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  1. B

    Dying to know.....

    While the TC is most likely in need of replacement, there are other reasons for th enging to stall out, low low fluid, pump is weak or leaking, etc. I feel pretty confident with my trans guy. Spent about 30 minutes with him before I even brought the truck to him. And he spent about a day and...
  2. B

    Dying to know.....

    Yea that's what I said, plus some other choice words. Going by tommorrow to look at it myself.
  3. B

    Dying to know.....

    Got the huge quote from the tranny shop today. On top of the tranny bushings and stuff being wore out and ate up, the computer on the firewall was full of water !! Full of rust and mold so it was probably a miracle that the thing still ran. TC wasn't the problem as suspected in the above...
  4. B

    Dying to know.....

    Thanks for the ideas guys. This is a great resource for trouble shooting. Both oil and trans are low so I'm topping them off in hopes of solving it. Otherwise, based on reading some past posts here, it seems I will need some tranny work. We'll see.
  5. B

    Cruise Control

    Check the fuse box under the hood. I have one that blows when I back up with a trailer connected. Don't recall the number on it though. Odd that the only thing it kills is the cruise.
  6. B

    Vehicle speed sensor location?

    Thanks from me too. I think mine must be going bad. After about 75 mph, the needle starts to bounce a little. REally screws up cruise control.
  7. B

    Dying to know.....

    I may not have been clear in my post, I was rushing to get off to work. I changed the fuel filter in hopes of fixing it, and it didn't. The problem arose prior to changing any filters or draining the bowl. How can I tell if it's the TC locking up in reverse and why would it be doing...
  8. B

    Dying to know.....

    ...what the heck is wrong with my ride. Yesterday when put in reverse the motor dies. Then it does it in forward but only when it had a little uphill angle. Seems that the idle is not adjusting when it's placed in gear but will drive forwards just fine, will even sit at idle in forward gear...
  9. B

    Injector replacement

    What lead you to realize that you needed to replace them?? Other than it's a little slow to start when cold, and vastly poorer fuel economy, I don't have any other real indicators to show that I need to replace mine. Don't want to dig into the wallet that deep if I don't have to you know !
  10. B

    Injector replacement

    Holy #$#^ that's a mouth full !!! I plan on keeping as long as I can. I'll have to wait on the tax man before I decide to buy it though. He may have other plans for my funds.
  11. B

    Injector replacement

    Thanks Matt. I'll look into that. I've been considering getting a scanner that interfaces with a laptop from ITP. But it's rather pricey.
  12. B

    Injector replacement

    Would my Edge programmer pick up that code? Or is it something that the dealer would have to read on his scanner? Judging by other posts I've read here, it seems due for new o-rings and or injectors. I'm thinking that even if it's just the o-rings, I might as well put in new injectors...
  13. B

    Injector replacement

    Yea, I've been looking at Bean's site. It looks like the prices are about the same no matter who you buy from. Has anyone had tranny problems when running the stage 1 injectors?
  14. B

    Injector replacement

    My exhaust does smell "different", but I've got a terrible nose ! I guess considering the mileage, it's due for some new ones. Anyone have any input on who has the best deal on new injectors ?
  15. B

    Low Voltage

    That may be the ticket. While I had one batt. disconnected and charging, I played the radio and it only lasted about 2-3 hours and it completely killed the battery. Not even enough left in it to light up the clock. Guess I'll go get two new batteries !! Thanks
  16. B

    Low Voltage

    Had the system checked by mechanic shop last June. They replaced one batt. at that time.
  17. B

    Injector replacement

    Nope, idles like normal. Would decreasing mileage be an indicator? I'm thinking that if the injectors are bad/worn then they are working harder to reach the same performance (i.e.- using more fuel to do the same work.) I just don't want to dive into replacing them if they don't need it.
  18. B

    Low Voltage

    I realize that the alt. doesn't come online for a while after the initial start. That's not my question. The problem is, that the gauge reads n the negative range at idle and only comes up to about mid range when RPM's get to around 1500+. Sorry for any confusion in my initial post...
  19. B

    Low Voltage

    Just indivually charged both batts. with external charger. Cranks with good speed but it takes about 2-3 seconds for it to fire off. GP's seem to be firing ok but I haven't but an ohm meter on it yet. Dash gauge indicates very low after initial start up (below the N in "normal" on the gauge)...
  20. B

    Injector replacement

    What are the more commone signs and symptoms of injectors needing replacement? I have 178,000+ miles, just replaced the fuel pump, fuel filter canister, and FPR. Takes a few seconds to start (see related volatage post !). No smoke or oil burning issues. However it does seem to have lost...
  21. B

    Filter bowl drain oddity

    You don't have to open it before opening the lid. At least I don't. The hole in the shaft leads no where, that's why I thought it was odd.
  22. B

    filter bowl pitting

    My pump was working too but I had a leak that I couldn't pin down and with 175,00+ I thought it was most likely the pump. Once I got into it, I think it may have just been a loose banjo bolt but I was already in to it with a new pump sitting there so I swapped it. I fully intended on taking...
  23. B

    filter bowl pitting

    I think his price must be for the bowl only. The whole assembly was 652.79 from the dealership. Includes the FPR, wiring harness and a new filter.
  24. B

    Filter bowl drain oddity

    While replacing my filter bowl and fuel pump this weekend, couldn't resist tearing a part the old stuff to see how it all works. Can anyone tell me why there are two hole leading out of the filter bowl into the shaft for the water drain? One above the other. Bottom one seems to be the main...
  25. B

    filter bowl pitting

    Well I guess I haven't been draining mine often enough!! Tackled replacing the fuel pump this weekend and found my bowl with some pits. While picking away at them to clean the thing up, my screwdriver went right through. So I was pretty close to having a major leak again. Had to get the...

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