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  1. R

    Happy Birthday JHARVEY

    Happy B-day John, enjoy
  2. R

    Diesel Fuel Question

    I use Rotella T and Motorcraft filters. changed every 5,000 miles
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    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy turkey day from the Russell's. Be safe out there.
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    Diesel Fuel Question

    Thanks, Last check was just about 190,000 miles. I got it about 2 years ago. It was really clean then,(main reason I bought it)and I try to keep it that way.
  5. R

    Diesel Fuel Question

    I've found you can see a difference in mileage because of fuel. Winter blend always causes a mpg loss of about 2-3 mpg for me. And even buying from different suppliers can change mileage.
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    Coming to you Wirelessly!!!

    Went wireless two weeks ago myself:sweet My BIL hooked me up with a free laptop and a wireless router :thumbs Picked up a wireless mouse last night and a 2GB memory stick . Lots of kickin' back in the Lazy boy and watchin tv.:sweet
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    Extreme Ammount of Noise Coming Through CB Radio

    You've done everything I would have, and then some. Try another radio maybe?
  8. R

    Trailer Light Problem

    Is there power at the 5er plug? How is the 5er plug wired? did the installer cut the bumper plug wiring out to install the 5er plug?
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    intermitent battery light

    Had it checked today. Yep bad alt. I hate this junk rebuilt crap.
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    im a yankee, what are you???

    48% Dixie. Barely in Yankeedom. Northern Redneck here
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    intermitent battery light

    I checked the wires all seams good, didn't have time to clean batt. posts. Might be a bad rebuilt alt.
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    Fogging mirrors

    Thanks for the link crummy. I don't know why I couldn't ever find anything
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    Fogging mirrors

    If you can find the heating elements. I've been searching the web for two years to no avail.
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    intermitent battery light

    Will check it out. Weekend maint.
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    lug vs rev which is better

    I can't add much more (see sig.) An intercooler would be a required to run 65-70 mph in the Appl. mountains.
  16. R

    intermitent battery light

    The other day the battery light flickered in the dash, then went out for about a week, tonight it flickered a few times. I noticed some corrosion on the battery terminals, could this be the cause? Batteries are 2 years old and the alt. is about 6 months old. Thanks
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    Is the boost buzzing from being tapped into the Map sensor line?
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    Diet Coke & Mentos

    OH that's a great bomb.:roflmao :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao :thumbs
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    Pilot, I'm done. I just have to remember not to buy any used OBS from the east in the future:rich
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    I've never had my air filter get wet. Do the DIY air filter. It's cheep, works well, and your truck will thank you. again... on the track. We're not talking 200-300 thousand miles here.
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    K&N air filters are performance filters, Sure they will let in more air, but they will also let in more dirt. Most guys on these site are looking for performance AND longevity for their trucks. K&N filters are meant for race cars that spend very little time on dirt roads. A large paper filter...
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    Fogging mirrors

    I have looked for years trying to find a heating element to fasten to the back of the glass, with no luck. But my dad tried this idea. He added two 1157 bulbs on brackets pop rivited to the back of the mirror. then ran a wire along the arms to the the door, then ran a hot wire in. It worked...
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    The cab is off!

    Lowriders are for guys who can't get it up. :stir :roflmao
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    Newbie jumping right in! exhaust to be or not to be!

    Block heaters plug into 110 v ac. I plug mine in when it gets below freezing, just to make it easier on the truck. I have started it down to 10* F, it started, but didn't sound too happy about it. You can put a heater on a timer so it comes on about 2-3 hours before starting,(get a heavy enough...
  25. R

    Newbie jumping right in! exhaust to be or not to be!

    Not all OBS had cats. For exhaust go with a upgrated down pipe(mandrel bent) then sraight pipe, if your not towing alot. You will get some turbo whistle (not as much as a 6.0 but some)

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