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  1. iracemine

    Right oil weight???

    SAE 10W-30 Super Duty Diesel Motor Oil Its the right stuff. I have it in now. Its what you run in the winter time. When it comes to changing time (5K or 5 months) just put in the summer stuff.
  2. iracemine

    Injector change no start!!!

    TikiWiki : 94 through 97 Injector R&R Take a look at our how to. Cause I'd bet you got a touch to much fluid in one of the cylinders.
  3. iracemine

    19k load, what to pull with?

    boost sensor. Thats why I think its from a programer or chipy thingy.
  4. iracemine

    Pulsating Vibration in Drivetrain

    do a contribution test. I'd bet you have a injector on the way out.
  5. iracemine

    19k load, what to pull with?

    oil leak seems to be from the ccv recycling back dirty/oily air into the intake and then the turbo pressurizing it and then spewing out at boot connections or in your case a pin hole. The three wires are normal. Ford put them in for body outfitters to use. Like ambulances and what not. The...
  6. iracemine

    Where is everybody?

    It's just like the maytag man, can't make these fords breakdown. :tounge
  7. iracemine

    More talk about 5 buck fuel again by may.

    RIGHT! Why pipe it in when we can just grab our own. Create jobs drilling and fracting natural gas too!
  8. iracemine

    19k load, what to pull with?

    how often are you moving this boat?
  9. iracemine

    More talk about 5 buck fuel again by may.

    no. He is trying to help us stop being addicted to oil (not thinking about this stupid summer, but of your children and your grand children). We need to start AND finish figuring out a new renewable energy source. I think some of you would greatly benefit from watching that movie instead of...
  10. iracemine

    More talk about 5 buck fuel again by may.

    Hulu - GasHole - Watch the full movie now. lol 400 million a year ceo, but donates 100 million to make them look "good"
  11. iracemine

    Pump problems

    Yeah, whats "shot" about it?
  12. iracemine

    Site Down for 2+ days

    :lmao:lmao but seriously everything all good? we need to help er something?
  13. iracemine

    Vehicle &Trailer Scales

    $12. A re-weigh is $1. Done. How To Weigh | CAT Scale
  14. iracemine

    SES light

    TPS wouldn't make it idle rough or die, just return to normal idle.
  15. iracemine


    wow. such pride in media. what happened?
  16. iracemine

    Help Needed 2011 F350 headlights suckkkkkk

    HID. its the color not the brightness that makes the biggest diff for me.
  17. iracemine

    97 F Superduty stops running

    are these trucks too old for autoenginutys?
  18. iracemine

    RV sized Ice Maker ?

    oh. Well just take a picture of the ice maker with a little sign that says BIG JOE that days date and on it right next to it. like this
  19. iracemine

    RV sized Ice Maker ?

    LOL, no I think he means like proper FS pics. :innocent
  20. iracemine

    Fuel Leak

    yup, what he said.
  21. iracemine

    RV sized Ice Maker ?

    bought this at our local HD on sale for 79 bucks 30 lb. Portable Ice Maker in Stainless Steel-MCIM30SST at The Home Depot Depends on the crowd (home bar), but normally keeps up.
  22. iracemine

    Power Steering

    cool! thanks for the update. :D
  23. iracemine

    Oil leak at the bell housing

    X3. Mine was from oil coming from the "x" pipe boost tubes from the ccv oil vapors above the vally. And then it dripped down where you see it now. Now it drips out the bottom of my bypass tube. :innocent

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