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  1. R

    Coolant filter mount?

    I had one on my IDI and I used fleetguard filters that were charged with the SCA's so every 10K or so mikes I would spin on a new filter and go.
  2. R

    Coolant filter mount?

    I like the alt. mount idea. Looks clean, and easy to get to. Thanks guys. That will be added after the spring thaw.
  3. R

    Coolant filter mount?

    Does anyone have any good locations to mount a coolant filter? Looking for pics and or suggestions. :thanks
  4. R

    Help! Fuel Pressure way to high

    Thanks for posting the fix.:sweet
  5. R

    Yiiiiiiiiiiikes! It is snowing

    Enjoy! Just lots of rain here in PA
  6. R

    How to DIY

    I find alot of my stuff at Fast shipping and most of the time they have what I need. Not always the cheepest, but when time is an issue, I go there first. Good Luck.
  7. R

    How to DIY

    Glad to help.
  8. R

    Block heater and hissing sound?

    My old IDI heater made lots of noise, My PSD some, but not as much.
  9. R

    How to DIY

    OK I gonna toss out what I do know. NPT(National Pipe Thread) Is the name of a series of taps. Pipe taps are numbered for the size of hole in the pipe they are used for. Example: So say you have a 1/2 pipe for running water. The hole in the pipe is 1/2 inch. The outside diameter of the tap...
  10. R

    Who's guages

    I had a mixed set in my IDI Pricol(pyro) Autometer (tranny) Isspro(boost) I want to get them all to match in the PSD. So it looks like I'm gonna go with the Isspro or the Pricols Thanks for the input.
  11. R

    Who's guages

    What mnf. guages are you running( Boost,pyro,trans temp). Anyones you don't care for? I want black face, orange needle, easy to read(ie big numbers).
  12. R

    best exhaust

    I like my MBRP. Just one word of advice. IF you buy a kit off of E-bay, and you have any troubles with the install, who you gonna call? IMHO you're better off going with a dealer who has a actual building to get your parts. E-bay is cheeper until you have a problem. JMHO
  13. R

    tire rub

    8 on 6.5 for the OBS The 99 and up Superdutys are 8 on 170 mm
  14. R

    EBPV revisited

    Ok so mine is operating correctly. Time to put in manual control then. Thanks
  15. R

    EBPV revisited

    Newbie question. Isn't the EBPV supposed to open when under part throttle? Or will they stay closed with cold ambiant air temps even when the truck is underway?
  16. R

    Steering Lash

    Are you sure it's the box? I had some sloppy steering in my truck and it was the intermediate shaft between the column and the box. Just something else to look at.
  17. R


    I'll keep an eye out for you.
  18. R


    Count me in as another PA member. Welcome to SDD and nice truck. Enjoy.
  19. R

    Got my DIY Stage 2s in!!

    Any special tools needed?
  20. R

    LEDs in clearance lights

    IF you want a slightly brighter bulb, a W5W will replace a 194. Not as bright as a LED but it's noticeably brighter than a 194.
  21. R

    Tooo Koool....................!!!

    I've tried it before, but I live too far away from a major city to get a color photo.
  22. R

    Lets see those SuperDuty Trucks!! (OFFICIAL PICTURE THREAD)

    Here's my (new to me) 97. and my 93 IDI.
  23. R

    Clunking at 10 MPH

    Ok I second the brake caliper pins. loose or worn.
  24. R

    EBV closing under part throttle

    I've had the truck for about 6 months and it never did this before. It was fine on the way home(air temp mid 60's). I unplugged it after that, pending time to work on it. I driven my dads 97 and as soon as you touch the pedal on the ebv opens and you go on your way. This ones take more pedal...
  25. R

    Clunking at 10 MPH

    Frt CV joints? Does it change with the hubs locked it?

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