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  1. iracemine

    Fix your Overhead Trip Computer

    dont pull harder! read harder. pull from the front and push in the pins at the rear. there is links to the pics. :coffee
  2. iracemine

    Latest thoughts on Trans fluid?

    yeah, but what is your opinion on brand of fluid??? anyone? buler? :biking
  3. iracemine

    Latest thoughts on Trans fluid?

    hey guys, what about castrol fluid for 1.99 a quart? any good?? please let me know what you guys use. I need to get this going before the weekend. ill be hauling a load up to RoadAmerica.
  4. iracemine

    Alternator replacement

    Hey, once again with out having to post a new thread just using the ol search button I find a ton of good info!! Thanks guys for all the help. I was AAALLLLMOOOST about to make a thread about "how to make your gauges a bit brighter". But at last laziness took over. So on to my errors in the...
  5. iracemine

    E-Brake adjusments?

    Ahh.... will do. Just like trailer brakes. Well then I can do:thumbs ;tu
  6. iracemine

    E-Brake adjusments?

    JL in here??? and if so flick that rubber thing out and star it up or down?? I guess Ill find out.. thanks!!!!!!!:sweet Love this place, cant wait till my uvch clips and glow plugs come in. Its been quite a while since I have wrenched on the ol girl. Along with a pinion seal I should...
  7. iracemine

    E-Brake adjusments?

    this thread needs pics..... oh, wait a min.
  8. iracemine

    E-Brake adjusments?

    could my e-brake pads be worn out??
  9. iracemine

    E-Brake adjusments?

    Hello, My E brake sucks. It used to hold the truck still as I loaded the car but lately it cant even hold the truck still on a slight hill. (yes I drove a mile or two with it on) but I thought that with the rear drum brakes they are self adjusting.... maybe not. is there anything I can do?? I...
  10. iracemine

    same egt question diffrent conditions.

    cool. However your pulling 12K and I am at 6K. I would expect to see much much lower egts. no? Is it really the height of the trailer?? I used to pull a flat bed overloaded at 80mpr all day with no problems at all. would buying a topper and then maybe a spoiler help bring me up to 70mpr?
  11. iracemine

    same egt question diffrent conditions.

    Hey guys, I know you dont want to be at 1200 for to long or the motor will melt. However I put my temp prob in after the turbo so I need to stay off of 800. OK no prob, however Im at 65mpr air on and its right there at 800. all else seems fine. Its running about 4psi, trans temp is 80 above...
  12. iracemine

    Question Engine oil temp

    how can we tell if this cooler is clogged if we don't have a oil temp gauge????
  13. iracemine

    Towing Problems

    yeah crazy how that makes such a diff!!
  14. iracemine

    Towing Problems

  15. iracemine

    How to select straps via weight

    good point. I am hauling a 2500 pound mazda road car. I did see that the screw kind were a bit more but I thing it would work out better in my tiny trailer. :D love this place. I keep on learning every time Im here.
  16. iracemine

    How to select straps via weight

    chains? never used chains before, where would I pick up some of those? and why?
  17. iracemine

    How to select straps via weight

    Hello, How do I pick the right tie down. I have some 10,000 ratchet straps now but they are starting to wear out. I am going to have to replace at least two of them. However I found that the price of them have gone up a bit. And at the same time the 5,000 are now at the same price of the...
  18. iracemine

    Question Failing Water Pump Causing High Tranny Temps?

    hrmm. with the consideration of me being anal. A leak in my book is something broken and I would fix it A.S.A.P. Sory JR but dont wait till its too late. get it while its easy and you have the time.
  19. iracemine

    SuperDuty Tow & Transport Pics (What Are You Pulling Out There)

    ok maybe not. so Ill post one of my new 20ft race rig. it was a "entry level" trailer but I cramed it full of options and it still is half the price of any trailer I found around me! with the car in it I still have 3 extra feet of space even with the work bench in it!
  20. iracemine

    Ms. Boaters new skids

    man those new 150s look so tough its hard to tell them apart from the superdutys!! wish you could get one with a diesel in it :sly looks good! hope the paint was cured before waxing :innocent
  21. iracemine

    Fan clutch

    yeah mine actually came on for the first time in years when I was towing my new rig after I cam to a elongated stop. Its a hot one out there man!
  22. iracemine

    Brakes locking up

    not sure, but Im sure someone will chime in here and let all know!!
  23. iracemine

    Engine shake idle/in gear

    mine stutters like that too. I just chalked it up to being a truck.:dunno

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