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  1. J

    Help Needed I'm stumped here guys. Could I get some input?

    Eubee That HP pump is a pretty close tolerance piece. It has to be to pump up over 4000psi. Hard pieces going through it is going to cause major problems. Check out Dieselsite, they have a new HP pump for the 6.0 out soon? It appears to be an improvement over stock, and cheaper too. I...
  2. J

    Anyone rebuilt a 6.0 yet??

    Bama So - it's kind of expensive. You don't sound like there was much benefit. Do you notice quieter injector operation?, anything?
  3. J

    Anyone rebuilt a 6.0 yet??

    Bama How do you like the regulated fuel return? Who made yours? What differences (good and bad) do you notice? I think it makes a lot of sense, especially with injector life, but I would like to hear from some real world experience on this one.
  4. J

    Help Needed I'm stumped here guys. Could I get some input?

    Eubee ICPv needs to be .8 -1.0 vdc during cranking minimum to fire the injectors. Normally it will read around 1.5v. Anytime the IPR screen is broken, you have to go downstream to the reservoir screen in the oil cooler, but it sounds like the IPR screen is intact, but with metal bits (HP...
  5. J

    Help Needed I'm stumped here guys. Could I get some input?

    Eubee It sounds like you have a scantool and are able to read the PCM. I assume you have no codes set. You say the ICP pressure is 550, which is good enough to fire the injectors. Is this a mechanical pressure reading or a scantool reading? The scantool ICP pressure is a calculated...
  6. J

    Question Friend's 04 250

    no power at cold start You say it starts fine, but when it idles after the start until it has power - does it have a lopey idle? If the idle is lopey you still have an injector issue, probably spool valve stiction. If it has an even idle after start, then there could be other problems. Bad...
  7. J

    5R110W tranny pan updates

    pan update What is the advantage of the new in pan filter?
  8. J


    yabba dabba doo
  9. J

    Question Is there any good 6.o's out there?

    TomTom My 06 with 40k, still a youngun, but no problems so far. I think the key to these 6.0's is clean oil, so I use a bypass oil filter system. I also think a synthetic oil is best for these engines, with regular oil changes. Finally use of ULSD is best for the EGR system. Keep up with...
  10. J

    comment used transmission fluid for fuel?

    Dont be a d*ck You asked what people use on their trucks, not specifically 7.3's, i drive a 6.0, so thats what i responded to. You should really pay attention to your own thread before you blow off.
  11. J

    comment used transmission fluid for fuel?

    used transmission fluid In the older generation diesels, you can burn just about anything, the 6.0 is the first of the new generation diesels. If you burn anything other than the recommendation you are going to have trouble. This generation of diesel engine is a precision piece of equipment...
  12. J

    6.0 changing fuel filters - any special instructions?

    fuel filter change make sure you cycle the key 4 or 5 times to prime the system. You can damage the injectors if they get air - just like running out of fuel can.
  13. J

    FYI Motorcraft Synthetic 5W-40 Engine Oil

    extending OCI If you extend your OCI, then you better use an oil analysis. As long as your oil analysis is good, you're good to go. Only a bypass oil filter is going to extend your OCI wrt particulate contamination, and the synthetic is going to have the upper hand with the additive package...
  14. J

    Question 2 stroke oil in 2007 6.0 Powerstroke safe?

    2 stroke oil I don't think you'll find any professional techs recommending using 2 stroke oil. None of the injector rebuild shops recommed it either (that I know of), and they are the ones that know best. If you keep up with clean oil and fuel, with regular filter changes, I'll bet you get...
  15. J

    Question 6.0 Stuff, Ideas, problems

    ddan2 You're from Richmond, so when you say cold start, it's really not that cold, so the starts shouldn't be too rough or smokey. Keep up on regular oil changes, you may have some injector stiction from dirty oil. I would have the glow plugs checked out, you may have an issue there. IMO...
  16. J

    Coolant and Oil Bypass filter

    coolant and oil filter I installed the coolant filter first in normal position by the right hand side of the rad. I couldn't find anyplace to put the oil bypass filter in the engine bay, so I put it along the right frame rail. I would have preferred to have it in the bay, but real estate is...
  17. J

    FYI Motorcraft Synthetic 5W-40 Engine Oil

    MJ synthetics Here is a quote from Accurate diesel; "Besides design issues, the #1 cause of 6.0L injector failure is poor maintenance! Because engine oil at very high pressure is used to operate the injectors, keeping the oil clean is absolutely essential to maximum injector life. Extended...
  18. J

    FYI Motorcraft Synthetic 5W-40 Engine Oil

    MJ synthetics MJ I have to disagree with your two points wrt the 6.0. The cleanliness of the oil is critical to proper operation of the injectors. Synthetic or not, a longer OCI will result in dirtier oil, unless a bypass filtration system is used. I use amsoil plus the bypass system, but...
  19. J

    Trouble with my 6.0 - Help:dunno

    Newbie With respect to the cold start issues, I would use 5W-40 in the winter, it really makes a difference with cold start. (Synthetic if you can afford) Now your other problems seem to be related to the snow mishap, and that needs to be diagnosed properly. The door light ajar coming on...
  20. J

    Trouble with my 6.0 - Help:dunno

    Newbie With respect to the cold start issues, I would use 5W-40 in the winter, it really makes a difference with cold start. (Synthetic if you can afford) Now your other problems seem to be related to the snow mishap, and that needs to be diagnosed properly. The door light ajar coming on...
  21. J

    Cleaned EGR and...

    Yes, I just cleaned mine, and I seem to remember a rattle if you shook it.
  22. J

    Question Has anyone ever this? if so, results?

    Interesting about the fuel run out. I know with the early 6.0's a low fuel pressure (out of fuel) situation could easily destroy a set of injectors, and with later 6.0's there is an computer strategy to try to avoid any damage with no fuel in the injector when it is fired. The damage comes...
  23. J

    Contitrac TR 18"

    Conti's Nice tire in the summer on the highway or around town, when the sun is out. Otherwise the worst tire I have ever seen. On any type of wet, snow, or ice, they are deadly - especially in cold conditions around any type of ice. I think if you do any kind of all season driving, get them...
  24. J

    Question Has anyone ever this? if so, results?

    Sanddan I would be careful with the snake oil. If the diagnostics say you have some bad injectors, and you just went through a recent oil change, I'd recommend following Ford's advice on the fix. After that is done and you have a good running truck again, look into a bypass oil filter system...
  25. J

    Oil Change (How Often?)

    Stick to the recommended oil change interval unless you run a bypass filter system, and back it up with analysis. Synthetic or conventional, without a bypass filter setup, you can't extend the oil interval without running the risk of injector problems. Remember these injectors use high...

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