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  1. B

    Tranny line size.

    Are the lines 3/8 th on our trannies? About to order my Magnefine filter and want to get the right kind. Stuck at work so I can't look at the truck.
  2. B

    Fuel Regulator Screen Cleaning ** Updated **

    If your screen is rountinely clogging up would that indicate failing injector o-rings? Considering an injector replacement later this year.
  3. B

    Magnefine filters

    Ordering mine this week.. We'll see how it goes I guess.
  4. B


    I saw a post on here about a #22 maxi fuse being blown and showing those symptoms.
  5. B

    What are the signs of a failing TC?

    I had similar symptoms with mine for years. Then it would skip a gear and be bogged down. Don't know what the problem was, dealer couldn't figure it out either. Did it for about 4 years or more. Just had my whole tranny redone thinking it was a TC also. Ended up being just about everything...
  6. B

    Magnefine filters

    Thanks hheynow. I'm surprised that no one else on this board has used them. Guess I'll order one, can't hurt right !!
  7. B

    Bad Fuel Economy

    That's what mine did. Milage dropped by almost half. I'm sure there are some smarter folks who could tell us exactly how much fuel can be run out of the weep hole at a certain pressure. All I know is after I slapped a new pump on, my milage went back to it's wonderfull and reliable 15 mpg...
  8. B

    Magnefine filters

    Has anyone ever used any of the products from Magnefine? Looking for some feedback either good, bad or otherwise. I'd like to do what I can to protect my newest tranny I just had built. Thanks
  9. B

    I must be getting old......

    Only reason my left went on was to get a better ride out of my front leafs. I've grown through the lift to look good phase. Guess I'm gettin old also. !!
  10. B

    Breaking Into Your Own Truck

    Put the magnetic deal under the bottom side of your bedrail. That way it falls into the bed if it gets loose.
  11. B

    Bad Fuel Economy

    Could be needing a new fuel pump. My mileage went to $#% when I replaced mine. Well actually, just before. Is it leaking ?
  12. B

    Breaking Into Your Own Truck

    In a pinch, you can take your FM antennea off and use it to poke your unlock button. Will have to bend it around some though but mine straightened out pretty well after having been used like that twice. Keep a spare key hidden on the exterior of the vehicle in the future.
  13. B


    Is the tach reading out while you're cranking it? If not it's possibly the CPS. Cheap and easy fix.
  14. B

    to gear or not to gear???

    Allrighty then, guess I'll keep my 3.73's as well. Thanks.
  15. B

    to gear or not to gear???

    Thanks. Just got it back today with it's new tranny so I'll have to figure that out. Would switching to the 4:56 help with mileage ? I can never keep the ratio thing straight in my head as to what's best. How much would it cost to regear it if that would help my mileage and how hard is it ???
  16. B

    Eating batteries

    Yep I know. Just replaced both mine. I'm through trying to help him. Can't get a straight answer. No saying that they replaced the computer....whatever !! I'm done trying !! Got my truck out of the shop so I'm happy. Except for having to write the huge check that is !
  17. B

    to gear or not to gear???

    All you guys's RPM's seem high. I run abouit 73 mph at 2000. Why do you think that is? No clue what my gear ratio is.
  18. B

    rear disc brakes and aluminum diff cover installed!

    Yea it's no fun not having a garage. And it's not fun trying to work in my apartment parking lot with all the oil puddles and gravel !! But I'll have to put this project on my list and start saving up after I pay off my new tranny being built.
  19. B

    rear disc brakes and aluminum diff cover installed!

    So what did you have to do to make the fitting match up? Did they have to send you another or what? Sorry for all the questions, I like having all my ducks in a row before I start a project. Particularly when it could leave me with my truck in pieces in someone's garage.
  20. B

    rear disc brakes and aluminum diff cover installed!

    What kind of modifications are needed? Shouldn't the kit they sell match up? Or does it have to do with not having the extra rubber hoses they sell? I'd like know going in what exactly I need because I'll have to borrow garage space to do it and don't want to leave it all apart for a week...
  21. B

    Eating batteries

    That was my advise also. But I haven't talked to him directly just heard about it supposedly "being fixed" by the dealer and he got it home with the same problem. Thought someone on here might have an obvoius easy fix or something.
  22. B

    rear disc brakes and aluminum diff cover installed!

    Good deal thanks. Soon as my ride gets back from having the tranny rebuilt, I may look into this. Doesn't seem to hard to do myself.
  23. B

    rear disc brakes and aluminum diff cover installed!

    Thanks for the link bushpilot. I've always been unhappy with the braking on mine. Now I have to figure out which rear end I have. What's the difference inthe e-brake calipers and the non? Obviously one enables you to have an e-brake butI was wondering how it worked exactly. I'll have to...
  24. B

    Eating batteries

    Posting for a friend so I don't have any details. Symptom is, the batteries die even with the key off. This occurs within a few hours or overnight. I though it might be something in the GP harness. Maybe a bad relay !! He's fed up with the stealership and is looking at buying a...
  25. B

    rear disc brakes and aluminum diff cover installed!

    Cool idea, I never thought about changing the brakes out. How hard was it? And how much did it cost?

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