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  1. K-DAWG


    A silver bullit for me!
  2. K-DAWG

    Name the movie

    Tommy boy!
  3. K-DAWG

    What Ring Tone Do You Have On Your Celly Phone

    "I like big butts" by Sr. mix alot.
  4. K-DAWG

    Tired of LOUD "engine" Noise!

    Some of the early 99's had torque converter noise problems.
  5. K-DAWG

    Looking at a 96

    If i remember right the 1996 is 215 and 425 and the 1997 is 225 and 450.
  6. K-DAWG

    PSD Engine

    Dave, you mean VT 365
  7. K-DAWG

    New member

    :thumbs Welcome !
  8. K-DAWG

    Its time to say thanks!

    Thanks for the site!!!
  9. K-DAWG

    ulsd hurting powerstrokes

    jd87, I work for a school dist. so we were a test bed for ULSD back in 2000.
  10. K-DAWG

    ulsd hurting powerstrokes

    I have one 98' E350 7.3 and two 1996 444E's with over 250k on each. Running on ULSD since 2000 with no problems.
  11. K-DAWG

    White Smoke

    Sorry Daveben i was making it harder than it needed to be.
  12. K-DAWG

    White Smoke

    Thats why i asked what kind of truck. If it's old school injector dribble and cold cyl.temp.
  13. K-DAWG

    can you read this?

    Tahts coooooool !
  14. K-DAWG

    White Smoke

    White smoke is unburt fuel, blue smoke is oil.
  15. K-DAWG

    White Smoke

    What kind of truck?
  16. K-DAWG

    97 7.3

    97 Power stroke has 225 hp and 450 tq at the flywheel
  17. K-DAWG

    new disel fuel

    Nascar, You wiil be o.k. until the filters need to be changed.
  18. K-DAWG

    new disel fuel

    ULTRA LOW SULFER DIESEL We have been running ULSD in our school buses since 2000 with no problems and we do not use any additives.

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