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  1. iracemine

    Humor Heck with this, I need to quit & go to work

    Glad you did not get hit by them tornado's. But that's why I tell myself everything will take twice as long and be twice as expensive. That way when its not I'm happy! :D p.s. thanks to this crazy weather I also rolled, aerated, and fertilized. And I swear I'm already greener than everyone...
  2. iracemine

    What can be done about "warped" rotors?

    I took some bad advice and bought the ULTRA HIGH QUALITY rotors from NAPA and they warped within a week or so. And all they would do for me was to replace them. I said that they would all do the same and I wanted my money back and they stated that they can only offer a exchange. That was a...
  3. iracemine

    Aluminium.... Bah!

    looks good thanks!!!
  4. iracemine

    Aluminium.... Bah!

    I figured that this is the greatest place to ask some questions without fear of the normal internet smart as* comments. So obviously I have a race trailer, and I am starting to notice that the aluminum trim is starting to get dark spots (what I would assume is corrosion). Also the mirror...
  5. iracemine

    Found something to kill fleas and its cheep

    woh, they must have been in there for a while! Thanks for passing that info along. I will have to let a buddy of mine know about this too.
  6. iracemine

    smoke switch???

    Doesn't it dump a bunch of fuel into the oil via past the piston rings?
  7. iracemine

    Spring ahead sunday ?

    oh yeah thanks. One of mine is flashing dead battery now.
  8. iracemine

    obd2 no power

    I hope someone comes on here to help, cause I have no idea whats going on here for this guy.
  9. iracemine

    How Old People Change Leaf Springs.....

    Man that does not look fun. How were the bushings?
  10. iracemine

    Help Needed 02 7.3 p1316

    It's not. The UVC connectors in that truck are known to wear out and let go. There is a $2 part (or you can use a zip tie) from ford to fix this problem. I am sure you dont need a new harness or even a injector. You have any tools?
  11. iracemine

    Help Needed 02 7.3 p1316

    7.3 Diesel Powerstroke misfire runs rough code P1316 injector wire harness connection - YouTube :D
  12. iracemine

    Severe weather

    Just found out that many folks down there cant have basements since their at bed rock. :doh:
  13. iracemine

    neoprene seat covers

    g/f makes/sells the labels on them. :D was supposed to get a pair for christams but I guess that fell though. So not to sure on the fit. :sorry
  14. iracemine

    neoprene seat covers

    Try Cabela's. It will put a dinner on my table.
  15. iracemine

    Severe weather

    OK serious question. I know times are rough and many live paycheck to pay check as I do. BUT why don't you guys just by a shovel and dig a hole? OR if you know this is a coming get some neighbors and rent a back hoe and dig one big enough for a few families. When shopping for a home...
  16. iracemine

    4R100 rebuild

    All of my friends that have.... have failed. Either immediately or only a few hundred miles later. Its like a hair cut. You just cant get any of it wrong. And your going to have to practice many times before getting all of it right. :dunno
  17. iracemine

    Help Needed Advice needed for the newly homeless

    Awesome! Keep the chin up man, and post some pics please. :D
  18. iracemine

    Truck Wars, 1954

    neat! But to their claim the 6 gave more power at the wheels. ITS THE FACTS! lol. I still love the way a ford drives. That and the price is what makes me buy a ford.
  19. iracemine

    Hissing dropping pressure when cold

    yup, I rock the cardboard all winter every winter.
  20. iracemine

    Pulsating Vibration in Drivetrain

    I heard it takes about a day of HARD driving to get all the air out before it will run right after a injector change. :coffee
  21. iracemine

    Injector change no start!!!

    If it still does not do anything check with a volt meter at the starter and the past the relay and so on.... :dunno
  22. iracemine

    Injector change no start!!!

    Wont engage? Like it spins but the solenoid does not pop it to the flex plate? Or does not do anything at all?

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