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  1. iracemine

    ford service dept is awesome

    I think its time to call ford and start bitching about your dealer. and after you get refunded some money, go somewhere else.
  2. iracemine

    Whicked Wheel Upgrade

    ha ha. Oh it will help out any truck that has been modded. its just that ford didint think it was great, thats why they stopped coming with them on their trucks mid 99 I think. something to do with noise and lag and what nots... so the stock wheel is really the upgrade if you go by fords book.
  3. iracemine

    Constant trailer wiring issues

    yeah I always wondered why do we pop rivet them on??? would it be better to use.... lets say a self tapping sheet metal screw? or perhaps a small bolt and sand down the back area first and then after installation use some paint to seal it up?? or am I missing something...
  4. iracemine

    Whicked Wheel Upgrade

    they should call this thread the wicked wheel downgrade. :lmao
  5. iracemine

    Train Horn

    I didn't say anything before because people are people and to each there own. But I am waiting patiently to do train horns on my own vehicle. but I am going to do a train horn with a actual train horn. I have learned over and over the hard way that you get what you pay for..... always. Train...
  6. iracemine

    Constant trailer wiring issues

    come to think of it..... I stopped buying the regular crimps and will only buy the crimps that are self shrinking. that helped.
  7. iracemine

    Oil Filters for 7.3

    you so sure about that? YouTube - FUBAR 6 0 OIL FILTER not a 7.3 or a oil filter but it makes you wonder.
  8. iracemine

    Question 99-03 7.3 powerstroke

    grand haven huh? well then up there I'd be looking for rust at the bottoms of the doors, and rear wheel wells. When ever I look at buying used autos I look for mods. Mods are a sure sign of abuse. If it was left stock then it was most likely used by a little ol lady that just towed her boat too...
  9. iracemine

    Question Block heater cord

    So I did buy the pollack 4 plug, but in person I do see that the terminals and the part of the plug where you attached the wires are very small. I dont think it can handle the power going to the block heater. I did check out the outlet from west marine, but that thing is huge! and also black and...
  10. iracemine

    Question Block heater cord

    update. the plug inlets at the marina are HUGE I would have to spend way too much on a hole saw to install. So I found this instead Pollak Heavy-Duty, 4-Pole, Round Pin Socket, Concealed Terminals - Chrome - Vehicle End Pollak PK11410 Its chrome plated and much smaller, also spring loaded so it...
  11. iracemine

    Question Block heater cord

    yup. off to the marina tomorrow! no wiring needed. West Marine: ConnectCharge™ Inlet Product Display
  12. iracemine

    Question Block heater cord

    you know. I am going to drill a hole in my bumper and mount a receptical there because I cant tell you how many times I almost forget to unplug too, also I hate fishing for the damn plug at night and trying to match up the three holes in the dark. anyone else have done this yet??? bah... off...
  13. iracemine

    Help Needed oil in the valley

    being bone stock..... im going to say its you intake x pipe squirting oil from the boost couplers. Thats what mine did till I took them off cleaned it all up and then did the ccv mod so that would not happen again. you will be amazed how much oil comes out of the ccv. I also took my inter...
  14. iracemine

    comment let me down

    no left hand turns in MI. :dizzy:dizzy:dizzy
  15. iracemine

    Help Needed Won't start. Using auto enginuity

    Im no 6.0 guy but Id pass on replacing the injector. if they all wont buzz you have a management problem. look HARD for the correct fuse blown or at the CORRECT management wires for chaffing. dont start throwing parts at it. that sounds like your dealers ideas $$$$$$$
  16. iracemine

    comment let me down

    we ship to CA alot and its 5 days. and im next door to IN
  17. iracemine

    lacking power until really into the throttle

    its as easy as driving to the dealer. its a FREE recall that takes less than 5 min.
  18. iracemine

    lacking power until really into the throttle

    ha ha. sorry JL is a tech so he sees it all the time. but check this and see if your symptoms dont line up right. oh and its free and you dont...
  19. iracemine

    just lost my 2nd torque converter in 45k

    X2 changing shifting points will help, but if you are eager to spend money put it to new gearing, unless you like abusing tourqconverters and having to deal with warranty people. ahh yes warranty people :lmao
  20. iracemine

    lacking power until really into the throttle

    its on the turbo pedestal right under the "snail", and its a small plug facing the front of the van. when you unplug that it goes into safety mode (off) and if that fixes it then you know what to do. if not then maybe we can keep thinking of diff stuff with a little more info. But thats a very...
  21. iracemine

    lacking power until really into the throttle

    does this "lack of power" only happen when cold? EBPV could be on default due to EBVS tube being clogged. quick way to check is to un-plug the sensor, and go for a drive. this will not throw any codes. fuel bowl where the filter is should be on top of the motor. not to sure on a van though...
  22. iracemine

    just lost my 2nd torque converter in 45k this should fix everything for you.
  23. iracemine

    Question Brake spongey

    not seeing any difference. last time I "honed" out the pin holes the truck stopped better than ever but for only a few weeks. are you saying this caliper fixes the ****ty pin design?? or is it just a remain one.
  24. iracemine

    Question Brake spongey


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