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  1. iracemine

    Dome light not working

    interesting. Have you pushed your dim switch all the way up to the cab lights on position? and if so and it still doesent come on (door lights,dome lights, and bed lights) Id say relay, not gem. its to predictable. to be gem, its more like when my wipers turn on whenever they feel like it, or...
  2. iracemine

    Question Message Center issue.

    yeah I know your new. but there is this great little thing up in the right hand side of this forums tool bar with the word search on it. use it. it works great in this forum. :sweet see :D
  3. iracemine

    Preparing for winter!

    yeah and you dont even have to pedal. Trek Bikes | Bikes | Electric Bikes | Valencia+
  4. iracemine

    Bacon! You Southern boys have nothing on this....

    Evanston, Illinois - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia all that and they still lack a decent bike shop. Quite a few of my "higher end" customers make the drive out to my bike shop for sales and mainly service. I myself am the king of the Roundest of all Lakes. why, just now we are amongst a...
  5. iracemine

    Bacon! You Southern boys have nothing on this....

    people's republic of Evanstonia :lmao:lmao
  6. iracemine

    High Oil pressure after oil change?

    X2. its a idot light, its either up er down. Id say check your level (on level ground) or wrong oil.
  7. iracemine

    Question Block heater

    oup! that was one of my summer projects, Id better get on that.....
  8. iracemine

    Straight Pipe Drone

    really? 12th post and Im the first to say check out our sponsors? I like my mbrp. Its not too bad inside and out side too. Its just a glass pack ss 404. You can buy just the glass pack too!
  9. iracemine

    code 33???

    WIKI is down guys :coffee
  10. iracemine

    Safe trans temp?

    stay away. I have only heard bad stuff about it.
  11. iracemine

    comment Kent: fire the plumber... just google this best comment was about Chuck Norris being up there. :lmao
  12. iracemine

    Safe trans temp?

    80* above ambient temp when not towing, and 100* when towing.
  13. iracemine

    Attn Wheel & Tires Guru's: Pontiac wheel question

    oh and offset too. make sure there the same or at least similar so you dont rub. and obvious lug pattern. diff trim levels in my race car have diff lug patterns :rolleyes:
  14. iracemine

    Dot 3 brake fluid??

    here is a quick guide to temp ratings, it not just the temp that is the most important thing, again there is all the stuff in the fluid that is important. I was always told that the 5.1 was the best for trailer brakes. But I use the ATE Brake fluid in my race car for the high temp, and the ease...
  15. iracemine

    Dot 3 brake fluid??

    no no, 10 min to bleed. I have a one person bleeder, so its super quick. But to flush its a bit longer, I suck all the fluid out of the reservoir first then top it off with new DOT3 and then suck all the old yellow fluid out till its clear (starting at the farthest wheel first) and then go...
  16. iracemine

    Dot 3 brake fluid??

    oh yeah, mainly rust. brake fluid loves to gather moisture in it. and with moisture comes rust in the brake lines. I hate replacing brake lines, but dont mind spending $3 with tax and about 10min to not have to worry about that. also with the moisture comes the chance when towing to "flash" or...
  17. iracemine

    It's that time...

    never found just the cord. It was only the "kit" for the heater element and cord. I just saved the heater element in case anyone needed it and just used the cord.
  18. iracemine

    Dot 3 brake fluid??

    I just flushed my brake system for the 3rd time with prestone DOT3 and I have never had a problem, and I tow occasionally. one quart is like 4bucks from wally world. I bleed my brakes like 1 to 2 times a year. And I can never tell the difference when I do. So I would assume the DOT3 is fine.
  19. iracemine

    Driver's Seat Starting to Tear

    so as in another thread on here, I found you can pull the skin off the arm rests and switch them. I did that and it is like I got a free arm rest. My point is can you remove the seat (bottom) skin and switch it with the passenger as well?????? because no mater the work Id do it. The drivers...
  20. iracemine

    Power Steering system flush,1 person?

    So I did this today. I found if you slam on the brake and keep the wheel pegged the fluid shoots out. However a little to fast, I got air into the pump. So I just shut the motor off and then just turned the wheel back and forth a few times and the air got out. Then I got about 3 quarts through...
  21. iracemine

    Help Needed HELP with trailer charging!!!

    And there's my answer. Man I love this place (and my truck) :Hatsoff was worried that if the trailer battery was way low from a night of TV watching the alternator would go full blast and cook the 12V charging wire or the alternator its self. Thank you sir!
  22. iracemine

    Help Needed HELP with trailer charging!!!

    Hey guys I am going to put a 12V battery in my trailer for dry camping. When I am done camping and the battery is discarged, how will the alternator know not to go balls out charging and burn out the wires??? Do I grab the positive of the trailer/brake wire battery terminal?? Or is there some...

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