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    2008 F150 mirros on a super duty

    Anybody know whether or not mirrors from a 2008 F-150 will fit a 2000 Super Duty?:dunno Howard
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    Vacuum pump ???

    This teflon washer of which you speak. I should go out and buy one of these before I tear into the PS pump?:D Let me know where you find one. Thanks. Howard
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    Vacuum pump ???

    COOL! I'll try that on my next days off and let you know how it worked. Thanks. Howard
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    Vacuum pump ???

    Ok, that helps a little. I'd actually be drilling on the pump itself, not the hose. I'm assuming there must be some flush procedure to clean out the filings? In your opinion, what size drill bit would you recommend? I live in Montague. It's a small town about 30 mi. north of Springfield in...
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    Vacuum pump ???

    Ok, I registered on the site and checked out the link. No offence but, it's a little light on the details. Anybody have better instructions... preferably with pics.:) Howard
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    Vacuum pump ???

    Thanks. That site, like this one, makes you register to view posts. When I've got a little more time, I'll check it out. Howard
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    Vacuum pump ???

    Sounds promising. Anybody got the link. Howard
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    Vacuum pump ???

    Thanks. I'll try your flushing idea first. Howard
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    Vacuum pump ???

    Ok, I think I see what your talking about. Directly behind the right battery is a domed black plastic box, 9.5"X5.5"X6", rounded on the end closest to the engine and sitting directly atop the fender. There appears to be several hard black plastic lines coming out of it. Is this the pump your...
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    Vacuum pump ???

    There's a bunch of stuff in that area. Anybody have a picture of this thing? Howard
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    Vacuum pump ???

    Where's it located?
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    Vacuum pump ???

    I had my truck in to the local Ford garage the other day for brake work. The service manager called when it was done and told me I needed a new "vacuum pump". He explained to me that was the reason my steering wheel was so hard to turn when the engine was at low RPM's and/or I had my foot on the...
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    HELP!! 7.3l running rough/no power

    Got my truck back today. Cost me $283.51 for one stupid little clip.:rant 'Course most of that cost is for labor. Oh well, at least she's running good now. On the plus side I got them to replace the cam sensor.;tu Howard
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    Motorcraft 5w40 Synthetic Oil

    Does anyone OTHER THAN Amsoil make a full synthetic 15-40 oil? I checked a local supplier and he's asking almost $30 a gallon:eek: Howard
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    HELP!! 7.3l running rough/no power

    Garage called me back late yesterday and told me one of the retaining clips that hold the connection on one of the injectors broke. Unfortunately, they don't have one in stock and had to order it. Now I don't get my truck back til Monday.:rant Howard
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    HELP!! 7.3l running rough/no power

    Just got a call from the garage. They're looking at that uvch thing you guys were talking about. :notworthy
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    HELP!! 7.3l running rough/no power

    What's a "UVCH"? When I started it up Thursday morning I didn't get the usual cloud of exhaust like I did every other morning and I noticed when going down hill, the engine sounded like it had a Jake brake on it. I'm begining to think maybe the EBPV is stuck shut. Am I way off on...
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    HELP!! 7.3l running rough/no power

    Just went out and checked this. Smells like coolant but also smells a little like chlorine.:dunno Definitely does not smell like diesel though. Howard
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    HELP!! 7.3l running rough/no power

    No. I didn't check the oil today. Also, I've not had time to check the fuel filter. No leaks that I can see and the fuel was fresh a few days ago. Howard
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    HELP!! 7.3l running rough/no power

    Drove my truck to work this morning and everything was good. Started truck 12 hours later and it started fine but then began running rough, like it was missing on one cylinder. Tried to drive it and it stalled. When I restarted it, the check engine light came on and it ran rough with...
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    Aluminium Diff Cover

    Thanks guys. I may end up swapping the covers anyway, and then sell it here or on ebay. Is there an aluminium cover for the 80 like the one I got from Ford (read CHEAP). Howard
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    Aluminium Diff Cover

    Last summer I bought one of those finned aluminium covers from Ford for my rear differential and installed it with Allen head bolts. On December 3rd I wrecked my truck. It's totaled.:( I'm currently looking to replace it with another 2000 F-350, but this one's a duelly. Will the aluminium cover...
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    Turning off back up lights

    Your right, I want to shut off my stock back ups. Sounds like my best option will be to cut the wire at the side of the tranny and run two wires into the cab and to a switch. Thanks for all your suggestions. Howard
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    Turning off back up lights

    Thanks. Thats the general idea I was thinking of, but I was kind of hoping some one would know if there's a wire under the dash I could cut into instead of at the tranny. Howard
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    Turning off back up lights

    One night about a week ago, I was trying to back up my camper in the dark. Needless to say, as soon as the back up lights on my truck came on, I couldn't see spit because of the glare. I'm sure I'm not the only one that's experienced this problem. Anyone have any suggestions on the best way to...

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