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  1. Kleetus

    whats usual rear ratio??

    Yeah, talk about post creep... He asked about ration in his 250. I've never seen a 2007 250 with Duals... limited joke or not, gears are going to be the same. Sorry if I'm pissy... I'm still upset about Thompson dropping out.
  2. Kleetus

    whats usual rear ratio??

    3.73... that's all you'll find.
  3. Kleetus

    Stock replacement turbo

    Depends on the year... what year is yours?
  4. Kleetus

    Anyone have this happen??

    Mines starting to do that, forgetting where the key is.... that's fine by me because I can't stand that stupid friggin' ringer. That and the seat belt module. I've done the wiggle your left arm 5 times, at 23.56 miles per hour while your passenger beats a rubber chicken off the dash routine at...
  5. Kleetus

    Where to buy 2008 differential cover?

    I don't know if this guy's still around or not, but, this is a pretty stout case.. UltraDuty Aluminum Finned Differential Cover - Ford at I'm going to attempt calling tomorrow. Web page is down so I don't know what the deal is...
  6. Kleetus

    Anyone have this happen??

    Man... you're no fun... where's your sense of adventure?:dunno
  7. Kleetus

    Anyone have this happen??

    The part that gets me is no brake lights. That's separate from just about every other system. What about the plug at the firewall? The Banks stuff plugs inline with the PCM connection, right? So there shouldn't be anything there for teh other accessories. If it was a short circuit somewhere, a...
  8. Kleetus

    Anyone have this happen??

    I'd make sure you have a fire extinguisher in the cab... that's not good. Might have a wire coming loose for the autostart, or something starting to short. What's odd is the loss of brake lights. Have you had any cab off repair? I'm wondering if a main harness is working loose.
  9. Kleetus


    Local drive line shop... many places ought to be able to hook you up. I almost did it in mine, and I might still.
  10. Kleetus

    05 6.0 Exhaust Odor

    What you're smelling is NO2... Some engines make more of it, and depending of the catalyst, and EGR (like mentioned above) will change how it smells. It's not going to smell like an older diesel with that tangy kinda smell to it.
  11. Kleetus

    Rim compatability

    You might be able to get them on... but it will never turn!
  12. Kleetus

    First time in the cold

    What the hell... everyone else is doing it... I TOTALLY AGREE WITH MASTER CRUMM :notworthy
  13. Kleetus

    First time in the cold

    Pretty cold is 20 degrees F? Man... I'm moving to CA... shoot, around here, 20 degrees is borderline jacket material! lol...
  14. Kleetus

    From an '01 to a '07

    Did I read that article correct?? A solar panel on the roof to power the interior lights? WTF? I've heard a number of Pollock jokes in my day, but this is ridiculous...
  15. Kleetus

    First time in the cold

    Wait a sec... if when I start my tractor with mechanical gauges, when it's cold it takes a moment or so to really start building oil pressure. I concur that thickness of the oil doesn't change the pressure number, but the flow numbers. So more of what's going on is the pump is most likely...
  16. Kleetus

    First time in the cold

    I believe you, sorta... How can the one oil pump work and not the other? If it's a cold soak, then all the oil is the same temperature. If it's not, then the oil pan is what's cold, and a block heater will do little to help that. Not trying to be smart, I just don't see how it's possible.
  17. Kleetus

    From an '01 to a '07

    Now that's funny!
  18. Kleetus

    First time in the cold

    Yeah, but if it's that cold, it's also not going to fire the injectors. I mean lets face it, wear is gonna happen. It's probably going to happen when the weather isn't great, you can try to minimize the effects, but you're not going to stop it. Synthetic is probably your best defense based on...
  19. Kleetus

    From an '01 to a '07

    Ya know, it's kinda scary that 20 years later, Dodge figured out GM's 8-6-4 and made it work for the Hemi... Dodge??
  20. Kleetus

    From an '01 to a '07

    Wow... that's a pretty good time line! I would have liked to have seen the 350D that GM came up with included on that list... the only engine that grenaded itself right from the factory in any vehicle it was placed in. And really screwed the name Diesel for years to come...
  21. Kleetus


    On a gasser, I'd say you have bad rings. I really doubt it here though. When you say it smokes more under load, is that blue smoke or black? It's possible that bad injectors will give you smoke.
  22. Kleetus

    Speedo stuck at zero

    I had it happen to me once... I was pulling a hay wagon out of a field and some of the tall grass got a hold of something. I had no speedo and it shifted like crap for about a 1/2 mile till I could get to a place and stop. I did when a car went out in front of me and I stopped, when I...
  23. Kleetus

    05 in the shop...

    Ah, the main is set for 70, that makes me much happier... I knew the factory gauge was about worthless, being set for 6psi.
  24. Kleetus

    05 in the shop...

    It really scares me that these engines are considered acceptable at 12 psi of oil pressure at an idle...
  25. Kleetus

    New to PSDs max boost pressure stock

    My 06 I can hit 30-32 on a good day stock. Hard to say what that is in real numbers though... don't have a real gauge... yet. Hey Bush... check your PM...

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