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  1. iracemine

    No Fuel

    unplug the fuel bowl heater and leave it unpluged, then re replace the fuse and then you should be fine.
  2. iracemine

    Idm ????

    Ford part #2C3Z-14A163-AB List for about $13-$14. Diesel Technician Society check this out :coffee
  3. iracemine

    Idm ????

    and while your under there don't forget to install the new clips.
  4. iracemine

    Help Needed code 31 rear axle non LS

    wait.... posi wasn't a stock feature for these trucks???? I know when I put in synthetic rear end fluid I put in half of what the friction modifier and that was all the "locking" I wanted. :dunno
  5. iracemine

    Woodgrain steering wheel

    neat. ebay is super full for the holidays. however a bit to much $ for me.
  6. iracemine

    Storm stories

    yup, being able to plug my truck in at work is deff a "benefit" for me.:D
  7. iracemine

    2000 PSD 7.3 Failed cont. test and buzz test

    mostly. but did you use the connector clips for the uvh????
  8. iracemine

    CCV Fumes............

    LOL, on fire. yeah mine is deff "on fire". the smell dosent bother me when I am using moble oil, but when I am using motorcraft oil it smells horrid! Its pretty bad in the summer, but its just more noticable in the winter. I dont mind. When I worked with the "big rigs" they all smoked and I...
  9. iracemine

    IH dealer cant get PS engine parts??

    there is a button waaaaaaaaaay up in the right hand corner called a wiki and its under g for glow plug. TikiWiki : PSD Part Numbers
  10. iracemine

    Starting problem

    80 to 100. buy motocraft. the others will break off inside the motor. and no special tools.
  11. iracemine

    01 7.3 won't start

    dosent run on either?
  12. iracemine


    it prevents the gunk on the filter from gelling in the cold, and starving the engine from fuel. I happens alot up here in IL.
  13. iracemine

    Vibration noise

    dude, take it to your repair shop and tell them that corner is done and you need it fixed. we cant reach through the computer and fix it for you. we have done all we can. either its a hub or a ball doesn't matter it needs to get fixed, even if your going on a 24mi trip.
  14. iracemine

    Starting problem

    X2 just a few will cause the loping. GPR will cause a even start or no start.
  15. iracemine

    7.3 shuts off

    its gonna get asked so Ill do it first. pull your battery terminals and get rid of the dead lead? if not, Id try it.
  16. iracemine

    Hissing dropping pressure when cold

    I thought we stickyed a hissing sound thread?????
  17. iracemine

    Starting issues

    neat. didint know they made a 7.3 in 2006.
  18. iracemine

    02 7.3 issues, not drivable

    its always good to talk it out. I think you just gave yourself the answer, check the #30 fuse (pcm fuse). also a bad cps would not let the tac move at cranking.
  19. iracemine

    back from Mexico (picked up oil leak)

    oh wait, you have a 6.0?!?! well that thing is about to blow then. :tounge:lmao
  20. iracemine

    back from Mexico (picked up oil leak)

    your ccv (crank case vent) isint leaking, it letting in oily vapor into the intake. it then goes through everything; turbo, boost tube, intercooler, boost tube, and then collects onto the x pipe witch sits right on top the intake manifold. it gets pushed out (like doing 95) and makes it look...
  21. iracemine

    rant Here's one for ya'll

    ah. gotcha ;tu
  22. iracemine

    rant Here's one for ya'll

    not trying to be a jerk, but whats the good? Never been there and have only heard horr storys :dunno

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