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  1. T

    7.3 light throttle = hesitation

    I`v been trying to find just this problem with my truck. Do you have single shot injectors? Is this problem more noticable at 1-3 lbs of boost? See (mystery vibration) for more on this problem.
  2. T

    Single shots in California?

    Tailgunner ,just for my info did you try DP tuner? & if you don`t want to say I understand . Thanks
  3. T

    Question 4x4

    The heater controls work, I gess it`s time to start tracing back to the switch. Is the solenoid inside the cab. Thanks , Tony Tolle
  4. T

    Question 4x4

    I have no vaccume at the hoses ( wheels ), where is the next place to look for a leak or something broke??? The transfer case works & putting the hubs in manual got me out of the ditch.
  5. T

    hubs unlocked?

    I had a problem with my hubs not unlocking & the roadside folks at Ford ( girl ) said to back up about 100 feet . It worked.;tu
  6. T

    Engine miss

    The new chip helped, one of the guys at Swamps said that increasing the injector oil pressure does smooth out the engine, but Jody says that the jump from 625 to 850 psi at idle will make the engine noise LOUD. Still trying to get it to run better.:stir
  7. T

    Help Needed Fuse??

    I got 5, 30 amp fuses , blew the first one. Unplugged the heater & now the truck lives. Thanks to all that replyed.
  8. T

    Engine miss

    Had my truck in to Swamps, I think they are stumped or don`t feel the miss. Got my new F-6 chip from Jody today & it seems to have helped- not all cleared up yet.:confused:
  9. T

    Engine miss

    I got to chime in here . Are you running single shot injectors , or split. I am running single shot & also have a DP tuner. I have been chasing this problem for a long time. At 1500 rpm & 2 lbs boost going up a slight grade my truck vibrates - misses - worse when cold outside & when raining. I...
  10. T

    Bad hesitation

    Take a look at (Sagebel ) Engine miss & Mistery vibration. I think we all have the same problem. I have been told ( by Brian at BTS) that it is injectors. My truck is going to Swamp`s in Nashville 1-26-10 to see what it is.
  11. T

    OD light flashing

    I had that & replaced the senser in the rear - NO problem
  12. T

    Mystery vibration (still)

    We are going skiing 1-26-10 & that is when the truck is going to Swaps Diesel. Dave said that he wanted it for a couple of days. Whoever finds the fix first post it for the other one OK & Brian wants to know what it was also.
  13. T

    Mystery vibration (still)

    I just talked with Brian, at BTS & he thinks my problem is injectors. He has had & solved this problem , with injectors or ICP. I am going to call Dave at Swamps , to see what he says.:sweet
  14. T

    Mystery vibration (still)

    With OD off - a little better, but all that did was to raise the rpm & boost. This problem is worse with low rpm & boost . Could this be a trany pump problem ?? My DP tuner won`t let me have OD till I get to 45 mph. I have this problem from 2nd gear on up, worse when cold.
  15. T

    Mystery vibration (still)

    Thanks , I`ll try that on the way home & let you know tommorrow. If that is it then I got a new, bad T.C.
  16. T

    Mystery vibration (still)

    I don`t know , but it feels like my truck has a small ( random ) miss. If you have 4 lbs of boost or more it either quits or slips so mutch you don`t notice it. I had decided to just drive until it broke ,then I saw your post. Like I said it does it in 4th gear the worst.:confused:
  17. T

    Mystery vibration (still)

    I want in on this one, My truck has what I thought was a miss & it will go away with more boost. It is more noticeable in last 2 gears, also with little pedal. Is this a converter or a trany problem? I had the converter replaced about 1 1/2 years ago, trying to get rid of this ( miss). I am...
  18. T

    Question Oil pan blanket

    Oil heater Thanks for the link ,I just placed an order for a heater. T.Tolle:sweet
  19. T

    biggest 7.3 lemon ever

    I just spoke with Bob @ diesel site & he said to try unplugging the icp & drive, or disconnect batterys for 30 min. Either way these are 2 cheep things to try.
  20. T

    biggest 7.3 lemon ever

    I just want to chime in , because my truck has a almost miss also. what is the IPR & what dose it do? My truck seems to do this at low boost 1- 4 psi. I have been looking for this for a while.:dunno
  21. T


    My plastic pads that go between the front springs are wore out . What should I put between the springs to get rid of the metal grinding?
  22. T

    Help Needed Vibration

    It sounds like you have a front wheel bearing going out. I got my last set off E - Bay @ $100 a side.Look to see if there are blue shavings in the wheel when you stop.
  23. T

    Question Oil leak??

    Thanks I will replace the 0 ring when I get a day off.
  24. T

    Question Oil leak??

    I have A IH dealer about 35 miles away, so I stopped at Ford yesterday & got an 0 ring. Is this hard to put in, or simple like a garden hose? I have to work abunch of 12 hour nights & days & dont want to make a small leak a big one untill I have time to do it right.
  25. T

    Question Oil leak??

    Thanks, the leak is at the head end of the hose & I think it is a 0 ring. I will stop by the Ford dealer to get some 0 rings. I hope to solv 2 things at 1 time. I have been trying to solve a intermitent miss problem, about the same time as the oil leak.

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