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  1. iracemine

    batteries dead after sitting 2 weeks with newer diehard platnums

    So lets catch up. Both batteries are not happy (possibly needing replacement). But why did they get there? Not replacing at the same time or some parasitic draw? Lets keep digging here... ;):D
  2. iracemine

    Question Block heater cord

    LOL... STOP hammer time! :lmao:lmao
  3. iracemine

    batteries dead after sitting 2 weeks with newer diehard platnums

    Sounds like a parasitic draw. If I remember correctly on these trucks its typically the alternator.
  4. iracemine

    Question Block heater cord

    OK a bit more realistic. P.S. I turned my 250 into a 350 for $20 on ebay
  5. iracemine

    Driving & Towing 5th wheel

    Time to lawyer up.
  6. iracemine

    Hard Cold Starts

    yeah, I just put 10w 30 in for the first time ever. cant believe the difference 5w's make!:eek: If I knew that stuff existed 5 years ago I would have been using it from the start. :doh:
  7. iracemine

    Block heater stopped working

    I was on my second cord before my plug went. Make sure your cord is good before you go replacing the plug. :coffee
  8. iracemine're looking to get an RV?!

    A awesome reference. Thank you!
  9. iracemine

    Question Block heater cord

    :lmao:lmao now thats cool!
  10. iracemine

    Question Block heater cord

    Do not do this You will burn your truck and house down if you do this!!!! So against everyone's (and I mean everyone) advice. I went ahead and installed a 4 pole Pollack plug in the bumper. It went in awesome! RV sealed everything and even made a short extension cord into a pollack plug so I...
  11. iracemine

    SES light

    :lmao Yeah I hated it too, I unplugged mine years ago. No cel or anything will happen.
  12. iracemine

    Question Block heater cord

    Thanks Yooper! I remembered from installing the coolant filter that you can leave the coolant system alone and it kinda has like a vacuum in the system making the water glug when it comes out. So just like Indiana Jones I switched that plug out in one glug. I probably lost less than 12oz. Of...
  13. iracemine

    SES light

    ebp gate. its normal.
  14. iracemine

    Question Block heater cord

    OK so now the heater element is not giving me a ohm reading so I think its shot. Since I have the extra heater element I need to switch them out. You guys have any idea on how much coolant I am going to loose? and maybe any pointers before I get this under way?
  15. iracemine

    SES light

    scanned it with what?
  16. iracemine

    SES light

    oup. Guess I will be picking this up even sooner then. here its $40 less than there own website and from one of our sponsors Strictly Diesel Webstore :coffee
  17. iracemine

    Driving & Towing 5th wheel

    engine speed vibration/shimmy huh? bad torque converter? 2011... lemon law?
  18. iracemine

    Column shifter needs adjusted

    Oh, and it made it feel like the day I bought it. Also don't rip the black thing off. do what T-gunny says and just pull the black thingy with the tumblers out in the run position. Was a walk in the park (except it was below freezing out today).
  19. iracemine

    Column shifter needs adjusted

    WOW. So no loose bolts what so ever. BUT One of the two bushings was totally worn out. Had to take out the radio, Headlight switch, steering column, instrument cluster, and cover. Still took about a hour. Kept the extra one from the kit to change out in another 150K. :rolleyes: Here...
  20. iracemine

    SES light

    ha. There going to tell you to get a AutoEnginuity® - OBD2 Scan Tool - Professional PC and PDA Diagnostics. Me id get in the zone. its free.
  21. iracemine

    Driving & Towing 5th wheel

    I would have to totally agree with this. Also if its new. then go grab another truck off the lot and drive that. Also have them grab a set of wheels off another (diff tires) truck and slap them on yours and take it for a drive. Minimal work for the elimination proses.
  22. iracemine

    SES light

    would get it scanned to be sure, but replace your "ses" with "cold" and it sounds just like mine.
  23. iracemine

    Driving & Towing 5th wheel

    I too get a bad bounce when I leave my tow pressures up when empty (65ft/70r). So I back em down to 55 when race season is over. I would imagine you would have more axle wrap or trans shudder when pulling your 5er. My money is on a bad tire. :coffee
  24. iracemine

    Column shifter needs adjusted

    Ha! They do. He knew what I was talking about right away. Said he had to check if there was any in stock because they go through them so much :dunno Maybe Ford putting the radio control in the steering wheel had more than reasons we thought about it. Thanks!;tu
  25. iracemine

    Column shifter needs adjusted

    This place is awesome. I too have noticed that my truck does not always get into the gear I am going for. I also noticed that I rest my wrist on the gear selector as I infinitely change the radio channel. So just like you can wear out parts in a gear box by keeping your hand the the shifter knob...

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