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  1. A

    HELP - Need a little hub advice

    Well, I finally got my new hubs installed today. I've been very busy lately and didn't have time until now. Everything went very smoothly and they work perfectly.:thumbs I do have an off topic concern though. I'd noticed a strange noise coming from the rear end and some leakage from the...
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    HELP - Need a little hub advice

    So the covers will fit even though the hubs are larger? COOL! Thanks. How 'bout the wheels? Will they still slid right off over the new hubs?
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    HELP - Need a little hub advice

    Ok, I got my new Milemarker 449ss hubs yesterday but I didn't have time to install them yet. I do. however, have some questions. On my truck I have these chromed plastic lug nut covers (like a ring with a hole in it so you can reach the dial on the hub). Anyway, the new hubs looked a little...
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    HELP - Need a little hub advice

    Took my factory hubs apart today for cleaning and lubrication. What I found was bits and pieces of broken gears. I can't get new hubs (Milemarker) for several days and I need to drive my truck to work. Can I put the hub body back in place minus the internals and drive my truck without causing...
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    Help Needed Steering wander

    Well, I didn't end up taking the truck to the dealer on Monday like planned. Over the weekend (Sat. & Sun.) I was unable to recreate the problem and I didn't want to was my time and money if my truck wasn't going to cooperate. One thing I'm going to try is changing the track arm bushings...
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    Help Needed Steering wander

    Cool! I'll try not to spend it all in one place.:lmao Howard
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    Help Needed Steering wander

    This is exactly what they told me they did and they said there was nothing wrong with them. Now where's my 5 bucks.:stir:D Howard
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    Help Needed Steering wander

    Somebody else told me about this. I'll check with the dealership on Monday. Howard
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    Help Needed Steering wander

    Sorry, you loose. Pay me the five bucks.:D Dealership already checked for that problem and said they u joints are tight. Scot: non-greaseable. Howard
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    Help Needed Steering wander

    Did this only happen on cold mornings after you truck sat idle over night but did not occur later in the day? That's what mine is doing. It would seem to me that a worn gear box would'nt care what the temperature was.:dunno Howard
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    Help Needed Steering wander

    Called the dealership. Since this problem seems to occur most often in the morning after the truck has sat all night and it's cold, I'm going to leave her in their parking lot Sunday night and then meet up with one of the mechanics Monday morning at 0700 to see if we can't duplicate the problem...
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    Help Needed Steering wander

    Well, I got my truck back last night. They claimed they took the front end apart and couldn't find anything wrong and that all it was was an alignment problem. Paid for it and went for a test drive. Something still didn't seem right but the wandering problem was gone... or so I thought. Drove...
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    Help Needed Steering wander

    Thanks for all the replies. I ended up taking it to the Ford garage today. I'm probably gonna take it between the cheeks but I need it to get back and forth to work and at least it'll be fixed.:dunno Howard
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    Help Needed Steering wander

    Thanks. I'll give this a try tomorrow. Howard
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    Help Needed Steering wander

    I've tried jacking the front end up and checking all the joints. Everything looks and feels tight. This all started last spring when I had the pump replaced, but then the symptoms went away and I had no trouble all summer. It's only resurfaced since cold weather has set in. Howard
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    Help Needed Steering wander

    Lately I've been getting some weird wandering problems in the front end of my truck, but nothing like this morning. It's all over the road!:eek: Nearly impossible to keep in a straight line. I can feel resistance in the steering wheel and when I try to correct it the truck goes flying off in the...
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    Question: Truck lost power

    Thanks, Tailgunner, I'll have to check this out if it ever happens again. Howard
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    Question: Truck lost power

    Yeah, sorry about the size of the text. I really hadn't intended for it to be that large. The ebpv will close all by itself, even when the truck is fully warmed up? Howard[/SIZE]
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    Question: Truck lost power

    I had a strange thing happen yesterday. I was headed for town around 9 am, about 10 miles from home and the truck was fully warmed up. Temp was in the 20's and sunny. I came to a small incline when I just lost power. Engine was still running and I was in 6th gear. I stomped my foot to the floor...
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    Blue smoke on start up

    Ok, I'll have to give that a try. Thanks. Howard
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    Blue smoke on start up

    Thanks for the replies, guys. This is the 2nd 2000 Ford diesel I've owned. I wrecked the first one last December and bought my current one in January. I didn't have the smoke problem (with either truck) until this year. The colder it is, the worse the problem, but it does eventually clear up...
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    Blue smoke on start up

    Hey all, It's getting cold here in the northeast and lately I've noticed blue smoke when I start up. The colder it is the more the smoke. A couple days ago it was in the low teens. I'm surprised the fire dept. didn't show up thinking the house was on fire. Strange thing is, I checked the oil...
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    Rotella T 5W-40 price?

    While I do understand the concept of higher oil prices = higher prices on all consumer goods, even diesel didn't go up $7.00 a gallon. I paid around $15.00 this last spring. Howard
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    Rotella T 5W-40 price?

    :rantJust went to Wally World today for some Rotella 5W-40 Syn. $22.00 A GALLON!!! WTF!!! $ 7.00 increase since the last time I bought some. What possible justification would they have for that?:rant Howard
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    2008 F150 mirros on a super duty

    Saw some on ebay that were going cheap at the time, but then people started bidding them up, so I let them go. Howard

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