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  1. B

    glow plug and harness

    Do a search on the topic of glowplug replacement and you'll get what you need. I fortunatley didn't have your issue when I did mine. I would for sure replace the valve cover harness and if needed, the under valve cover harness for each glow plug. Good relativly cheap insurance while your...
  2. B

    best mileage from a powerstroke

    Sounds great. But how hard is it to put in? !! Also, how do I figure out what ratio I have now ??
  3. B

    best mileage from a powerstroke

    How hard was it to put on and where did he buy it from?
  4. B

    Pulse HPOP Installed!!!

    Thanks 96p, I'm going to call Blackcloud this week and talk to them about the injectors.
  5. B

    Pulse HPOP Installed!!!

    I'm looking at going to thier stage 1.5 injectors. My truck has about 197,000 miles on it now. Would I need to replace the HPOP with these injectors? I also am running the Edge evolution programmer. Is it adequate to run with the same injectors? And I agree it looks tough to get that...
  6. B

    fuel mileage

    Mine dropped about 2 mpg when the ULSD came out. Other guys that drive other brands of trucks have noticed the same drop.
  7. B

    Blackcloud injectors

    Does anyone have any feedback on injectors from these folks? Looking at getting the stage 1.5's. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you don't wish to voice your experience on the public forum. And if anyone has used these with the stock HPOP were there any issues with performance? Thanks.
  8. B

    No power with Check Engine light on

    Thanks. Looks like I'll be exploring the innards of the injectors soon !! Nice to have this site available to solve such questions for us part time experts!!
  9. B

    No power with Check Engine light on

    So my oil loss could be through the injector o-rings? I guess the frugal fix would be to just put new o-rings on the old injectors while I have it apart.?? Still waiting on parts until Thrs. so I have some time to mull it over. Thanks
  10. B

    No power with Check Engine light on

    Well with 192,000 miles now would if be a good idea to just replace the injectors while I'm in there? What are some signs that injectors need replacing? I go through about a quart of oil in between oil changes at every 3,000 miles. Would that be because of the o-rings leaking on the...
  11. B

    No power with Check Engine light on

    Well I didn't get any such code unfortunately. Only thing I got was PCM processor Keep alive memory error. That's the code I got win it's exhibiting the problem. However, there are no codes read when the engine is running normal. I thought the computer would store those problem codes even if...
  12. B

    No power with Check Engine light on

    I'm not sure it's the pedal. It's so intermittent. Did it like 3 times this weekend mainly it seemed after a cold start but the it did it once on a warm start and blew my theory. Going to try and pull codes tommorrow and see. Thanks for the input.
  13. B

    No power with Check Engine light on

    Well I now have a project to tackle on my next free weekend. Hope the ride can hang in there another 2 weeks!
  14. B

    No power with Check Engine light on

    Thanks Crumm. I'm assuming it's not too hard to do? I'm thinking of replacing all the UVC wires and gaskets on the valve covers and glow plugs. Any other suggested cheap swaps while I'm under there? Thanks for the help.
  15. B

    No power with Check Engine light on

    Well had no occurances today and didn't have time to pull codes. But I've had time here at work to search this sight. I'm guessing it's a short in the UVC harness. Any good sources for these or is the parts house just as good? What else should I replace while I'm into it.
  16. B

    No power with Check Engine light on

    Twice today my truck starts normal and as I'm driving it suddenly has no power, the Check Engine light comes on and it idles roughly. When I try to accelerate, there's a bad vibration and it acts like it's not getting fuel. Conditions last for about a minute or less and it goes away. No other...
  17. B

    Fuel pump -OR- clogged tank pickup?

    Instead of the extension for the fuel bowl, just use a crow foot wrench. Worked for me. Great saga to read too. Glad I'm not the only one with that type of luck !
  18. B

    Neat idea for mobile power

    Don't know about the price. Just thought it was neat and wanted to pass it on. My dad ran across them at a trade show he was at for his work and he sent it to me.
  19. B

    Neat idea for mobile power

    Mobile Electric Power Solutions, Inc. Not a bad idea for those that may live off the beaten path or near a hurricane prone area.
  20. B

    Changing The Serpentine Belt

    Unless you're on the side of the road in the rain with one hand in a cast from a broken thumb. Just my wonderful personal experience !!!!! Let's just say, it took some creative mechanic work.
  21. B

    Steering box

    Weird and obviously frustrating problem. Good luck.
  22. B

    bad fuel level sending unit?

    Thanks guys, probably explains why my rear tank is running out with still about an 8th of a tank showing on the gauge. Increased resistance as a result of old age !!
  23. B

    Steering box

    Why are having to replace it? Just curious since your truck is pretty new.
  24. B

    Tranny line size.

    Thanks for the fast input. Just ordered 3 of them (got free shipping) and now I'll have some spares !!
  25. B

    Tranny line size.

    That's what I was thinking it was just from memory. I'll risk it and order the 3/8 th's. Worst that can happen, I have to swap it !!

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