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    Question Blue spring

    its an 06, sorry havent been on in awhile
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    CB radio question

    just remember u get what u pay for, i run a conex, an have run them for a while with very good results, u pay alittle more for them but they r worth it, buy u one an have the cb shop peek an tune it, an if your new to them have them install the line an antenna, they can tune the antenna an you...
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    Question Blue spring

    ok so i have drove it around since the blue spring install an i do c no diffrence in the fuel cunsumption, but man i have more power for sure, now if i could figure out why my check engine lite is on due to egr an not the blue spring, all that egr junk has been tooken off but the egr is left in...
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    comment Funny call today

    hahahahaha lmao that is funny
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    straite pipe

    my turbo whistles loud all ready i hope it sounds off for sure with no muffler
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    straite pipe

    thank u fellers
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    straite pipe

    im new an im sure yaw have talked about it BUT i just got a 2006 f250 6.o 4 door xlt, it has the egr delete an all but is stock, i am wanting to put a pipe inplace of the muffler, will this be ok to do r will i hurt any thing, an i am wanting to do this just for the sound
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    Question Blue spring

    bluespring ok people i just did the blue spring up garde an it was a breeze, an it made all the diffrence in the world on take off, i can even get it to spin the tires over on my f250 in gravel an it never done that before,so if any of u havent done it yet i would say to get you a kit an...
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    Question Blue spring

    my blue spring arrives tomorrow an im ready to install it
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    center console

    im wantin to move my console forward more so my arm rest on it better does anyone have any ideas on this, its just way to far back an my seat is all the way back, unless the center section will move, new owner here
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    hello people, im roy an i live in louisiana an just bought a 2006 super cab 60 diesel, so far so good, it has 94000 miles on here

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