into teh CCV deal. I assume that there is some info on that mod here on the site.
  25. B

    New exhaust sys

    Just put on a new intake system and ordered the Bullydog 4" turbo back system. It is supposed to be in late this week. Any input on installing it:? suggestions or tricks welcome. I really like the new performance of the new intake !! Hope adding the upgrades will hold me over for a while...

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